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Elder Sister
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  • yeah i just finished a team brawl and i saw you online.
    you don't have to rush.
    Hmm, well, depends on how you look at it. You could also just post in the next AWYP thread, asking about it. One of the people in charge should see it and clear it up.

    Meh, not sure. I'd say maaaybe 40 people will go.
    Haha, thanks! :3
    It's not that far away, actually.

    I'm fine, thanks. ^_^

    Why don't you have an orange name yet?
    Biiigggg Siiiiisssss.... Hooowwww aaaaaarrreeee youuuuuu....

    I'm going to my first tourney on the ninth!
    Not going to school is making my brain stale -_-
    Just wait until I start Psychology and find your weakness.

    And for the record, those are NOT two charizards. The one with the bow is a charizard. The other is a charmeleon which makes your statement of you beating me null because if I were a pokemon, I'd be a Gyrados. Hah, beat that.

    I'd say I'm jealous that your getting a custom title, but I won't /sarcasm
    lol Silly girl trying to speak spanish.
    Wait... you won, didn't you? Just ask QueenKilljoy for the title and she'll make it for you. Remember to explain why you are allowed to have one.
    I got it, and I love it!

    Yeah. Apparently, ornage names are the only ones you can't get on your own.
    how long are you going to be on today?
    imma go to sleep soon....
    it's almost 2am here.

    edit: goodnight.....*falls asleep*

    edit 2: hi:bee:
    I taught her everything she knows! :)
    That's how it works...unless...
    (meh bound to happen eventually. :p)
    holy crap i did! lol
    fine, i won't cry.*sniffles*
    a break is fine.:)
    i just wanted to keep in touch.:)
    *cough* what's up *cough* haven't spoken in a while *cough* how've you been *cough*

    I know your life's story now...
    *points at JUDGE* I know everything lol!
    you don't like talking to me anymore.:(*starts crying* jk
    so i just wanted to send you a vm. i dunno why. but i felt like sending you something. ™
    so you can't do it.™
    come back next week. lol™
    i know what your talking about now. i'll start doing that.™
    you probably will. i'm not good at starting things....™
    well, i'll be waiting for it ^.^
    ™ ™
    tick the reminder me bottom?
    what's that mean?

    yes, it's mine.......™←you can't do that.:laugh:
    ~It's so late that I'm gonna take a break
    Going to da kitchen to eat me a cake
    Too bad I don't know how to bake~

    Thusly making the cake a lie T_T

    Nobody cares about Austria these days. It's all about Switzerland with their banks n' chocolate n' not wanting to join the darned United Nations. Also, yes. My birthday is on the 17th making me an adult. How sad . . .

    Call me a weirdo, eh? Just you wait . . . I smell a war a' brewin' . . .
    you dare to log in as JUDGE?????
    i¨m at a internet cafe right now with gale 14
    my time is going to run up sooo..... good night x¨DD
    haha still a smash child???

    *ganz tief luft hol*
    haaaaaaaahaaaaaaaa loooooooooseer
    yo elder sis
    what¨s up
    sitting here with gale 14 on MALLORCA
    it¨s kinda....boring here.............but the meals are nice sooo.....
    miss yaaaaa
    good morning miss.

    you haven't sent me a vm in a while.
    you don't have to send me a pm now.

    rel is far too popular for common friends like us. he's a pro rapper and college student now.

    you won't?
    i'll find some way to live while your gone. :)
    I iz goin' ta college!!!11!!one!!1!!


    So how ya been, big sis? That country of wienerschnitl and brotwurst (aka the Motherland) treatin' ya well?

    Spam? That's the stuff that comes in the can, silly girl. Everyone knows that. Duh :p /sarcasm
    alright i'll try to answer you the best i can.

    i would pm you but i'm using my psp again and i don't have any privacy atm

    that's all i can say right now because i'm at a friend's house.

    *hugs back*

    don't worry about it ok?
    hi again. i'm still on my psp atm so i can't answer your pm. i did read it though.
    well, the moving has started and i'll be all moved in by monday.

    btw, i can't answer your pm now. i'm using my psp to come here atm and for some stupid reason it deletes your quotes.
    so i'll send you something as soon as i have a chance. :)
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