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Elder Sister
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  • Well yeah...they're kind of expensive too. I use them because I do digital design so I need it for my job.

    You can get GIMP though, I'm pretty sure that's a good alternative.
    Hahaha where'd you find my Name? (or was it in my profle...^^; ) Thank you! C:

    I usually use Photoshop for edits, (I have CS4), I use InDesign sometimes as well...Illustrator for editing texts in photos. Those 3 programs pretty much!
    lolwut? i didnt expect you to vm me. x.x

    i duuno what i want. do you know what YOU want for your birthday?

    -hugs back-
    Take some aspirin if you have it at home. Drink a large glass of water and don't do anything that makes you focus your eyes. Such as staring at a screen.
    I do have an iPhone! It does everything for me! I look so cool when I browse the web on the bus. :D
    Been healthier than before! And... went shopping for groceries but my dad forgot to pick me up so there I was with three bags of food all alone for 40 minutes. D:<

    Luckily, I had an iPhone and some candy so it was okay. :D
    I think everyone should have it! And people would abuse it by putting hi-rez pictures in their postbit! :bee:
    Thanks for the good luck ES. :) I hope all three of us do well. Three Ness mains, who knew?
    Don't be so modest Elder Sister ^__^. I' m sure it'll turn out great ^__^!! And please don't feel pressured or anything. I know it's going to be pretty hectic with school coming in -__-.... So don't feel rushed or pressured ^__^.

    I just picked up Zelda as another secondary. But I'm sure I'm horrible. Just because I can beat level 9 computers with her doesn't mean I'm gonna be great online.
    I'm doing well, thank you ^__^.
    Spring break is awesome isn't it?
    And don't feel pressured to do the sig in a certain time frame or anything, take your time and relax, we're not rushing you ^__^. Feel free to take as much time as you need ^__^.

    Your welcome for the Friend Request ^__^. I figured if I'm friends with JUDGE, I might as well be friends with you ^__^.

    Just curious, which characters do you Brawl with? I main Pit and Marth ^__^.
    Yeah, I've seen JUDGE around here and there
    Don't really know em' though

    Being a mod would be a pipe dream, but ~*believing*~ is the best thing I can do

    I've never heard of that guy until you linked em'
    Did you go to an event to meet him or did he actually go to your restuarant?
    ☆~Cuz the latter would be ~♪crazy~♪ insane~☆

    and I'm using ☆'s and music ♪'s cuz they're the coolest things ever
    I just started to copy and paste em' from those who use em' in every post they make :p

    I'll probably have your pm by tomorrow or later today or however the time difference goes
    I'm so terribly late with those that I always feel really guilty for taking so long ;_____;

    Oh, and gustavo is kinda like an expression or something
    It means something along the lines of daring or self-importance
    Not an actual person lol
    Hey Elder Sister! How are you? Well, if you don't mind, Roacherman would like you to give a statement in our Sig Group on what our pictures will be. Sort of like asking us what Pictures we would want in our sig. And again, thank you SO MUCH for at least considering this Job Elder Sister ^__^! I hope this isn't too much trouble ^__^!

    By the way, sent you a friend request ^__^!
    Haha I iz all gangsta.

    Even though it is just a game, it was one of the most painful choices I've ever made. I thought either you or Roxy were mafia and if I killed you then everyone would suspect Roxy. <>_<>
    Maybe I'll be allowed to become a mod of the Mario Universe

    cuz no one really goes there, I'll have a better shot at it :p

    ~♪I've always liked red♪~

    ☆~maybe you can get a permanent blue name if you direct stuff in Berlin!~☆
    ☆~Sportin' the smexy blue everyday with gustavo!~☆

    ~♪Better yet, at your parents restuarant♪~

    ☆~Tips galore and booming business~☆
    It used to be my dream to become a mod . . . .

    But then I realized that'll never happen

    ~♪I hear Blue's a pretty chill color~♪
    Hey ES. I am making the group public so you can see the pictures ok? And thanks for agreeing to do the job. That is appreciated :)
    Sure, I'll let Roach now as soon as I can.

    And no, we don't need it ASAP, it's just that we were wondering if you could do the job for us. We haven't even decided the background and things like that.

    And no. I've never requested a group sig at a sig shoppe. I've read the rules on how to request them, though. Are you unable to do the job for us, Elder?
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