"The game should be played AS IT WAS INTEND TO IN EVERY WAY SHAPE OR FORM"
If we were truly meant to play the game AS SAKURAI INTENDED (according to you), we wouldn't even be playing this game competitively at all."
Yup, we all should because obviously adding 3 stocks and 8 mins to the game causes lots of problems. Look at MK planking, and running the timer.
"What it all comes down to in this kind of situation is usually the purists vs the progressives. This doesn't necessarily just apply to this kind of topic with hacks. It has also occurred between the Melee purists and the Brawl progressives back in 2008 (still a little salt thrown around, but nothing like back then). I used to be a hardcore Melee purist, I hated the direction Brawl was taking. What did I do? I tried Brawl, I learned it. Ohio's Melee scene went down the crapper in late 07 so I didn't really have a choice if I wanted to still keep playing competitive Smash, it was Brawl or bust. In 09 I learned to appreciate Brawl a little more, got pretty good at it, got ranked, all that jazz. Then...it got stale, really stale."
KB this is what happened to me. It got stale. I got tried of people trying to gay me over by running the timer, i got tried of the same old stuff that comes with playing this game the way the brawl backroom wants us too. Part of my issue is the community, their choice in keeping meta knight in, rule sets and the other part well..
The other part is Brawl is just...not competitive. This community is trying to play this game competitively and its failing thats because they're not playing it the way it should be played as. Casually. Theres too many loop holes with community rules, the more complex they keep making the competitive system the harder it is to play brawl on a competitive level.
I do not believe a hack is the answer. I can feel your feelings in your post that you want to play the game on a fast, combo fun level like in your melee days. I know how that feels and i understand how frustrating it can be trying to play brawl and enjoy it this long. But im telling you a hack is not the answer. That is not what brawl is and we both know that no hack can truely give us what we all want...and have everyone be happy with all the tweaks.
And that is why i decided to play Street Fighter competitively. The developer works closely with the community, they monitor and fix infinites, they build the game to be competitive from the ground up, while also keeping it simple enough that newer players can also join and that older viets can enjoy it on higher levels. Smashes developers...dont do that. And look where its gotten the community.