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  • Bandai-Namco seems weirdly reluctant to include another one of their own characters in Smash (considering that they're helping to develop the game), but if one if these last two characters is from that company, who would you like to see?

    I'm honestly surprised that they didn't include Heihachi - while I feel like Tekken should get into Smash (it seems bizarre that it's not in here already), I'm not super familiar with Tekken, so I'm not sure whether Jin or Kazuya would make more sense, and I prefer Heihachi between the three. I'd probably pick Agumon from Digimon.
    For me, it'd be Chosen Undead. Dark Souls is a Bandai-Namco-published game and the game trilogy that bolstered the Soulsbourne genre to new heights. Unlike other swordfighters that are currently DLC like Sephiroth, Hero, or Pyra/Mythra, I feel like Chosen Undead would be a slow, methodical character that's all about reading, baiting, and punishing a character for their mistakes, just like in Dark Souls.

    Dark Souls is most certainly a very prominent game in the industry, and I'm surprised Smash hasn't added them to Smash as of yet.
    Oooh, I didn't know Dark Souls counted. That would be a really cool newcomer if it happens.
    Wario Wario Wario

    I made a thread about Smashboards users putting together a sequel to PlayStation All-Stars, in case anyone's interested in participating.
    Playing Crash 4. While I'm not a huge fan of the series placing a huge emphasis on trial and error (since, unless you have an Aku Aku mask, you die in one hit - it feels like trying to do a 0 rings run of every Sonic level) but also requiring deathless runs if you want to fully complete the game (at least in Crash 4), the inclusion of a modern mode that gives you unlimited lives is a huge improvement in my eyes.

    I wish that (and the yellow circle that appears under you when you're in midair, to show you where you're going to land) was included in the N. Sane Trilogy as an option.
    Not sure what that new Avatar is but nice!
    Hey Megadoomer, alexxxela alexxxela and I were wondering something regarding how profile posts work and maybe you could help us understand things better.

    So there are some times when we want to reply on some profile posts, but for reasons we don't know we just don't have the square thing to write down replies towards them.

    I personally doubt It has to do with the person blocking one of us because It seems to happen with people who would be very unlikely to block any of us.

    Could you maybe as a mod help us both understand better how that whole thing works?
    I'm going to try taking suggestions when it comes to writing Smash (or, in this case, Smash-like) moveset ideas for indie characters. I figure it's a good way for me to get creative, and it gives me the chance to learn about indie games that I might not have played otherwise.
    Can I be added as a supporter for the Cranky Kong Comes Out Of Retirement thread, please?
    Doc Monocle
    Doc Monocle
    That could work too, but swanky is my second favorite of the lesser characters, and I wish to garner as much of a following and as early as possible so that he is not ignored for sake of of 'first dibs' by others, such as Lanky, who might be as popular.
    Doc Monocle Doc Monocle While you're at it, you should probably do that for other overlooked characters like Captain Syrup and Bonk. We're gonna need cases like those to get support boost especially if Bamco characters aren't getting any iota of progress.
    Doc Monocle
    Doc Monocle
    Captain Syrup? Bonk? I heard of the former, but not the latter, and I have played neither of the corresponding series knowingly. I shall take a look, but my critique will be of second quality...
    I think I'm going to try to finish Final Fantasy 9 - I have way too many RPGs in my backlog, and I find that I'm more likely to finish an RPG if I focus mainly/entirely on it when I have the free time to play a game. (I'm currently on what would have been disc 2 in the original release)

    In terms of Final Fantasy games alone, I also have Final Fantasy 4, 8, 10, and 10-2 to play through, though unlike three of those four other FF games, I've actually started (and gotten a decent amount of the way through) 9.
    I'm finally making progress on an Avengers fan-game that I've been wanting to make for a while. Even if it's just walking sprites for the founding Avengers and Loki, and the sprites themselves are likely fairly basic, it feels good to accomplish something on that front.
    I'm watching Thunderball. So far, it's got a strong opening, and a top tier Bond theme in my eyes. (Up there with Goldfinger, Skyfall, and Casino Royale, from the Bond movies that I've seen)

    I just saw that Sega's putting out a Yakuza/Streets of Rage mash-up on Steam, but only for two days for some reason. I haven't played much of either series, but I've enjoyed what I've played of Yakuza Zero and Streets of Rage 2, so I'll pick it up.
    Made it to K. Rool's Keep in my replay of Donkey Kong Country 2. I'll have to stock up on lives, though - I think I've gotten the hang of Arctic Abyss, but it took quite a few attempts, and Windy Well ate through a lot of my lives before I figured out the trick to getting through some areas unscathed. (though I got a game over before I beat it)
    An avatar change? I. am. flabbergasted.
    Haha yeah, I don't change it often, but it's roughly a month until Halloween and I figured I'd borrow a joke from Baby Driver.
    Baby Driver gets a thumbs up from me. I guess I was just so surprised since I've always associated you with Dr. Doom, so when I noticed your name and didn't see Doom above it, I. Was. Flabbergasted.
    After looking up who the characters are for the new Suicide Squad movie, I am convinced that Firestorm has the lamest rogues' gallery in existence. He seems to be a living sun that can warp matter however he sees fit (as long as he knows the chemical formula), and his opponents are... Killer Frost, Slipknot (who has ropes), and Weasel (who's a man with all of the powers of a weasel).

    Also, I feel like the Polka-Dot Man is going to be an unexpected highlight of the movie.
    Just found out about the Direct, and the fact that there's no unannounced games, along with it being ten minutes long.

    No idea why they're even doing a Direct, in that case. At best, I feel like it's going to be 2-3 trailers and the announcement of some release dates for games like No More Heroes 3 or Doom Eternal. Even then, that seems optimistic, unless the Direct's closer to 12 or 14 minutes.

    Here's hoping we get a Bayonetta 3 trailer, or some kind of Smash news, even if it's a short trailer with no gameplay like what Joker initially got. (I just don't want it to be another guessing game) I just find it weird that Nintendo seemingly had no plans for E3, or no apparent plans for any first party titles for the rest of the year. (E3's usually the time that they'd announce their plans for the rest of the year, and it seems telling that Nintendo itself has nothing)

    Edit: a Persona 5 Scramble release date for outside of Japan would be nice, though. My hopes are a Bayo 3 trailer, release dates for No More Heroes 3/Doom Eternal/Persona 5 Scramble, and (depending on whether or not the Smash devs count as partner studios) a Smash teaser. I doubt we'll get all of those, but hopefully we get one or two of them.
    ayyy is that Alexandra Roivas in your sig? CULTURE. (plus I share her first name irl)
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    Yep! I wrote a moveset for her, though I posted it in the Pious Augustus thread since I don't think we have a dedicated thread for her. The picture acts as a link to it.

    Eternal Darkness is one of the few horror games that I've played and enjoyed (not sure if Resident Evil 4 or 5 count as horror), and the studio that made it was actually a few hours away from where I live before it closed down. (I never went there, but it surprised me to learn that it was so close)
    Rie Sonomura
    Rie Sonomura
    it's too bad we'll never get a sequel... it ended on the perfect hook :c i LOVED the sanity mechanic too
    Yeah, it's unfortunate, though at least it works well as a self contained title. From what I've read about how Silicon Knights violently imploded after splitting off from Nintendo, it might be for the best. Still, Nintendo keeps renewing the trademark for the game and its sanity mechanics, so hopefully we can get a sequel by Retro or Next Level Games at some point!
    I beat Donkey Kong Country - this was my first time playing through the whole game. (before this, I had a hand-me-down cart that had already been beaten, so I didn't have much of a reason to play through the game myself since I could jump straight to the final boss)

    It was tough but fair, and grinding for lives definitely helped. (whenever I get back to playing Crash 1 or 2, I'll keep that in mind)
    Once I've beaten Bug Fables, I'm not sure if I should play Halo 1, Skyrim, or Heavy Rain next; I haven't played any of those games, though for Halo 1, I've got a rough idea of what happens since I've played Halo 3, 4, and Reach.
    Strong Badam
    Strong Badam
    Glad you're enjoying Bug Fables, I loved it to bits. Played it for 40 hours or so.
    I recently played Reach, 1, and 2 in order, I think it was super fun. Looking forward to playing Halo 3 when it drops in about a week.
    Hello, Megadoomer. If you don't mind me asking, is it possible for me to be the new owner of the Mona for Smash thread? The original owner hasn't been around for a long while and I don't know when they plan to return (if ever). I'd take over the thread, but I don't know who to ask to transfer ownership...
    I'll have to look through your posts - in order to do that, you'll have to have a post from before the thread was made for me to move into the Mona thread. If I find one, I'll make the change and let you know.
    My mod powers are limited exclusively to the Smash Ultimate character forums, so I'm somewhat limited in terms of what I can do. However, this post: https://smashboards.com/threads/hi-everybody.445202/post-21639707 is older than the Mona thread, so that could be moved into it to act as the new intro post. You'll likely have to get in touch with an admin (see here: https://smashboards.com/members/?key=staff_members one of the people with a grey name) to get it moved. I don't know if you want the original intro post copied into this new one, or if you want to make it from scratch.
    Ah, I see. Well, if that's the case, I'd simply like my post to be copied into the original post. I'd rather not totally undo all the work the original owner put into the OP.
    I typed up a Dante moveset - https://smashboards.com/threads/keepin-it-in-style-dante-for-smash-ultimate.446379/post-23995463

    Thankfully, it isn't as insanely long as my first attempt, since I worked under the assumption that he'd stick with his basic sword and two guns combo as opposed to going into weapon switching like before. Plus, I managed to include Style Switching, which I somehow didn't include in my first moveset. (in my defense, I had only played DMC1-3 at the time)
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    Reactions: Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    Ben Holt
    My heart says Dante, but my gut says Monster Hunter.
    Tempted to come up with my top 50 most-wanted character list to pass the time and try thinking outside the box when it comes to character selection. (I find that my top ten list hasn't really changed much in the past year or so) Would anyone be interested in reading that sort of thing? (I'd likely try to provide a reason, or reasons, why I want to see them in Smash, so that there's more to it than just listing characters)
    Congrats to all of the Min Min fans out there! This opens up a lot of doors for speculation (spirits don't disqualify characters; the first character in a series doesn't necessarily have to be the main character, mascot, or face of the game), so I'll be interested to see where this goes!

    Shame about Heihachi (assuming that Mii costumes rule a character out, though it would be hard to confuse Heihachi with his Mii costume), but now Min Min's opened up the door for the best Tekken character: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esYDLlIYRPE (just kidding; not overly familiar with Tekken, but Heihachi would still be my preference)
    I just got ending B in Nier Automata. Most of it was a retread of Ending A's story, at least until the very end. The point where the stories diverged had some pretty interesting reveals, and I'm interested to see where it's going to go for Endings C, D, and E.
    I feel like doing something creative. As much as I'd like to try my hand at making a Youtube video, I'd have no idea where to start (and I hate the sound of my voice when it's recorded, though I suppose I could make it like a slideshow), so I think I'm going to try working on Dragon Ball and One Piece MUGEN characters.
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    Yes, I realize that seemingly everyone who's tried MUGEN has made a Dragon Ball character, and the result was usually insanely broken, but I'm a sucker for crossovers, and both series have a game with the same art style. (Arc System Works also made a Fist of the North Star game for the PS2, but unfortunately, the sprites are MUCH bigger than the One Piece and Dragon Ball ones)
    I played my first game of Predator: Hunting Grounds as the Predator. (I've done a few matches as the fireteam - the addition of Arnold Schwarzenegger's character was a very easy way to convince me to play the game) It was fun, even though I felt like I was lacking options (I can't wait to unlock the bow, as well as gear to make tracking the fireteam easier), and my only ranged weapon (the shoulder cannon) is extremely visible. Still, I downed two members of the fireteam despite my inexperience, and killed three by self-destructing, so I'd say it went well.

    Illfonic did a great job with making the game fun to play for both sides of an asymmetrical multiplayer game, which from what I've seen is tough to do. The Predator seems a little underpowered (against an experienced team, it seems more like the Predator is the one running in fear), but maybe that changes as you get more gear for him or her.
    I beat Doom Eternal and Kirby Planet Robobot today. Both games were a ton of fun, and I'm tempted to 100% complete them.

    However, doing that for Doom Eternal would mean playing online, which I'm hesitant about - I'm only counting Steam achievements for completion, so no Ultra Nightmare for me, thankfully. For Kirby, I'm hoping that the in-game completion percentage doesn't count stickers, because that's pure randomness as far as I can tell.
    I beat Doom Eternal! It was a lot of fun, though it was harder than Doom 2016, the Marauders were just frustrating (there were points in the final level where they'd just run around with their shields up without attacking, making them immune to direct damage), and the final boss was a bit of a slog.

    Still, the challenges were fun, I got all of the story mode achievements, and I'm looking forward to replaying levels with cheats on or trying out the multiplayer. (It seemed more interesting than Doom 2016's, even though my matches tended to last about 30 seconds when I tried it earlier since at least one person that I was matched up with had beaten the game on Ultra Nightmare)
    I played a bit of Saint's Row 4 to get a few achievements that I missed out on in my co-op playthrough. There's something hilarious about ragdolling around the city to commit insurance fraud while Aerosmith is blaring in the background: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us3cGQs0Q8A
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