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Elder Sister
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    If everything goes well I'll be starting my army service next winter. Then, if everything goes well again, I'll be there for six months and then be done with it for good.
    Knowing my luck I'll in reality probably end up starting next summer and the service will last for a full year, lol.

    Kaabii! And yep, we started working with Zelda CCV. I'll make a thread for the project soon too, so keep your eyes open for that if you can ;)
    I actually have an idea for the video that I might ask your help for... assuming that it'll be realised and you're willing to help.
    I wonder where my reply went off to.
    I'm pretty sure that I had posted something... Net's all ****ed up.

    Well, thank you for the compliments on my baby pictures, haha. I wish that I was still cute even now *bad joke*

    I happen to be kinda moodjumpy, indeed. But eh, a really nice person. We should get to chat a little more, you don't really know me. People think of me as a really nice guy or a total *******, so that's for you to make sure who I truly am.

    My friends, I don't want to keep them all. Only the most important of them all. Like the one wearing lens-less glasses on my display picture, Fred.

    And nah, I hadn't seen you in the old MSN pic, it was too small.
    Your facebook pic is cool, makes you look natural.

    *sends hug to Germany* See ya!
    Kul? That happens to be a word for "fun" in my native language.

    To be honest, I think you've already figured out where I live but you're just keeping it secret ^^
    I'm sure I'll return to Berlin, I liked it there. If so, we can meet and have dinner at your place (that is, at your restaurant). :3c
    Yea you're right, it would be pretty cool to go traveling around the world. For me it isn't really an option though, since I want to get done with my compulsory army time as soon as possible. So, instead I'll just try to get to an university to continue my studies and to find a work so that I can make some money in the process too.

    Well, you're often on when I sign in, but then you instantly leave. If I didn't have invis mode on I'd think you're avoiding me... lol jk
    I used to have short (~2 hours) exams earlier too, but ever since starting the high school my exams have been (and will be) between 4 and 6 hours long. You Germans move backwards in your exam times! 8-D

    Wow, that's expensive. I don't think I can help you get moneys like that either...

    Also, why are we always online at different times? We live only one time zone apart!
    You've got a crooked idea of FUN XD
    Also, you only have to do 4 (instead of 6-10) tasks in math exams? OMG I want to live in Germany.

    Do you mean my anime girl avi? It's from a nico meme Buri Hamachi, as well as my current sig.

    Up with people? *goes to wikipedia*
    I do now! What about them?
    If I do well I'll get good numbers for my Gymnasium Zeugnis (Deutsch ftw!) which in turn help me get places in better universities.
    I think I'm above average in school... however, the funny thing is that I completely suck at exams like these. In them I'm the average level at best.

    Don't worry, I've got plenty more fun you can have! Here you go!
    I'm 3 days late, sorry Nuong.

    And yes, I am on facebook. Kenley Tang, haha.
    You should bring snacks at the library and eat them discreetly ;).

    I have been doing okay. Ups and downs, like all the time.
    And no, I didn't. Sorry, heh.

    I don't know what you look like. So I still can't perceive you as older and fatter. Can I? Haha.
    Stop being so superstitious, it's so random.

    And yeah, I kinda did. Got my red envelopes, ate a great meal. And that's about it.
    I'll be awaiting your reply then, haha.
    ~Haha xD and no i actually wrote it all on paper :)
    well i haven't had a gba in yrs, i don't mess wiff nintendo hand helds anymoar. Hmm maybe chain of memories? or just suggest he get a DSi :3 wut systems u have?
    The first competition is also a part of Finnish education system but not for scholarship. It's a bit complicated, but here's how it works in a nutshell: at the end of highschool everyone chooses few school subjects and then takes exams from these subjects. The same exams are held at the same time to everyone who chose the said subject. Then everyone is rated based on how well they did compared to others. I can explain more accurately if you want, but it's pretty boring stuff.
    But thanks for wishing me luck ^_^

    Oh snap, that sucks. Here, I'll let you have a part of the fun I had on Thursday.
    *throws fun @ you*

    Cool, I'll be waiting.
    I change my hair lenght between short and semi-long. My hair is also always either fully down and completely boring or all pointy and wacky. At it's wildest it seriously looks like I was a character from a Shōnen manga, that's how spiky it gets.
    Now that is an amazing saying!

    Well, if it makes you feel any better I'll have to go back after ~three weeks to take part into a bunch of exams where I'll be competing against every single other student my age in the whole Finland. Then, after I'm done with those, I'll have to take part into another bunch of exams where I'll again be competing against other people to get a study place in an university.

    Oh man, there were carnivals going on where you live and you didn't know? I hope you still realized soon enough to experience at least a part of the rave. ;P

    Oh, now you're making me curious about how your appearance changed with the haircut... I wish I knew how you looked before so that I could ask for your current picture and compare the two, lol.
    ~Zeth is the main character of the story :3 oh lol thats cool xD, have u ever beat any songs on expert. ppl tell me that they always do but i knw that they are lying o.-. GL wiff the RPG, that'll pretty pretty cool when u make it :)
    ~Haha xD GH is pretty cool, although im pretty sucky at it, i still do terrible at novice >__> lol. Yeah it is pretty rare, idk i guess i just like to write em, ive also finished a book im writing tales of zeth, its about this hero who gradually transforms into a villain, and like a whole big explaination that i dont feel like writing lol xD. Its only about 80 pgs though, still revising as i go through it but mainly for the most part its done ^^ -hugs-
    Wait, it's you! Haven't seen you in ages!
    *Hugs back*

    I actually thought about messaging you myself today, so good timing :D
    My school ends tomorrow and I get to stand for three hours on a truck throwing candy at younger students!

    What about you? How's life been in Germany?
    ~ha same o huh. Me 2z, been so busy wiff hw n school. As far as brawl goes ive gotten more wiser lol :D V-day was cool, rote sum1 a long thought poem n other stuffz, but the whole day in just general was cool.
    Aaw, that's so sweet of you! :D

    Btw, can you play Unintended from beginning to end?
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