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Elder Sister
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  • Yea, it would have been sooner but I don't post as much now.
    Your last one ok aswell :).
    Oh and it's about 3 weeks for me.
    Thank you. I'm REALLY happy with how it turned out.
    I thought my last avatar was better, but it got boring.
    Anyway I'm alright, how about you? Are you going back to school? I've still got a couple of weeks.
    i sensed your online presence..... and i iz bored. :p
    so i happened to come here and read some old pms for teh lulz.
    So there was this one time...
    that I talked to you....
    and then we didn't talk anymore....<.<
    How goes life buddy?
    Really? That's weird. Shouldn't it be something like... User CP > Group Memberships > Smash Artist?

    Or something? Yeah, that's weird.

    I took a German class in uni, but I sorta stopped caring after a while. :p
    Huh, I thought Livvers said that the prizes were now accessible in the last post of the first AWYP. Maybe I'm wrong.

    And I know! That's what I said. Who would've thought that Spade was a Soviet!? :p
    Thanks! I was looking forward to competing against you again though. Well, there's always the next one.

    Speaking of placing, why aren't you wearing your orange name?
    Heya, guess who's reponding not 1 . . . not 2, but 5 days later :D

    Alziemer's is for old people and let me tell you, me iz not old. It's like a trade off. I get wisdom and intelligence, but I easily forget dates, appointments and messages. It's just the curse I gotta pay for being smart.

    So because of me being too smart for my own good, how do you NOT know that I've been mindgaming you this entire time, hmm?

    1st Gen. Pokemon is where it's at. Only a few of the new ones are actually cool, but a lot of them are just plain stupid. I should also point out that I would beat you at anything. You name it, I'd beat you. That's just how things are. /sarcasm

    Learning a language isn't as hard as people make it seem. Exposure is all that's needed. For example, I've been trying to learn more Japanese. For practice, I watch Anime with English subtitles. It helps me learn it by not getting too bored.
    Also, Spanish is easy to learn. I can speak it and read it, but I can't really write it. Too hard.

    I was pointing out how I don't believe that you actually have Wi-fi on Brawl since I refuse to believe it.

    And to answer the question, I've been rather dandy these past few weeks. The only problem is that I'm been pretty bored with little to do. How've you been over there?

    major edit: well i'm awake now after talking to judge aka your brother. you have alot of explaining to do.:evil:
    if you don't see me online when you come back i'm probably playing brawl. i'll be checking back here to see if you came back online okay?
    noch 33 post bis jouneyman
    und dann noch 400 bis .... keine ahnung wie es heißt egel
    ich nimm die Wii mit zur ostsee sonst wird mir langweilig und ich geh so oft
    wie möglich in swf wie möglich an der ostsee ok?????????????????????
    chaain grab is to dificult for you
    ich glaub ich hab was falsch geschrieben
    ihr könnt in 10 tagen dann spielen
    it's alright. seeya in 12 hours:)

    edit:.......i don't have any idea what you said. i'll just wait for your pm.
    Received Today 01:21 AM

    Wow! Your parents' restaurant is that good? Dangg. That's tight. Good stuffs I guess, you might get good guests, haha...

    I've been staying on your visitors' wall for about an hour now.
    Frankly speaking, I don't know what to write... Except that you must work on your french, hahaha!
    And my life is simply boring. Except that I've chatting a lot with 3mmanuel lately. *look at my visitor's wall, that's him.* He's a pretty cool guy. Anyways, see ya around.

    Started at around 2 AM, written Today at 3:39.
    too bad. i'm back and awake. now i must wait for your pm.

    edit: Zz....ZzZzZz.......zZZZz
    Hey, it's been a while since I haven't posted on your visitor messages and all that stuff! How's it going? Anything happening these days?
    I has trouble remembering appointments and replying to messages. Don't judge me. :p

    I'll mindgame you when you least expect it: click me!.

    I'd mindgame you in chess too. Not so much checkers.

    I was a Magikarp a Loooooonnngg time ago. I'm now a Gyardos that's full of pwn and win. I can learn Thunder, Blizzard and Fire Blast even though I'm water type! Besides, Fire's weak to water. That's what you use to put a fire out. So you'd be done for.

    Also, I'll let you know that my Pokemon knowledge was very limited back then so I didn't know Rock and Water were weak to Grass. Not my fault. But now I've got 7 badges, 7 Pokemon that are lvl. 50 and I even caught a Giratini. So I'm no longer the noob I once was . . .

    Spanish isn't difficult if you're original language is something other than English. I'm pretty sure it's easier to learn if your native language is Italien or French. I'm not positive when it comes to German. You'll get it if you try.

    What is this? You haz die online? Blasphemy!
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