Thanks guys. I was actually pretty surprised how well I did. I'm not gonna lie, I had urges to pull out my MK against other MKs, but I stuck with Marth and it worked out in the end. I think I'm just going to be a Marth main for good now. <results thread.
top 5 singles (60 entrants):
1: Ally ($288.00)
2: M2K ($132.00)
3: Zinoto ($84.00)
4: Shugo ($48.00)
5: Lain ($24.00)
5: Kel ($24.00)
Doubles (double mk banned):
1: Ally & Shugo
2: M2K & What's the Point
3: Kel & Lain
I lost to Zinoto's Diddy second round winners and Shugo's Falco in loser's quarter finals. I feel like I really need to work on the Marth vs diddy match up. I started to understand it more when I was playing AZ, but it seems like a MU that you have to specialize in in order to do well. AZ recorded our set, so I'll be sure to post that in the appropriate thread at a later date. Shugo's spacing and MU knowledge just far outclassed me due to him playing the match up a ton with Darc while he lived on the EC. I'm confident I can overcome both Shugo and Zinoto with Marth in the future, but I'll need to work on those MUs a bit. Especially Diddy.