So I noticed something a while ago but never bothered to post until now. When there is a texture .pcs/.pac file for Zelda/Sheik (even if it's just the original, unmodified FitZelda0#/FitSheik0# file), it cuts the load time of that character (with that texture) when transforming by roughly 50%. Not only that, but the load time seems to be of consistent length. This is probably because it's much faster to load from the SD Card than to have to search for it in the disc to load it. I recently tested it to double check.
With the fact that it's faster, and especially because it's consistent, I really believe that Brawl+ should officially include original, unmodified texture files for both Zelda and Sheik, for all of their colors.
But in case some people are already using textures for some of Zelda/Sheik's colors, there could be a notice telling/reminding people to back up their textures and re-insert it after (if using auto-updater), or not to overwrite those textures (if doing it manually).