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YGD - As the snow melts, the mighty Dinosaur rises once more!

Best Yoshi Attack

  • Total voters


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
*Refrains from posting a comment saying how much Yoshi is garbage and hopefully people still post around here*




is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Good point.

I'll never drop him as my main. He's too ****ing adorable. :yoshi:

Just look at him. What a happy guy.



Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
People only use yoshi because he's adorable. Green Ace says he wants to try timing people out with yoshi, I'm really excited to see that XD

Deleted member

Random but im prolly gonna retire for goodish.
Cuz havok is not holding tournaments anymore, and i cant really travel, theres no point :(
I was really excited about improving my yoshi but its k.
Ill still be here tho, and play on wifi a wee bit.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Random but im prolly gonna retire for goodish.
Cuz havok is not holding tournaments anymore, and i cant really travel, theres no point :(
I was really excited about improving my yoshi but its k.
Ill still be here tho, and play on wifi a wee bit.
There's no other TO's around? :(


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
I just looked at about the first 2-3 pages of this thread, and now I'm laughing really hard of how much different this ****ty place has become.



Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
Omg, stop being whiny little pansies. If you're upset about the current state of things, then you change it. You upset that "everyone" is dropping Yoshi for another character? You care why? All it does is give someone else the opportunity to stand amongst his peers and show everyone what he is made of, yet none of you jump on this idea. You sit back, waiting for the next top Yoshi to appear and tell you what you should do, waiting for someone else to prove Yoshi's viability in tournament.

Stop complaining how "crappy" this place has become because everyone here was the cause of it. Your home is only as good as you make it. If you want something different, get off your butt and change it. Stop waiting for someone else to magically fix what you want fixed.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Omg, stop being whiny little pansies. If you're upset about the current state of things, then you change it. You upset that "everyone" is dropping Yoshi for another character? You care why? All it does is give someone else the opportunity to stand amongst his peers and show everyone what he is made of, yet none of you jump on this idea. You sit back, waiting for the next top Yoshi to appear and tell you what you should do, waiting for someone else to prove Yoshi's viability in tournament.

Stop complaining how "crappy" this place has become because everyone here was the cause of it. Your home is only as good as you make it. If you want something different, get off your butt and change it. Stop waiting for someone else to magically fix what you want fixed.
I hope this wasn't directed to me. In no way have I literally implied that I was complaining about what has changed in this place. As a matter of fact, I merely showed how hilarious it was when this place "attempted" to claim that there was no hostility those few months back. We had hostility and turmoil with probably half of the boards back then (maybe 1/4 but I'm not too sure of the exact number). This place was going to falter sooner or later. Why? Cause it was inevitable that people would leave to go play top/high tiers. People only stay here cause it's either fun to troll the place, fun to talk about random things they've done with Yoshi, or just explain to new people who wrong they are when explaining matchups.

Everyone will naturally take the easy route. It's simple as that. The people that still play Yoshi and other low tiers really just have honor/pride/etc. They would rather want to place/win money with the character they love playing rather than giving themselves the highest chance of winning by picking top tiers. Someone wants to prove Yoshi has tournament viability? I sure as hell wanted to, and I still do want to prove it. However, in my current state and lack of a strong smash community, there's not much to prove here when there's barely anything to start with.

If people wanted to change this place back to what it used to be, they would've already tried. It's obvious that some people that get annoyed at what people say here just don't come anymore instead of talking it out and make a compromise. Everyone is gonna sit back and look for a leader. If no leader comes, then they'll either leave or join with the rest of the group. Human nature.

I still love everyone here, but my respect for most people aren't the same. It shouldn't matter anyway since I'm most likely not going to be important in your real life.

PS: Bwett, I'm not getting mad at you or anything so I hope you don't take it that way.



Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
I REALLY wish I lived in a stronger Brawl community. As it is, I rarely get the chance to attend tourneys, and when I do, the competition is at too low of a level to post my experiences here without getting flamed. I really would like to contribute, but I don't think I'm at that level yet. I'm trying my best to improve, but there's only so much you can do in a region like BC. v.v I think I may finally be able to attend a national tourney in a few months, but for now, I'm gonna just keep on doing what I'm doing; earning a bit of money by winning small regional events in a really inexperienced region.

The state of the Yoshi boards saddens me, and the fact that there isn't much I can do to change it doesn't help at all. I mean, I am proving Yoshi to be a threat in small regions, but I'm not in one of the Brawl hotspots, so it means nothing. I hope to go to TourneyPlay 4 in February, and I will do everything I can to improve and perform to my full potential. I'll probably place really poorly, at hey, it's a start, right? >.>



Smash Hero
Mar 9, 2008
Kissimmee, FL (Poinciana)
The people that still play Yoshi and other low tiers really just have honor/pride/etc. They would rather want to place/win money with the character they love playing rather than giving themselves the highest chance of winning by picking top tiers. Someone wants to prove Yoshi has tournament viability? I sure as hell wanted to, and I still do want to prove it.



Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2007
YO MARVEL Lexington, Kentucky
Omg, stop being whiny little pansies. If you're upset about the current state of things, then you change it. You upset that "everyone" is dropping Yoshi for another character? You care why? All it does is give someone else the opportunity to stand amongst his peers and show everyone what he is made of, yet none of you jump on this idea. You sit back, waiting for the next top Yoshi to appear and tell you what you should do, waiting for someone else to prove Yoshi's viability in tournament.

Stop complaining how "crappy" this place has become because everyone here was the cause of it. Your home is only as good as you make it. If you want something different, get off your butt and change it. Stop waiting for someone else to magically fix what you want fixed.
only reason why i said ****ty was because i was alluding to how scatz described it. only reason why i sighed is because of how much everything has changed in just a short notice of time. this is NOT whining, nor is it saying that i'm upset. i actually only see it as a minor setback, because i believe that i can make a significant difference in the community, and have more to contribute to yoshi's metagame. i'm still getting better, and i can recognize where i can improve, as well as figure out better ways to solve situations i run into. it's not my fault that i reside in the lowest ranking state in the Midwest-East, but I'm doing all i can to manage and best my surrounding opponents. so how exactly is this whining?

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
I just looked at about the first 2-3 pages of this thread
I, too, just looked at the first page of this thread, saw King Yo Lu De's sig where Yoshi's tongue extended and grabbed a Peach from way the hell away, and hoped to see ELF to fsmash. I was disappointed.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
Omg, stop being whiny little pansies. If you're upset about the current state of things, then you change it. You upset that "everyone" is dropping Yoshi for another character? You care why? All it does is give someone else the opportunity to stand amongst his peers and show everyone what he is made of, yet none of you jump on this idea. You sit back, waiting for the next top Yoshi to appear and tell you what you should do, waiting for someone else to prove Yoshi's viability in tournament.

Stop complaining how "crappy" this place has become because everyone here was the cause of it. Your home is only as good as you make it. If you want something different, get off your butt and change it. Stop waiting for someone else to magically fix what you want fixed.

i never knew bwett post like this

I like it


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2007
YO MARVEL Lexington, Kentucky
I was in a bad mood at that time. I probably overreacted, forgive my emo behavior lol =P
yeah, i was a little worked up as well. had just got out of a **** math test... was ready for the triple integrals and all, but for some reason couldn't find a way to solve this one problem in spherical coordinates because i wasn't sure about the integral of sin^3 of phi, so i just got frustrated with that. then, i realized that i'm going to have to submit my lab report late. and i had to work... this has just been a dumb week. but it's smooth sailing for the rest of the semester.

Deleted member

nobody wants to hear about the intricacies of ur math test air.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
As a huge calculus lover/nerd I can honestly say that when I come on the boards, I really don't feel like looking at more of it. Sorry air, no one cares :D

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
yeah, i was a little worked up as well. had just got out of a **** math test... was ready for the triple integrals and all, but for some reason couldn't find a way to solve this one problem in spherical coordinates because i wasn't sure about the integral of sin^3 of phi, so i just got frustrated with that. then, i realized that i'm going to have to submit my lab report late. and i had to work... this has just been a dumb week. but it's smooth sailing for the rest of the semester.
nobody wants to hear about the intricacies of ur math test air.
As a huge calculus lover/nerd I can honestly say that when I come on the boards, I really don't feel like looking at more of it. Sorry air, no one cares :D
False, I'm actually kinda interested since I can totally relate to that. :) I had something like that on a p chem test last year, where I had to integrate something like sin^2 of a wavefunction, only it wasn't on the table of integrals that they gave us and I didn't remember how to do it, since I hadn't taken a calc class in almost 2 years.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2009
Vancouver, BC
I REALLY wish I lived in a stronger Brawl community. As it is, I rarely get the chance to attend tourneys, and when I do, the competition is at too low of a level to post my experiences here without getting flamed. I really would like to contribute, but I don't think I'm at that level yet. I'm trying my best to improve, but there's only so much you can do in a region like BC. v.v I think I may finally be able to attend a national tourney in a few months, but for now, I'm gonna just keep on doing what I'm doing; earning a bit of money by winning small regional events in a really inexperienced region.

The state of the Yoshi boards saddens me, and the fact that there isn't much I can do to change it doesn't help at all. I mean, I am proving Yoshi to be a threat in small regions, but I'm not in one of the Brawl hotspots, so it means nothing. I hope to go to TourneyPlay 4 in February, and I will do everything I can to improve and perform to my full potential. I'll probably place really poorly, at hey, it's a start, right? >.>

Well I guess after our recent tourny you seem to have some decent competition. I hope to do decently in Tourny Play so I think we should practice a lot more together :) Brian was playing amazingly - who uses kirby? :p Imbalanced!

Anyway, I suppose you won't just be "winning small regional events in a really inexperienced region" anymore - and that's the goal, right? Hehehe.

gg man. I'll be practicing for our next encounter!

Deleted member

I REALLY wish I lived in a stronger Brawl community. As it is, I rarely get the chance to attend tourneys, and when I do, the competition is at too low of a level to post my experiences here without getting flamed. I really would like to contribute, but I don't think I'm at that level yet. I'm trying my best to improve, but there's only so much you can do in a region like BC. v.v I think I may finally be able to attend a national tourney in a few months, but for now, I'm gonna just keep on doing what I'm doing; earning a bit of money by winning small regional events in a really inexperienced region.

The state of the Yoshi boards saddens me, and the fact that there isn't much I can do to change it doesn't help at all. I mean, I am proving Yoshi to be a threat in small regions, but I'm not in one of the Brawl hotspots, so it means nothing. I hope to go to TourneyPlay 4 in February, and I will do everything I can to improve and perform to my full potential. I'll probably place really poorly, at hey, it's a start, right? >.>

I dont think ive ever region flamed you xD
And me and meta are the only ones who do it.
Im sure you are quite good, and even "bad" regions have some good players, just keep showing your region that yoshi is beast.

I cant go to many tournies anymore cuz havok isnt hosting weeklies anymore and i cant travel (the only out of san diego tournament ive been to is Active gamers, where i met bwett, meta, hades, etc), so yea :(
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