but while youre here, wanna tell us sheik mainers what are some stupid things sheiks do against your olimar and how you deal with them and some things we should avoid doing? :]
Emmy said her piece, but then defaulted to me to answer the question. This is what I've learned against the Olimars I've played. Hopefully it helps. (Yes I saw the huge Olimar post, but more infoprmation enevr hurts...that's what this thread is for.)
How I fight Olimar with Sheik
Problems :
- Olimar is a tricksy little jerk. His smash attacks come out a lot faster then you'd think they would since it doesn't require a Pikmin to fully return before sending another out.
- When Sheik is at low damage and thrown down, it can easily lead to a string of aerial combos that will rack your damage up FAST.
- His grab range is long and fast. This makes approaching from the ground extremely difficult.
- Super Armor. F*ck that whistle. What's that? USmash Tipper at 150%?...yeah Olimar doesn't care, he'll whistle land and USmash you off the screen without blinking.
...essentially the biggest problem I face when fighting an Olimar is spacing. A good Olimar will keep you well spaced and afraid of him, and we all know how good Sheik's approach game is. Whenever Olimar is on the ground I consider him to have a zone in a semi-circle around him where he's safe. In front of him, he can grab, DSmash, or FSmash safely...behind him, he has a DSmash to protect, and above him, he's got in range for an USmash or a short-hopped aerial (and you want to avoid is UAir attacks at all costs, since they are brutal.)
Advice :
- Get his b*tch *** in the air! Olimar is by no means weak in the air, but Sheik stands a MUCH better chance against him in an aerial battle then on the ground. GRAB GRAB GRAB...If you can get inside his zone, grab him and get him in the air. (I suggest Back throw, as it puts you in range of a BAir or two)
- Stay underneath him, or behind...His aerials are good, but Sheik is faster.
- Anticipate the whistle. Mind games people. Jump to a vanish works WONDERS against a whistling Olimar. More often then not, this avoids the first few frames of the whistle's SAF and will send them flying. Otherwise, jump, wait, attack...adapt. Read their patterns and react accordingly...once you see how an opponent whistles, it's easy to wait for it and then throw your aerial.
- Don't rush him. A.k.a. "Don't walk into the ****". His zone of defense is too strong to just walk into, he's got too much range and his attacks are too fast. If you can weasel your way in, Spot dodge to a FTilt lock, then followed with a NAir into a string of attacks that wills end him off the edge. Be careful though, moving into a standing Olimar's zone can be punishing...you need to be smart about your approaches.
- Needles are you friend. they have better range then his Pikmin. Now the Pikmin have hit boxes, so not all of the needles will make it, but it won't take long for the Olimar to get fed up and move into an attack, which is allowing you to control the situation, not him...and that is always good.
- Best/Most Obvious advice : Gimp his insanely gimpable save. Sheik's aerials = Awesome. Aerial him off the edge and keep him there. Be wary of throw purple Pikmin though, and cling to that ledge till the bitter end, but be READY, that chain will often times bounce you off the stage and at high damage, this can be dangerous. (Though I would easily take a high damage death to gimp an Olimar's save.
...this is in my opinion also better then having to switch to kill with Zelda, but if you're up against a wall and the Olimar is super good with that whistle, Zelda's multi-hit attacks are natural counters to his super armor frames. Use your best judgment.