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Elder Sister
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  • Yeah it's extreme but I needed it.

    Really? That's awesome! What do you do? And I can't believe you're 18 now!
    I know seriously. I was done with all my test and things around Tuesday and just this week has been long. How have you been? Glad to see that IBWC is up and running.
    Aah, pity laugh. The best kind there is.

    Well, it would be a lot more straining if I could actually stick to my studying scedule. Instead I just end up coming here, booting up my wii or PS2 or something like that. But enough of me, how are you doing?

    ...Also, I'm sure I'm lazier than you.
    i'm rarely here anyways so it won't be that much different.

    i'm leaving swf for a while. i just come from time to time to check my messages.

    and you have like a billion friends here to talk to so you won't miss me for very long.:)
    I don't. I never got around making an account.

    You have? I rarely (read: never) check out Las Pictoras, but now...
    *goes to search the thread*

    ...I hate internet squealing but OMG YOU'RE CUTE!!!

    Other... than... studying...? I'm sorry, I don't follow you.
    jk, but I really haven't been doing much lately.... I have so little time to learn so much that the studies really take up all my time.
    ...I think you did. Maybe.

    Well thanks! I would say the same to you, but I still don't know what you look like, lol.
    Aw, really? <3 That's nice too hear. I should post more of my writings in CA. I'm actually thinking of taking a creative writing class next year 'cause it'd be super easy for me, so until then, I'm just making mini-writings in random places across the boards.

    But I'd be open to suggestions. I was also thinking of writing a short story about the old woman in one of your photos.
    Oh yeah, only few and selected get to be my friends!
    ... since I never send friend requests myself and not many people want to send them to me.

    Also, now I've been called "cool" twice in just four days. By two girls.
    Uhhhhhhh...sure o.o

    Did you get an electric one?
    Those are the one you can totally rock on =S

    You know what I thought? Next time I go to Berlin, I will visit your restaurant without telling you before. So you'll be all like O___O when I order food.
    Bleh, everyone talks to you in such a formal ways.
    Unlike I! o_0

    Anyway, how was your party m'lady?
    Did you get an I-phone? or at least something with better chatting access then PSP? DX
    fine with me. lol

    meh, i stay up to like.....2am.
    oh, i just found out that if you spell my name with a "p" instead of a "f" its french. weird.

    "Dear boyfriend"? Oh dear, it seems I've failed again. Time to get emo. >_<

    Crying is good. It cleanses your soul and spirit.
    ...But that's still sad ;_;

    I don't actually have any exams right now since I just graduated from highschool. The final exams for that are the ones I was talking about earlier. However, I'm applying for an university to continue my studies and to get in I must pass few other exams, so that's what I'm studying for now.
    XD Aweh! It's understandable! Happy 18 then!!

    How was the bar? I hope you didn't get into too much trouble there! XD

    And yeah! That was nice of Frown! And no problemo!
    Ah Roxy, always seemingly creating awkward situations, how does he do it....hes not the only one who has a laptop plaguing his sleep cycle though u.u, work can go die >_>.

    Anyway, random Hi/good night/morning XD
    ****, sorry. I've stopped passing around here since the crashes started.
    A few girls like my cheeks, it's understandable. I don't know why but who cares? Hahaha...
    You'll get to know me, eventually. If we can get to, well, err... Chat more often or something.

    And yeah, I'm the one on the right side. The one with the short hair (they've grown hell of a lot though.)

    You're cute, you know that? Happy birthday again! See ya around.
    i mean give the pic to you. lawl

    and yes, i am easy to please. i mean........i have a laptop. what else do i need?

    *wants to delete pm* <.<
    That depends on wether you like being generic or not. Amsterdam is where everyone goes. Amsterdam is more authentic, it's got the canals and stuff. Rotterdam is more plain. It's not really good for historical visits, but as a normal "euro trip", it does have interesting places.

    Summary; Amsterdam = famous and historic. Rotterdam = where I live and has everything you kind of need. It's a pretty cool place. Fun stuff if you know what to do there.
    Hes feeling a little better, but I wont stop worrying until hes off that stupid medicine.

    Speaking of worrying, I dont mean to stalk, but whats this about being hit by a rock =(?

    Oh ya, do you need to be pranked you said...wow, I am stalking now XD, Mio is a bad influence on me
    Stupid communists. X(

    If there's a person who doesn't deserve to be hit by a rock, it's you. :(
    MAN, I should have went to Berlin this year instead. That reminds me, what is your restaurant called? I have some friends that are in Berlin right now.
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