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Elder Sister
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  • im never gonna laern how to pronounce your name. lol

    fffffffff. i can get your texts/calls but i cant reply of answer!!!!
    My story is pretty common knowledge actually now, and I dont really hide it anymore...I dont like it, but I dont make excuses for my mental stupidity. If you really want too know I could tell you, but you should probably know Im more trouble than Im worth xP...but if your wlling, then Im willing to tell
    oh, really, you liked my name....I didnt...well, I did, but not anymore, that name just represents a lot of bad things I did....I really sucked back then =/. But I think Im a better person now, I hope so anyway ^^;
    dammit. this will never work. lol

    i was going to skype you on the 27th instead of on your bday because thats like the only day everyone will be gone. oh well.
    .......... .....yeah i cant pronunce that. lol

    stop being so modest. you know you want a epic present.

    well me knowing how to say your name = your present. i probably ruined the suprise by now. =__=

    how about if i get skype and see if i could skype you on your bday? i just found my microphone. xD
    Why do I get the feeling you cheated >_>. But meh, good enough for me, thats right, I was DevilWillCry. Course I go by Zero now, or Adam , w/e you prefer. Nice too meet you =D
    I got it all settled, I was just being too impatient ^^;.

    You know me, really, that surprises me, but you are right, I did have a name change. Dont suppose you remember what it is =p?
    Hmm, oddly enough I don't remember last year gift


    yeah, lol
    Taking self-pics is sooo lolworthy
    It's so awkward :p
    oh, so its alright for him to slap me? :mad:

    oh and i wanted to know.....how do you pronounce your name? i don't know if i have it right or not. lol

    oh, and i'm SUPER bad with presents so can you just tell me what you want so i don't die from guessing? xD
    plz? :3
    Hey, I know we dont know each other, but would you happen to know where Mio might of went, is he on FB or anything?
    Is the new style!
    We laugh at people who uses CD player now =P

    O'rly? you didnt get your computer fix yet?
    Oh yeah, my laptop has been broken for a long time too .-.
    I forgot my Fb account o..o
    & no I dont slap girls! unless they want me to xD

    *Is still surfing SWF though I-phone*
    Blah blah, smexy people complain that they're ughly all the time >.>

    & I dont give my picture out for free v.v

    -hugs back-

    and lol@you thinking your fat and ugly. your adorable and you know it. :p
    read the mini edit. LOL
    you caught me. i just deleted them cuz i didn't like them.
    you 2 leave me alone. lol

    i have a hopefully much better idea.and maybe the pics got messed up or maybe......i didn't like them. :p

    dammit i can't lie to you. =_= mindreading nu-nu fml.
    Oh pictures!
    I'll show you me if you show me you!

    Unlike Roxas, I'm not shy to show meh pic =P

    looks like you won't get that bday present after all. i knew this camera was cheap but damn. ALL of the pics were messed up. =/
    they were so dark/ too bright so you couldn't see anything on them. :(

    i guess you have to think of another bday persent you want.
    lol. well, that was easy. now i know what to give you for your bday.
    but you'll have to wait until then to see that though. :p
    LOL. was it something naughty.......

    well, my mini party was nice. got my mom to take some pics with my digital camera so i save (the ones i like) to my comp. MAYBE il let you see one....if i like any of them.
    Oh yeah, you're both 17.

    Dang it, I'm already 18..I dont want to be an aldult..too much responsibilities! DX
    *Wants to read Roxas pm*

    & nuuu, I need money..I'm like broke DX
    I can just hug you whenever bcuz I'm awesome .-.
    *reads pm*
    aren't you soo sweet. <3

    lol baby. xD
    another year has already passed. i feel old. >.>

    Ima make ya something for your birthday

    It's kinda funny how when you force a smile, it never looks like your real smile :p
    Eh, just some symbol I sketched up.

    Yeah, I get sort of angry too. I thought it would've been fixed this last one.
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