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Elder Sister
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  • hello former person that i once loved.
    you dun talk to meh any moar. :(

    and you always edit your vms.
    Almost everyday in class. Out of class, I don't usually have the time (focus), but I do sometimes. Usually I throw my stuff away because I'm not satisfied or something >_>. I can't draw like you can, you're a true artist.
    I see.. It's just not too long ago I was doodling with an ink pen in Biology class. Sometimes in class I have these moments where I just some how end up doodling without even knowing what I'm gonna draw exactly. I drew something a hand almost exactly like that. Nearly the same angle and everything. The only difference was it was more abstract. One of the fingers was like robotic or a tallon or something, and ink curled around and drifted off the fingers. I was suprised I was able to even draw it or why...
    Kind of, I'm no good at it, and I don't play it consistently enough, I can't even recall all the little rules atm =/
    I was sick :/

    No party, just some relatives coming by on sunday.
    Got 3 books, some cash and Mario Kart Wii :)
    Oh yea, and my dad gave me his old iPod cause he has an iPhone now, and my brother gave me new earplugs :embarrass
    lmao. kittehs kill people in their sleep.

    a fantard is a funny way of saying that your a fan of something. lol
    10 lawlz at your custom title xD.

    Also- Kitteh is prepared for war! *blows trumpet*
    >___O I wasn't fully hugable before =3?
    Wow that is an amazing name. Like really. Wow.
    why in the world would i be paranoid about about a kittteh with a watermelon helmet on its head?? lol

    i don't know any elder sister anyways. >_>
    i'm just joking. lol

    *is a yugioh fantard*
    ............yeah......who likes yugioh?
    That's right. I still don't know how to pronounce it =o.

    . . . Noooe '___'
    June 24th. Yours? I'm pretty sure you've told me already....
    Also I don't think you ever told me your real name =o

    And no. + more loser points xD
    Oooh, I remember! We sang it on the bus to Berlin! :bee:

    And yeah, apparently. I had no idea either.
    you be stalking me. >_>
    you can your silly nu-nu ideas. :p

    you lurker. lol
    but, your avis are fun. =3
    I'm a junior ;________;
    I think my parents put me in school a year late. My bday is in the middle of summer so I'm kind of off.

    And no I'm a loser Xp
    You can see it? I can't see it anymore for some reason. It's just a box that says "<3z Profile Picture".

    Nevermind. The page didn't load all the way.
    I used to mod Peach and Jigglypuff Brawl.
    I dropped Jigglypuff so now it's just Peach boards.
    slader is the emo killing vampire of HOR that ALWAYS has hamster pics. lmao

    awwww. >.<
    well your sweet today...well yesterday. lol

    where do you get those pics anyways?
    So it's my fault if you're too cheap to buy a scarf yourself?
    Well, excuse me, princess! :mad:

    If you ever do in fact visit Finland don't forget to inform me beforehand! :bee:
    Why do new gloves make you : mad:? :mad:

    If you like beautiful nature it's definitely worth visiting the less populated places of Finland. I doupt you'd find it interesting enough to warrant a longer staying though... there's not much to do around here.
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