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Elder Sister
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  • Awh :(. That's sad... And here I thought you went out chilling and stuff!
    You had quite a big schedule, that's insane... How will you ever socialize if you don't have any time? >_<.

    Here's my FC
    Alright ;). MGW's really good, that's mad.
    I could always help you out to improve. I'm no god nor near anything as "great", but I'm pretty good in seeing people's mistakes. (As stupid as that sounds)

    So what have you been up to?
    How were your summer vacations?
    Pillow? You've read my userblog? :laugh:
    I'm insomniac I guess, pretty tired and school's started. This is pain.
    Otherwise, not so bad lol. And my wifi works reliably, but it still lags. I just happened to have found a few number of users that have good connections with mine... And got ***** real bad by Prof MGV a moment ago. I know that despite the lag, he's very skilled.

    And yeah, I prefer Melee. I think Brawl is boring, but I'm trying to improve and play it because it's the main thing now. Unfortunately. And yeah, Wifi's lag sucks xD.
    You wanna play someday? Just for the hell out of it.
    alright hun. is your wi-fi still working? i want to brawl you soon.
    lol @ mr. awesome.

    Sister is talking to me :)
    Do you beat him and I know judge isn't your real bro, have you guys played eachother
    i see how it is. when you get your wi-fi again you go the NNMFA instead of asking me. >.>
    Ehm yeah pretty much.

    Spiel halt einfach öfter und da es nicht so viele möglichkeiten gibt halt viel wifi spielen ;)

    Mit der zeit wird man dann auch besser. Aber wenn man immer gegen die selben / oder gegen CPUs spielt (kA ob ihr das Tut) dann kann man sich leider auch nicht sonderlick verbessern, ist halt so.
    ◇◇◇◇ Oh ok. My name is anthony, yours?(lol, I think u told me when you first came to swf. sorry for being a jerk b4 when i first met u.)
    Mountain Dew tastes like epicness. I swear I'm addicted to the stuff. Lol

    I only wanted a Bass since I wanted to play for this little band my friends wanted to start. But that didn't last. Now I'll only play game covers every now and then. We have an old Keyboard that I wanna learn, but no one to teach me. The most I've learned is how to go hit all the keys, one at a time, from this one Korean girl.
    Piano is SOO much cooler than Bass though! It's got emotion in it.

    I'd only date a girl a year younger than me or same age. Any younger is bleh. I just like the attention :p
    10 years is really pushing it. That guy must really suck at finding a girl his age.

    My friend was rapping so he was the center of attention for the most part. Since I can't rap, So I had to put up this "cool cat" appearance to not he the odd one out. I did look pretty chill If I do say so myself.

    My views on sex are very concrete. They come from my own moral views, ethical views and christian views.

    Ex. One night stands are terrible in my book
    A relationship based souly on lust isn't worth it.
    Love shouldn't be tossed around like a paper weight. It has GREAT meaning.

    My other friends were just jealous that my younger looks atttract girls. They kinda look older than their age.

    € 700?
    I woulda spent that a loooong time ago. I can only save money if I have a goal to reach. That 's how I got myself a Wii.
    Do you happen to run an Asian style resturant?

    I took that test to see what I'd get. I got a Dragonite the 1st time and a Pikachu the 2nd. Too awesome XD
    I'll try to post the picture later, if I can.
    Yeah I am. I like to help out people. That's what it was at first, just me helping my uncle out for like 2 months. Then he got like a really good raise and started paying me for my work.

    Pretty cool, plus u get to work with your family so your more comfortable XD

    Scince your family owns the resturant, can u eat orderves or like small portions whenever u like?

    Also what are you most famous for serving?
    lol Hi

    This is actually my original name, but the account didn't work so I became Samusbrawler.
    I've been waiting more than a year to become DTP again xD
    Yeah at work.

    My uncle works at this supermarket so I help him with stacking boxes, lifting boxes of milk gallons, sometimes I'll just take ppl's bags, help re-organize different items in its proper place, things of that sort^^

    So what kinda work do u do in the resturants?
    Oh ok I see. Do u ever have to deal with like real annoying ppl? Like they just be mean or something like that?

    And yeah, I kinda got over it after a while.

    Lol I gotta get a REAL job, I just work with my uncle
    I start school at september 8th or 9th. And its ok, I kinda understand where your coming from. Hm, sounds like they are considering only there feelings in the matter, my stepdad is like that with me a lot, like it doesn't matter how I feel in a situation with him
    oh, the hacking system. :laugh:

    i got cubone the first time and togetic the second time.
    i don't know how they fit together though.
    l◇◎◇◎ lol it's ok. I'm doing pretty good actually, just waiting for school to kick back in. Enjoyed your summer? ◎◇◎◇
    Aww man that sucks >.< .
    Yeah, life has been moving a bit slow for me too. How's the resturant business going?
    click 1 of the pictures for a personality quiz plz.
    these are my results.
    ask your brother too. i would vm him the quiz but i have to type the links out by hand and that takes a while.
    The only thing I'm addicted to is this soda called "Mountain Dew".

    I just so happen to play guitar bass. I don't play it very often though. I'm thinking about investing in some drums and maybe piano. Idk.

    I don't get it. It's okay for a 18 year old girl to date a 16 year old guy, but the other way around is considered bad.
    The only reason I can see it being bad is the issue of sex, but I don't do that. My friends think I would, but they don't understand my beliefs toward that. I swear, they're like a couple of dogs.

    I haz little money. My family can afford nice things, but I gotta earn my own spending money. Do you get money with that resturant of yours?

    And exactly what did I find out about?
    Lol thanks, it be will.
    went camping so it wasn't a lot of drinking, but it wasn't too bad either.
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