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3/28/09 GIGABITS - A Smashing Good Brawl


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
i mean cmon who wants to stay until 6
when you can stay til 4
You're still stuck at a tournament that should have ended the day before, not the day after.
You act like 2 hours made soooo much of a difference.

yea 2 hrs is a pretty long time. especially when everyone is trying hard to not fall asleep....
Like they weren't already trying not to fall asleep.
Frankly, you're just looking for something to blame whe it really is not much of a big deal.
on a side note since all you sonic mains think youre the **** and can run fast and what not. see how far u can get in this game. my record is 2 meters!
Been there done that, my record was 50m then i got bored.
Practice up boyo.
Its actually simple when you figure it out.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2008
Kissimmee, FL
No point in me replying Shadowlink. We both shared flaws so let's just drop the intellectual debate. Props for responding though, I like forum debates (though this wasn't much of a debate, just misinterpretation.)

Seems like I gotta pull the StaFu card and just tell everyone to STFU!

Now, wish I made it to the tournament. Good job to everyone there, sounds like immense amounts of fun even if the tournament lasted so long. Honestly, if I was there I'd enjoy it lasting that long for the more friendlies and money matches.

I wasn't there to witness the Mickey drama so I don't have an input aside from telling all of you to drop it before the cops be all up on this ***** (Mods). I did see the sonic though, and sonic looks..fun.

Sorry I couldn't make it D-torr, huge mess up in the weekend plan. Good job Solemn Judgement, you guys did very well! Props to the Serg and Carlos for wrecking teams with Bowser and PT. Loved every single minute of it.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2009
yea 2 hrs is a pretty long time. especially when everyone is trying hard to not fall asleep....

on a side note since all you sonic mains think youre the **** and can run fast and what not. see how far u can get in this game. my record is 2 meters!
not my fault homie, it took long cuz the TO made a booboo they stopped me in the middle of beatin FTW...so dont start talkin smack cuz you never played my sonic...plus he'd prolly whoop ur TLs @$$ anyways...its over G **** everyone jus squash it


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
Gainesville, Florida, USA, North America, Mars.
not my fault homie, it took long cuz the TO made a booboo they stopped me in the middle of beatin FTW...so dont start talkin smack cuz you never played my sonic...plus he'd prolly whoop ur TLs @$$ anyways...its over G **** everyone jus squash it
lolol! do i hear a MM? i wanna see your sonic run away from 20 billion things


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
50m??? did u do the half ***** crawl? or did u actually run?
I did the first and then, after many,many,many, many trials, finally ran it. Barely.
He looks so awkward when running though because you have no control of his upper body.
Then he slips and you fall and you just go ARRGH!
lol, shadowlink is like "*** that noise, i'll MM anyone in running man flash games; where u at? QWOP me SON"
XD This is win. I am totally going to bring my laptop to Apex and have MM go down.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2009
if you can't beat me you have a long way to go if you want to beat lio
I wont use sonic next time hes not my only char...jus didnt think youd be ***** like that...I was wrong...wario stall for the win huh?:laugh:


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
dammit!! this game is soo hard!
i cant go past 4 meters!

...i mean metres.

and mickey, how much $ are you willing to pay to get to play my toon link?
I wanna play your tl just because I heard how good it is. I would rather friendly but if you rather MM I guess $1 or $2 MM


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Marietta, GA
Hi, just got back home.
BTW about what happened. SOmehow after I fought mickey I was put into losers even though I won. Then naturally I thought the people I were fighting after that round were winners people, so I beat like 3 people or so before I realized that these people were in losers, the worst part was that after I beat these people they went home when they were technically still in the tourney since I hadn't been put into losers. So he got some free wins for that and I don't know what happened after that. <_<

Anyways shoutoutzzzzzz :)

Hungrybox-Thanks a ton for the housing. Your welcome to stay at my place if you come to a GA tourney sometime(Melee or brawl).
QVDS-One of the chillest, nicest people ive met. Tons of fun to hang out with. Hopefully we'll chill again soon.
Umby-fun times as usual xD
Sebrik-good **** winnin the tourney. That mk is too good.
Co18- Good **** getting second, fun dubz matches too
Mkgmoney-grrrrrrrrr :(. Next time... xD
LAmbchops- nice snake, it was fun to play a snake like yours, too goodz with tech chasing
Rx- Wow we did pretty good in terams lolz
Reflex- nice job on 3rd with those chacrters
Kismet2- Once again we have to play in tourney :(((((
Zomb- awsome **** at ur first OOS tourney
Acorn-funniest guy ever.
Hrnut-good seeing you again. DIDnt get any freindlies in this time :(
GDX-You never took me to broadway :(

If I forgot anyone its cuz im tired xD

Also the gayest bul**** had to be how rigged pink bracket was. And also how kismet and reflex (having teamed for this event) got put in the EXACT same pink brawket and had to play second round. That was some bs.

QVDS- I would come again cuz all the people were chill.

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA
You're still stuck at a tournament that should have ended the day before, not the day after.
You act like 2 hours made soooo much of a difference.

Like they weren't already trying not to fall asleep.
Frankly, you're just looking for something to blame whe it really is not much of a big deal.

Been there done that, my record was 50m then i got bored.
Practice up boyo.
Its actually simple when you figure it out.
im going to end on this note


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
I'm wondering if Reflex, Kismet, BigLou and the other OOSers will post their thoughts at all!!!

I hope this hasn't deterred them from wanting to come to a gigs again!!!


I'll make sure GA + Reflex comes back some time. I wouldn't expect so many people to come consistently if there wasn't precendence for this venue having a good tournament.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
How the hell do u approach defensive metaknights?!?! I can't even figure out how with 1 of the next most broken chars g&w.

MK has to approach, throw something at that *****

okay....if you werent at the tournament, plz dont spam the GIGABITS boards....

you guys have no idea what went on and clearly show it by talking about this kids playing style and who he beat etc etc.

It has nothing to do with the fact that he plays sonic. But much rather cuz he ****ed everything up and costed everyone another 2 hrs some ppl had to redo a bunch or matches changing who stays in the tourney, etc etc.

So if you werent EVEN AT THE TOURNAMENT, please dont butt it :)
I was at the tournament, Mickey didn't deserve all that crap. I've never ever ever reported a loss to the brackets, that's the winners job if they were too lazy to report it then burn him at the stakes for the **** up

LOL @ all this drama cause a low tier did well in a brawl tourney!!!


I think the main reason was because he beat the "almighty" TommyG using a "spring" which "cheated" him out of getting into the "bracket". True if I lost thanks to a spring i'd be upset for 6.238 seconds, I wouldn't wine for 3 hours. Also, i've played mickey and never gotten close to getting timed out.

lolol! do i hear a MM? i wanna see your sonic run away from 20 billion things
Oh it's lio, i heard you and Gmoney got lucky in doubles against zyzzx and mata when in the middle of losing a match some idiot with a wiimote reset the wii. (Just one reason that using a wiimote+nunchuck should NOT be allowed)

IDK, that's just what they told me and I can believe it because I was suprised at how many people were using wiimote+nunchuck


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
lol, its not that its good, its just different :D

and sure im down to MM!

lets make it intense and have a 200 pennies MM!!
Sounds good! Maybe next gigs. Make sure you bring ur fanny pack like Seibrik told hold the pennies. Actually on second thought he lost his money and i cant afford to lose my 200 XD!

Did seibrik money ever show up?


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
lol gindler u crack me up

And seibrik's fanny pack was too good.

We should all wear one next tourney and put our controllers in it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
Gainesville, Florida, USA, North America, Mars.
Oh it's lio, i heard you and Gmoney got lucky in doubles against zyzzx and mata when in the middle of losing a match some idiot with a wiimote reset the wii. (Just one reason that using a wiimote+nunchuck should NOT be allowed)

IDK, that's just what they told me and I can believe it because I was suprised at how many people were using wiimote+nunchuck
lucky? lol, we won both matches when we played again. maybe that one match i guess we got "lucky" but definitely not the set. but yea...that was super gay though :\

ppl really need to learn how to play with gamecube controllers....

EDIT: btw, what happened to seibriks money??


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
ya know, after all this mess... we shoulda just skip singles and have a FEAST!!!!


rx-: why are you a random beast at teams. every team u go through, it's like.... easy brackets.

biglou: fun stuff meeting you and the others, especially in team friendlies with kismet, umby, and reflex

Reflex: at most I stepped in to cheer u up after your loss against hungrybox. plus u have a pokemon trainer that's worth inspiring to others

Kismet: Great practice with your characters against my mixed bag of characters (minus zss), hope the small advice i gave out as we played would serve u well in future tournaments (especially genesis).

Umby: althrough i didn't talk to u at all, thanks for staying with DC doing commentary by a bunch >_<,

Basic Sausage: You are the most silent and chill dude (though looking like you were sick with the hood on >_>), it was fun playing with you and I learned a few ideas on tackling DDD.

co18: next time we shall play a serious friendly, but i can always provide pointers with snake.

GDX: You know... we should have skipped singles for a FEAST!!!!

Gmoney & Lio: you know that teams match was epic enough >_< especially double teaming lio hard (which i don't ****ing know how u managed to dodged both characters attacks back to back)

Masky: well we talked online after what happened, so it's all cool

radiX: you should play teams at some point (they're so much fun), but really I've noticed that you are the orlando equivalent of me (playing snake / mk, yet always placing high or winning in our own local tournaments and even placing at the same mark in the final bracket this gigs)

Sheer Madness: I do admit the loss in our MM fair and square, but that small comeback was good >_< yet i shoulda went wolf if that wii had him available

All FIU people that came: you shoulda told them to separate each other in your own pool, but mad props for doing well, especially serg, kith, and clipp

action *******: fun friendly, I used peach, especially u tried pulling a melee combo at me and i powershield that ****! Especially with the epic ending of hatefull-ness ended in fail :(

DC: We need compensation for doing live stream >_<

Petey did it: Red Halberd was right about you being not good against Snake, although u rocked me in our ditto friendly, hope all the games with snake vs mk would serve u well in the long run (and develop new ideas to tackle him)

Wonder bread: although watching your match vs sheer madness was a bit whack, we should have go for a tv to provide u with the practice u need.

M!X: although u rocked me in our traditional snake ditto, i feel that I didn't put out my best effort this time with people watching around (and my brother being there walking by to watch me play)

SheikSSBM: sorry that we didn't get a chance to play as promised. but we will eventually. but you murdered bonesaw hard with the d-throw -> shoryuken team combo

DewDaDash: check around later this week as i will send u a PM on hacking the Wii

HRnut & xYz: although we won the 1st game, I can't believe u CP hard against us easily... but good ****, I should have went snake in the first place in the set

Teeco & Kenyu: good stuff in trying to take us down, but did not expect we would play again in losers.

to everyone else (can't remember all names out of 100+ people): i'll write something else


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
i'm too evil for heaven, too good for hell

he johned about dave's stupid rule on the last stock of the last match with FlatSoda (too my knowledge) after the **** already happened and b1tched enough to the idiot TOs to reset that prelim bracket

he got where he was by b1tching

and who did he beat? flatsoda? TommyG? So, what? in all seriousness, that means very, very little

LOL @ Masky running away... he just did what you did to everyone else (get humiliated by your own ****); get faster, son

and by your logic, if Masky sucks... what are you? get out of here with that Inui logic

if I was the TO, the kid would've been thrown out and would be lucky to not get his *** beat

lol... i will mm any of you f@gs in any Smash game for $20+ (however high you'd wanna go); get out of here with your garbage and lurk streams more, best-kids-on-your-block
love you geoff xD.

im not even the best on my block...

money match for 50$ in brawl? oooooooooooooooooor u can stop pretending to be so good ^_^
**** Just Got Serious

2 pages ago
....I can't believe how many people are actually riding mickey's D....so hard. Meat wagon...lol this is so funny.

So, by this time Id paid the debts, so...

Anyone who protected Mickey wanna 100$ MM my piece of **** luigi?

anthony green AKA masky lol
lol, Masly i love you too man =)


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
I think ive given you 3 seperate shout outs already lol xD

You know you have my mad respect bro, much more patient, but hurts =).

Can't wait for the vids and another edition to our great friendlies at tally 4/11 xD


Smash Cadet
Apr 29, 2008
Winter Park, Florida
Lio... you are my hero for posting that link... that game is hilarious. I could only get past 10 or so by cheating tho...

So this was my second gigs... starting to meet some more peoples, havin fun... :) good games to everyone I played, hopefully next time I can fight someone other than snake in the tourney!

Oh. and that sonic crap was fun to read


Smash Journeyman
Dec 1, 2008
Woodstock, GA
Good **** FL, we're taking more of your money next time we come down though when loser's brackets don't end up being GA vs GA and winner of that vs GA. :p I had a lot of fun, despite the ridiculous hours of the tournament. For those who don't know me, half my games were played without a tag, and I played ROB.


BigLou - Driving iron man here... 12 hours twice in three days, that's extreme. I owe you gas money next time I see you. (Next Saturday?)

Umby - Good **** in teams... too bad about the suicides. I think feeling bad about that threw you off the rest of the day. It's cool though. Off the top is a winner for team name. Also Ganondorf fair off the side of brinstar at 93%...

Kismet - Knocked me out of losers, good stuff. I thought I would have the set after our first game... shows what I know. Awesome falco, not that you need me to tell you that.

Reflex - We didn't play or anything... so uh... MACHOKE.

Rayku - Work blows, you weren't here but thanks for matchup experience against like... everything. Much love.

Lio - Wow our tournament match was close. Awesome Toon Link. Your placing doesn't do it justice, it kicked ***. Who put you in losers?

Gallx - Good matches, though you didn't know the matchups very well and I did... blame Rayku for that he gives me good experience against both those characters.

SomaCruz2 - Blah! I have Zelda problems I think. Good **** in our money match, let's do it again but I can use snake this time? :)

Chaz - Nice Marth! Our MM was really close. We'll have to play again if I ever come back down to Florida.

Seibrik - We never did end up playing a money match... line was too long. I want to see what's up with this guy Florida loves to give their money to next time I'm down there.

Co18 - Really close first game! Second one not so much... I had no idea you played Wario. Reflex is giving me lots of Wario practice soon though so watch out next time!

Hungrybox - Thanks for housing! And nice moneymatch. You got away with a lot of grabs and rolls behind me -> grab that I don't think anyone else could have gotten. Not letting that happen next time we play. I want to see your Jigs in melee some time too, I play a pretty scrubby Jigs myself and could stand to learn a few things.

Flatsoda - Good match! Sucks about what happened in losers... but oh well. Better luck next time eh?

MrFTW - I don't think you played the matchup correctly but you play a really good Kirby. That forward smash is beastly.

And with this I feel my first OOS tournament was a success.


Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
Really? I was watching when singles were going on. People even called for you, but since you didn't answer we assumed that you left. :(

During singles pools, I was in the Pink Bracket a.k.a. the Death Bracket, which was held at Silvermines Subs. That's why I didn't answer. Also, I needed to stay at my venue because the TOs where gonna DQ ppl if they were not at their specific spot.

Sorry Polt.

Also, do you remember who else was calling for me?
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