lol, that and I guess their dad was staying with them. I was talking about the police thing. Me, Thugz, and the other Nebraskan (I can't remember his name) were waiting for everyone to get to Zeton's (including Zeton himself). I was still in my car and I could see these two guys in the alley between building 1 and the landlord's office. This was at 3 in the morning by the way. After like 10 minutes, and right when I had gotten out of my car, two cop cars flew into the parking lot where the alley and me were. They sat and watched me for a bit as I walked to where Nebraska's car was, then took off, got some air off a wheelchair ramp (lol that was so funny), and shot out of the parking lot. 5 minutes later they flew back in, with a medic SUV behind them and 2 cops jumped out of each car and sprinted down that alley. We had no idea what had just happened lol, and the dude living above Zeton came out on his balcony and was all like "lolwut? You guys know what's going on?" We of course had no clue, so he went back inside. It was quite lulzy, but also a little scary considering how srs the cops looked when they were sprinting. Then the rest got back, we stayed up all night, and Nebraska left Averil behind on accident xD It was ok though, he just got to stay for extra games! I then ended up house-sitting for Zeton the next day while he drove Averil all the way back to wherever it is he is going to college at (I can never remember that either). It was an awesome weekend, lol. Why the fail did I type all of that? Oh well, it's a good story.