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3/28/09 GIGABITS - A Smashing Good Brawl


Smash Master
Feb 9, 2008
Warner Robins, GA (Used to be Miami, FL)
Characters for top 8?
1. mk, ddd (seibrik)
2. ddd (co18)
3. PT, wario??? (reflex)
4. ddd (hungrybox)
5. wario, mk (gmoney)
5. mk (petey did it)
7. snake (chjops)
7. luigi (biglou)
9. kirby, G&W (sheer madness)

thanks for watching the stream. keep in mind that all the other streams never really use the webcam to show themselves, only I do it the most hehe.

shoutouts come uber later when i recover


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
1. mk, ddd (seibrik)
2. ddd (co18)
3. PT, wario??? (reflex)
4. ddd (hungrybox)
5. wario, mk (gmoney)
5. mk (petey did it)
7. snake (chjops)
7. luigi (biglou)
9. kirby, G&W (sheer madness)

thanks for watching the stream. keep in mind that all the other streams never really use the webcam to show themselves, only I do it the most hehe.

shoutouts come uber later when i recover
That was your 2,000th post :o


Smash Journeyman
Oct 25, 2006
Orlando, FL
This tourney was horribly run. I thought it would go smoothly with them having setups in the sub shop and the comic shop as well as gigs. However, the guy at the comic shop kicked us out and closed at like 6, even though they were supposed to be open until 8. Before that, he wouldn't even let people inside unless they were the actual people playing. Then they started doubles at like 2. They started singles before doubles were even over, and expected the people who were still in doubles to be there for their matches. They had different color wristbands to tell what bracket we were in. They started the red bracket at like 8-8:30, and I had to wait for them to start the blue bracket at like 11. Gigs needs to seriously expand or something.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 20, 2009
Winter Park (Orlando), FL
This tourney was horribly run. I thought it would go smoothly with them having setups in the sub shop and the comic shop as well as gigs. However, the guy at the comic shop kicked us out and closed at like 6, even though they were supposed to be open until 8. Before that, he wouldn't even let people inside unless they were the actual people playing. Then they started doubles at like 2. They started singles before doubles were even over, and expected the people who were still in doubles to be there for their matches. They had different color wristbands to tell what bracket we were in. They started the red bracket at like 8-8:30, and I had to wait for them to start the blue bracket at like 11. Gigs needs to seriously expand or something.
I agree. That was way too long. I wasn't in teams, so having an estimated time when teams would end would have definitely taken off a good six hours of waiting time for me. I think I like the old way of running brackets better...without color bands.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2008
all of you idiots complaining that gigs was horribly run should have not entered and made it a 140 man tourney.

that or host your own random 140 man tourney and finish before 24 hours.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 8, 2008
I feel bad for all of the out of staters, and everyone who got a really bad impression of how Gigabits' tournaments are usually run. It was sooo unorganized and I was really disappointed with the way they handled the situation. Its exciting to have such a big turn out for a tournament, but if your max occupancy is only 70, maybe you need to make some choices before hand about what you are willing to take on.

It was so good to see everyone (I <3 my smashers)!
I wish I wasn't so busy all the time (COLLEGE JOHNS) and I actually got to play some!


Smash Champion
Mar 20, 2008
Miami, FL
I'm pretty sure the people who ran the tournament didn't give a **** about the people playing. There was no enthusiasm to get real tourney matches started and going. Except Neil, I think it was. He's really cool and got the **** together.

Despite how long brawl takes, I dont think it should have taken this long.


Sep 29, 2007
UCF (Orlando, FL)
aaaaa amber on smashboardssss

ya so man that sounds bad it took so long this is like the first brawl gigs all over again back then we actually finished earlier than this (6:30 am) and we did pools instead of brackets

what i wanna know is who was hosting? was it mwarhead and cecil? or random gigs people? also how many setups were available

that's the thing though obviously you need a big enough venue for the people you can't fault people for going to a tournament and gigs always has massive hype at the same time though you can't fault gigs for letting that many people come because they get a lot of business which is gonna help them out in the long run

gigs wasnt designed for that kind of size but honestly 90 percent of the people who complained will be back again they always are and its part of the reason why gigs is such a successful series, yea its a small venue but the people will always come back

gigs just needs to learn to manage their time better there's no reason they can't have their cake and eat it too


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
Well the worst part is that they weren't allowing spectators to view the doubles final's matches, so people had to lie about still being in the tournament just so they could see the finals.

Lots of people come to tournaments JUST to see the finals, and watch the current top players play out their matches.

Telling people they can't spectate is pretty bogus.

The guy who normally runs gigabits tournaments, Cecil (Neil) is way more kind and considerate to everyone, and is really dedicated to running a fair bracket and an awesome tournament.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
64 cap THATS IT!

if people think thats unfair then they need to start running their own tournaments.
I dont believe gigs tournaments were meant to be this big ever.
It really makes it unfair for the regulars.

Its a monthly for cryin out loud !
"Go in through the narrow gate of melee, because the gate is wide and the road is spacious that leads to destruction, and many people are entering by it to play brawl."
IE: Play melee not brawl cuz nobody likes staying up till 6 am watching metaknights:laugh:


Smash Journeyman
Apr 20, 2008
Orange Park, Fl
Sheer Madness placed that high. Two things to say to that:

1) WTFH How did that happen? Must have super sandbagged our friendlies...
2) As much as I have talked **** on you, I am a bigger man and will say, nice job. Keep at that.

Now about the tournament. I was extremely disappointed to think that I was going to show up at around 2 for the start of singles only to show up for the start of DOUBLES. Now, that is absolutely terrible. But I got to friendly quite a bit and that was awesome.

2 great things I saw happen were Seibrik 3 stocking wonderbread in a friendly and Rx doing an ub contest against somebody in a Metatru ditto. Wait, make that three things because I could have sworn I saw a true dedicated Link player at the tournament. Now that guy I want to do doubles with...


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Its a shame that people dont go to florida gaming as well
they have nice big spacious venues and are really good with setups


Smash Master
Aug 18, 2005
Sheer Madness placed that high. Two things to say to that:

1) WTFH How did that happen? Must have super sandbagged our friendlies...
2) As much as I have talked **** on you, I am a bigger man and will say, nice job. Keep at that.
What? You must have me confused with someone else because I don't ever remember talking **** to you or you talking **** to me....

Hell I think that was the 1st time I've ever even talked to you (you were the ROB guy with the wiimote right?).

Unless you were just talking **** about me without knowing me for no reason lol???? If not then you're definitely confusing me with someone else.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
And now my TIP OF THE HAT, WAG OF MY FINGER!!!!...Shout out eddition

Tip of the hat:

Reflex: our C. Falcon ditto was nothing but fist fight. But at least I got a knee/Falcon punch out of it. However, I look forward four our REAL money match man. This guy is sooooo super pro with falcon! Yea I am going to main falcon and work on. I know he sucks but after a few month of training, i can get that pro status.

Random Ike Guy: (we all know who plays him :p): Apparently, C. falcon is more manlier than Ike, I should money matched ya but I only had like 2 bucks...But anyways, good game. but we all know that if you played your main, you would have destroyed the **** out of me XD. Still, it was a good match never the less.

Galeon: Yea, this guy 8 or 12 stocked people with lucas? Yea defently best Lucas in Florida. For those whom want to be a really good lucas, see this guy's video.

That one bowser guy: Yea, he showed us all that Bowser is high tier. Good stuff too.

Masky: I learned alot about his wario that I want to play him again regardless of the release grab part. This guy is tooo goood I mean...farting on the bike to extend the hitbox...yea broken.

Gmoney: This guy still too cool and broken and so is his wario.

8-bit: This guy is pro too X3 love the C. Falcon vs...eh I forgot witch character you used. Good stuff man.

GDX and DC: I am going to go right ahead and appologize to these two pros for being on the commentary table. I was a little tired and bored at the same time. But these two did the most wonderful job on comment on every single match. But yea, I still feel sorry about that guys.

Salem Judgment: these pairare the best team in Florida, it sucks what happen with legion at the end...this prove that some stages are like Battlefield on melee.

That one lucas guy that wanted to play me with the mario shirt: Did we did that lucas ditto O.o? I don't rember, if not, next time.

Dee: Good to see you again, I would love to play ya again

Ryo: Your too broken with Ike :p

Sabrik: On behalf of Gigabits and the smashers that were there, thanks for destroying that sonic guy. We can't express how much we love Sabrik. Furthermore, Professionally well done on the tourney as always.

H-box: This guy is super professional at Brawl. Thanks for housing us too man.

Mars: we need to get together and get better again. I know you said that your not team material but I think your not. All we have to do is get better and fusion-ha our minds.

Flatsoda: Nice meeting ya at gigs and will team up in the future :D

and the rest of the smashers: Good stuff, gigs was the biggest (and longest) tournament I ever enjoyed

Wag of my finger:

Mickey (or what ever): Thank to you, we had to play brawl till 6 am in the morning .I mean wtf? you lost like 5 times, according to people that won't be mention. makes us a favor and don't come back. I mean, do come back but will make sure to trow you pros first wile monitoring the match =P. Lawls...best sonic in FL, that really funny too, let me know when you start winning pro than the use of timing, witch made Gigs( even longer <=P) AND 3 stock dark sonic.

Danny: Your pit is amazing and all, so is your team intelligence and all. But I still wanted to see your pit v.s Mars. We all been wanting to see this match and I'll REALLY pay you 5 bucks if ya do.

zorro and eric: You guys can't take NO for an answer when i was on the commentary table =P.
I know that you two want to laugh and the likes because of my speech and all, but there times where I don't want to be embarrassed in front of a live stream. I mean, I shouldn't have been hanging around there in the first place, even though i am a bit cool even though that i am not. But seriously, if i would tell joke, I would do it with out making a fool out of my self in front of live crowd like I been doing in school. Calling me to be on the stream too...-_-;

but anyways, I still respect you guys never the less.

Though about gigs:

I was outside talking to some people, not sure who, but they blamed the smash community. Gigs tried the HARDEST to make it faster, but nooooo! smashers decided to like "Hey, were going to do friendlies and MM matches" Then, to make thing worse. This guy mike (sonic player whom donno his name) desire it to make it worst by re-setting the bracket. I know h-box. you gave me the chance of going to your house early with your brother. But my though of getting better by playing pros was on my head. But now that I though about it, yea I would have taken that exit. So, let's not put blame on ALL of gigs here, so yea, I call blame of 50/50 to gigs/smash community. Regardless, I still love you guys :p.

Its a shame that people dont go to florida gaming as well
they have nice big spacious venues and are really good with setups
I also agree with Zoro here, but i had to make a favor to a few friends at Game zone.

[QUOTEThe guy who normally runs gigabits tournaments, Cecil (Neil) is way more kind and considerate to everyone, and is really dedicated to running a fair bracket and an awesome tournament.][/QUOTE]

I also agree with Rx- here. Neil is SUPER PRO at running the tournament, last time I remember, we got out of here around 12 am in the morning. So next time, if Neil runs it, I'll give him 5 bucks as a tip.



Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
I think Gigabits should host their next big tournaments at a larger venue or something, because orange brackets started at midnight, and that is way too late for pools IMO.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
I think Gigabits should host their next big tournaments at a hotel or something, because orange brackets started at midnight, and that is way too late for pools IMO.
I think gigabits should host their MONTHLY tournaments at GIGABITS since they are GIGABITS. Maybe you should get a hotel and run a tournament

64 cAP!


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
If that whole venue that florida gaming was in was used for just a brawl tournament instead of like 5 things, that would be the best venue on earth. I swear, a 60 something man brawl tournament ran extremely fast and everything was awesome. I haven't been to a gigantic gigs so i don't really know how bad it is. All i know is that like a 65 man melee gigs was a pain in the ***...so i can't imagine 140.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
If that whole venue that florida gaming was in was used for just a brawl tournament instead of like 5 things, that would be the best venue on earth. I swear, a 60 something man brawl tournament ran extremely fast and everything was awesome. I haven't been to a gigantic gigs so i don't really know how bad it is. All i know is that like a 65 man melee gigs was a pain in the ***...so i can't imagine 140.
Eric, do what this guy says =P.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
If that whole venue that florida gaming was in was used for just a brawl tournament instead of like 5 things, that would be the best venue on earth. I swear, a 60 something man brawl tournament ran extremely fast and everything was awesome. I haven't been to a gigantic gigs so i don't really know how bad it is. All i know is that like a 65 man melee gigs was a pain in the ***...so i can't imagine 140.
The only reason they don't use the whole building is because they wont get the attendance needed for it so they run other things. The first Florida gaming tournament was just Halo and it was very successful it had great attendance but they don't know how many smashers will come. Just like last time only 15 smashers entered Melee and Brawl.

So there is no way they would say ONLY BRAWL at risk of not having enough money to cover the expenses of the venue. Gigs had small tournaments until brawl came out for melee the biggest was like 40-60 im not sure so they could do it. People only go there because they know for a fact that its going to be big. Hopefully florida gaming will be the same in the future they will have a good enough reputation to bring in alot of people so they can do big *** smash tournaments that dont take 18 hours to run.

I honestly think if FL is going to have any really good big tournaments for locals the people that can do it right is FL gaming. They just need the rep. So itll take time.

Something like FAST2 I would let Vericz handle it, it would go down smooth no doubt.

Hiroshi look what you did to gigabits!!!!:laugh:



Smash Hero
Sep 11, 2005
Kissimmee, Florida playing melee! (f*** brawl, th

Hiroshi look what you did to gigabits!!!!:laugh:

lol, i remember when i went to gigabits #1 and it was like a 12-16 man tourney. it was gonna be FFA with all items and stages and crap. but i brought in the MLG ruleset and got it changed. since then, gigabits has grown to what it is now. i feel honored to have been there since there very first smash tourney. i placed 4th in that tourney.



Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
The only reason they don't use the whole building is because they wont get the attendance needed for it so they run other things. The first Florida gaming tournament was just Halo and it was very successful it had great attendance but they don't know how many smashers will come. Just like last time only 15 smashers entered Melee and Brawl.

So there is no way they would say ONLY BRAWL at risk of not having enough money to cover the expenses of the venue. Gigs had small tournaments until brawl came out for melee the biggest was like 40-60 im not sure so they could do it. People only go there because they know for a fact that its going to be big. Hopefully florida gaming will be the same in the future they will have a good enough reputation to bring in alot of people so they can do big *** smash tournaments that dont take 18 hours to run.

I honestly think if FL is going to have any really good big tournaments for locals the people that can do it right is FL gaming. They just need the rep. So itll take time.

Something like FAST2 I would let Vericz handle it, it would go down smooth no doubt.

Hiroshi look what you did to gigabits!!!!:laugh:

I also agree with zoro here.
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