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3/28/09 GIGABITS - A Smashing Good Brawl

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
get educated forum kids

"we see one TV and chit-chatted-- we KNOW what happened at the whole venue (all 3 stores of it)"
i heard one of the venues didnt get used, so if thats true i know more about what happened than you do..

im not the best on my block but ill MM you too. name a price


Retro Gamer
Sep 8, 2008
Orlando, Florida
Switch FC
hey come on guys, thats enough. what done is done, you can't change it. ignore those flaming you, accept the money matches when the next gigs comes, and just move on. mickey you're good man. don't worry too much about it. all right, night then people.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
No idea why you're trying so hard to defend Mickey.
Not really, I am trying to understand as to why, you, and a few others are so beset on insulting the guy who really, in the grand scheme of thngs, probably did ntohing.

You're trying to create points towards people that were there in the actual event.
Where did I say something that was fabricated?
Where were you? Live Stream Chat. What did you see? 1 TV out of others. What did you not see? Everything else that went on. No need to attempt at disparaging others who were at the tournament and have a valid response regarding the situation.
Except we are talking about mickey, the subject is mickey, everything else that occurred in the tournament is unimportant since we are discussing mickey.
We are also discussing as to why you feel it necessary to flame mickey.

Mind you people also have eyes and ears so its not impossible to know the going ons in the tournament.

They weren't blaming everything on Mickey. They clearly stated Mickey screwed up by making the tournament last 2 hours longer (Though an estimate, still there for emphasis.)
Which somehow, makes it all right to flame him? How? Again, I ask you, in what way, did mickey make such a large impact as to be flamed.

All I'm seeing from these Sonic players (those I quoted) is a proper term known as **** Riding.
Really? o we are all somehow, praising Mickey?
That is the definition of **** riding, where you practically worship them.

I am trying to understand as to why its perfectly fine to flame an individual over somehing that really, is quite miniscule.

So he held this up. The tournament didnt finish pools until the NEXT day.
There was also a lack of setups and many other people werent playing their matches on time.

yet somehow, in spite of everything else, Mickey makes a larger impact.
Please, you're not fooling anyone.
Now please, stop responding as if you knew everything that went on. You were in a stream, not the venue, big difference guys.
I have eyes and ears.
they let me see and hear things you know?

hey come on guys, thats enough. what done is done, you can't change it. ignore those flaming you, accept the money matches when the next gigs comes, and just move on. mickey you're good man. don't worry too much about it. all right, night then people.
Oh come on, you don't find this to be a weeee bit entertaining? =)

yep....its clear all these sonic players are meat riding mickey. a sonic that cant even catch a "bad" wario...
Its like when people say hacker.

Mickey is a bad sonic. That is obvious, so do tell me, wher eis it that anyone is praising Mickey

Frankly, all I have seen you do is jump around the whole issue on flaming him, other than the fact that there was an error made in the brackets, which occurs in a good umber of tournaments for a number of reasons.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2008
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL (for
there's nothing serious about any of it; micky is a joke (plain and simple)

malcolm, this doesn't really concern you and you can only imagine how much of a waste of time it is to redo the brackets because some dumbazz kid was losing and had to find some excuse

either way, i'll be down to play you if we ever meet up some where (assuming i don't have college/money johns at the time or something) sounds like fun

micky can hide behind **** all he wants; he's still a loser

Finch is too good


Smash Apprentice
Feb 8, 2009
I aint the reason its not my fault I was put in the winners bracket wen I lost...I didnt report the loss becuz its not my job wtf...


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
People naturally look towards others to blame Mickey.
Even if you hadn't held up the orange bracket, the tournament still would have taken an extremely long time.

Simple as that.
I am just curious as to why the flaming is felt to be necessary as well as all the trash talking and the like.


Smash Ace
Aug 28, 2008
All this mickey talk is hilarious and nonsense at the same time. Its getting way too much coverage. Everyone is taking this way too serious. Whatever happened already happened to lets just let it go. GGs to all at gigs and ryo ur Ike is nice
thanks and next time around Ike will win

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
good shiz to ryo for manning up, you are gonna be a beast mode ike with that attitude.

i have not once referenced that FL sonic player, i just asked to mm the people tryna flame cats


Smash Journeyman
Oct 14, 2008
Kissimmee, FL
Not really, I am trying to understand as to why, you, and a few others are so beset on insulting the guy who really, in the grand scheme of thngs, probably did ntohing.
I'm not in any case flaming. I was simply pointing out a flaw in your posts along with the other sonic player whom were so quick to jump and defend Mickey when, wait, what? Mickey provoked the situation?

Where did I say something that was fabricated?
So defending Mickey by simply talking about his SKILL and totally ignoring the fact that they were talking about how Mickey messed up the bracket is not a point that you're trying to make? Please justify yourself.

Except we are talking about mickey, the subject is mickey, everything else that occurred in the tournament is unimportant since we are discussing mickey.
We are also discussing as to why you feel it necessary to flame mickey.

Mind you people also have eyes and ears so its not impossible to know the going ons in the tournament.
Mickey was in the tournament. Mickey supposedly was the cause for the tournament being longer than it should've been. Need I say more? Again, stop putting words in my mouth, I wasn't flaming.

Which somehow, makes it all right to flame him? How? Again, I ask you, in what way, did mickey make such a large impact as to be flamed.
Mickey provoked the situation. See his post in page 153 please.

Really? o we are all somehow, praising Mickey?
That is the definition of **** riding, where you practically worship them.

I am trying to understand as to why its perfectly fine to flame an individual over somehing that really, is quite miniscule.

So he held this up. The tournament didnt finish pools until the NEXT day.
There was also a lack of setups and many other people werent playing their matches on time.

yet somehow, in spite of everything else, Mickey makes a larger impact.
Please, you're not foolish anyone.
Mickey provoked the situation. Please read his post on page 153.

I have eyes and ears.
they let me see and hear things you know?
It's a matter of using them wisely. You mean to say you can see what was going on in the tournament? Are you omnipresent? Are you God? Get outta here.

Oh come on, its always fun to understand the justification of a flame.
hmm, perhaps I am weird...


Smash Journeyman
Dec 2, 2007
I dropped out of my bracket (orange) at around 10 PM, and after hearing what happened, I'm glad I did. I did get to play a lot of friendly matches, though, and that was cool.

I should probably consider maining another character along with Luigi, though.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Its because this Sonic can actually win a match (other than our lovely Awal and Dark Sonic.) :bee:
Nah, I am here cause I find it funny that people are picking on ONE player for no other justification than, there was a screw up in the reporting of the match. *nod nod*

I'm not in any case flaming.
Error in my writing. I do not mean you as in yourself.
Thought I removed that in my edit.

I was simply pointing out a flaw in your posts along with the other sonic player whom were so quick to jump and defend Mickey when, wait, what? Mickey provoked the situation?
mickey said:
It wasn't my fault they moved me into winner's bracket when i lost...I wasn't the oe that reported it.

So defending Mickey by simply talking about his SKILL and totally ignoring the fact that they were talking about how Mickey messed up the bracket is not a point that you're trying to make? Please justify yourself.
What parts of my post are you referring to? I stated rather clearly the issues concerning the whole bracket thing.

Mickey was in the tournament. Mickey supposedly was the cause for the tournament being longer than it should've been. Need I say more? Again, stop putting words in my mouth, I wasn't flaming.
Again it was an error on my art when I was saying You.
I meant as in the group that was dong the flaming, not yourself.

Mickey provoked the situation. See his post in page 153 please.
After he had been slandered earlier. At which point he was then insulted again.

Mickey provoked the situation. Please read his post on page 153.
Re-read the post yourself and you'll understand he was making a response, he as not initiating it.

It's a matter of using them wisely. You mean to say you can see what was going on in the tournament? Are you omnipresent? Are you God? Get outta here.
*points to tournament results thread*

We gain the results from what we have bee told by those at the tournament.
Why are you strawmanning my statement?
In what way did I ever insinuate having seen or heard it in person?
I didn't, now cut it out.

Obviously I HEARD about the going ons in the tournament as well as the explanation about why the bracket was held up.
Just like we hear of the results from tournaments that we did not attend.



Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
Guys umm gigs is kinda over. So why dont we just drop it. Is sonic or mickey really that important?

T3h Albino

Smash Master
Aug 16, 2008
Snellville GA

Nah, I am here cause I find it funny that people are picking on ONE player for no other justification than, there was a screw up in the reporting of the match. *nod nod*
i mean cmon who wants to stay until 6
when you can stay til 4


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
OMG! This is so Gay! If you guys really want to talk more about Sonic or mickey go make a I hate mickey or I hate sonic thread and post there.


Smash Ace
Feb 18, 2009
word: never again bring a uber small tv to use at tournament.... especially for doubles
XD....Yea, I had 3 double matches on the ****ty *** small t.v. (With all due respect to the owner) I felt like i had an aerial view of the match the whole time.

sorry for double post


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2008
Gainesville, Florida, USA, North America, Mars.
i mean cmon who wants to stay until 6
when you can stay til 4
yea 2 hrs is a pretty long time. especially when everyone is trying hard to not fall asleep....

on a side note since all you sonic mains think youre the **** and can run fast and what not. see how far u can get in this game. my record is 2 meters!


Apr 21, 2004
Fort Myers, FL (Orlando/UCF for college)
Well if you guys don't want to play on small tvs bring your own and stop *****ing!!!

If that small (or any other small tvs for that matter) wasn't brought then that's 1 less TV for stuff to get done!!!

So appreciate it for the simple fact that, that individual helped the tourney run smoother!!!

@ Lio: I'm currently at 19.6 meters, and have taken a break (my guy doesn't fall over when I stop pressing the keys)!!!



Neon Ness

Designated Procrastinator
Jul 10, 2008
Actually, I'm a little confused about the TVs, some people were playing friendlies with like character texture hacks on one of them... Granted the TV was small, but still, if they needed it for a tourney match, they coulda kicked 'em off and used it for real matches to make the tourney go faster.
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