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YGD - As the snow melts, the mighty Dinosaur rises once more!

Best Yoshi Attack

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Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
soooooo what do you guys think about Yoshi on Norfair? Ive been going him recently when gay people counterpick my gay character to gay stages. Sometimes it works out great and sometimes Im like omwtfbbq this is gay.


Seriously what wierd stages does Yoshi do best on and against what characters? I don't really understand because I play Yoshi best on neutrals but I would never want to go him on a neutral in tourney LOL.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Host your own Socks! People must know you and would come. I know I'd host something if nobody else was. And if I had a house with a decent place to put a bunch of smashers and TVs. :laugh:

Edit for being ninja'd: I love Norfair to death. You can air camp on that stage, edge camp on that stage since there are a lot of edges to grab. You can camp the bottom platform effectively with egg tosses, usmashed through platforms, and pivot grabs. The only thing you really miss out on in this map is the CG.

Other stages Yoshi is good on are Pictochat and Distant Planet. Pictochat has a lot of space for our CGs and camping. Distant Planet has the slope for walk off CGs. The bottom of the slope makes an excellent camping spot. You can egg nearly everywhere on the stage from there and Usmash through the platform. When it rains, you can hold left towards the slope and mash Up on the C-stick to perform a consistent up aerial wall at the edge of the slope. You can also DJC up the slope for some nice tricks.


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
Well I guess after our recent tourny you seem to have some decent competition. I hope to do decently in Tourny Play so I think we should practice a lot more together :) Brian was playing amazingly - who uses kirby? :p Imbalanced!

Anyway, I suppose you won't just be "winning small regional events in a really inexperienced region" anymore - and that's the goal, right? Hehehe.

gg man. I'll be practicing for our next encounter!
OMG, you and Brian owned me so hard today. I've never seen anybody adapt to my playing style so quickly. XD Before Overture, I just thought "okay, I'm going to this region with no Brawl scene, and since I have tournament experience, I'll win". And then I did. But then I came back a week later to have the two of you curb stomp me. XD I was disappointed at my performance, but I'm also really excited that I have some really legit competition here. BC Brawl is SO much better than I expected; I just underestimated it a bit at first. You guys are SO IMBALANCED

I dont think ive ever region flamed you xD
And me and meta are the only ones who do it.
Im sure you are quite good, and even "bad" regions have some good players, just keep showing your region that yoshi is beast.

I cant go to many tournies anymore cuz havok isnt hosting weeklies anymore and i cant travel (the only out of san diego tournament ive been to is Active gamers, where i met bwett, meta, hades, etc), so yea :(
You haven't directly region flamed me. You have region flamed Marik to death though, and the way I see it, since EC Canada >> WC Canada, it was implied that WC Canada was included in that flaming. =D Also, by flaming, I mostly meant trying to say something on a match-up and having people responding with statements like "uh, that won't work on anybody decent....". Not that this has happened to me, because I don't really post that much, but I just know it probably will if I try. Although, people here are adapting to fighting Yoshi VERY well, so I may actually be able to give some useful input soon. Who knows?

Also, there is no reason why you should think I'm any good. I did finally get some recorded vids though (including some ones of me getting wrecked), so I guess you guys can be the judge of that. =P

On the topic of stages, I absolutely LOVE Norfair. The unique platform configuration is SO much fun to play with. It's probably my favorite CP, although I like Rainbow Cruise and Pictochat almost as much. I have SO much experience on Pictochat, and it's a very effective stage against people who aren't as familiar with it, which is most people. Rainbow Cruise is always nice, but sometimes it turns on me depending on the character, so I don't rely on it as much.

I love making up for my lack of good characters with really gay stage counter-picks. =]



Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2009
Vancouver, BC
OMG, you and Brian owned me so hard today. I've never seen anybody adapt to my playing style so quickly. XD Before Overture, I just thought "okay, I'm going to this region with no Brawl scene, and since I have tournament experience, I'll win". And then I did. But then I came back a week later to have the two of you curb stomp me. XD I was disappointed at my performance, but I'm also really excited that I have some really legit competition here. BC Brawl is SO much better than I expected; I just underestimated it a bit at first. You guys are SO IMBALANCED

You haven't directly region flamed me. You have region flamed Marik to death though, and the way I see it, since EC Canada >> WC Canada, it was implied that WC Canada was included in that flaming. =D Also, by flaming, I mostly meant trying to say something on a match-up and having people responding with statements like "uh, that won't work on anybody decent....". Not that this has happened to me, because I don't really post that much, but I just know it probably will if I try. Although, people here are adapting to fighting Yoshi VERY well, so I may actually be able to give some useful input soon. Who knows?

Also, there is no reason why you should think I'm any good. I did finally get some recorded vids though (including some ones of me getting wrecked), so I guess you guys can be the judge of that. =P

On the topic of stages, I absolutely LOVE Norfair. The unique platform configuration is SO much fun to play with. It's probably my favorite CP, although I like Rainbow Cruise and Pictochat almost as much. I have SO much experience on Pictochat, and it's a very effective stage against people who aren't as familiar with it, which is most people. Rainbow Cruise is always nice, but sometimes it turns on me depending on the character, so I don't rely on it as much.

I love making up for my lack of good characters with really gay stage counter-picks. =]

Haha I had a really great time. I swear I had nightmares of fighting yoshi on norfair...

Anyway, I decided that I should cook more nades and basically just try and up my camping game. I didn't put in as much practice as I should have, but I thought a lot about our meta-game. Otherwise, you didn't seem like you were playing at the top of your game - next time we meet I hope we are both in good form :)

Pretty sad for another second place finish. I am going to be a complete ***** and get my meta-knight up to snuff so I can more easily deal with strange matchups.

We should team up for 2v2s at the next Overture :)

See you soon!

edit: Oh ****, I also have to put in mad props for Firefly in this thread. I've played with MANY of the top westcoast players (been down to America a number of times) and he plays a MONSTEROUS yoshi. I suppose we will have some vids up soon, but he really wasn't playing very well today. Hopefully he will carpool with us down to a bigger American tourny and try and place well!

edit2: Sooooo immmmmbalanced!


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
The thought you put into the match-up really helped though. It was pretty clear to me, anyway. That whole "grenade countering my Bair" mess you started doing to me was just mean. D= I was maybe getting a little tired of playing at that point, and I was getting frustrated REALLY easily, but your win was very well earned. No johns. Also, PLEASE start using MK on me. You have no idea how lacking in MK experience I am. It saddens me. And yeah, teams would win. So much better than that Yoshi + Falco BS me and Kevin attempted today. Our collective KO power was atrocious. =3 Snake tilts would rectify that problem easily.

For the love of all that is holy, please don't start overstating my abilities around these parts. People have come in here to hype me up before, with nothing to back it up, and I'm sure the other Yoshis must be getting sick of it by now. XD

Edit: @ Sharky: I'll try my best. ^.^



Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2009
Vancouver, BC
The thought you put into the match-up really helped though. It was pretty clear to me, anyway. That whole "grenade countering my Bair" mess you started doing to me was just mean. D= I was maybe getting a little tired of playing at that point, and I was getting frustrated REALLY easily, but your win was very well earned. No johns. Also, PLEASE start using MK on me. You have no idea how lacking in MK experience I am. It saddens me. And yeah, teams would win. So much better than that Yoshi + Falco BS me and Kevin attempted today. Our collective KO power was atrocious. =3 Snake tilts would rectify that problem easily.

For the love of all that is holy, please don't start overstating my abilities around these parts. People have come in here to hype me up before, with nothing to back it up, and I'm sure the other Yoshis must be getting sick of it by now. XD

Edit: @ Sharky: I'll try my best. ^.^

Well you were the "guy to beat" going in to this tournament, and I really wanted to prove to myself that I could at least compete with you. I found out that nade-countering really helped turn the tide for me, as you really run with your momentum. I also noticed that I can motarslide under your Bair, allowing for multiple nade tricks. I have a few nifty ways of cooking nades as you may have seen ;) My favorite one is tossing a nade, mortar sliding under the opponent (which awesomely places me right ontop of my previously thrown nade) and picking it it up throwing it in the opposite direction, which (usually) blows up on or near my opponent! Tricky trick!

Anyway, I found you can usually put more damage on me projectile vs projectile, but my camping game is still stronger. I place nades everywhere and mortar slide all over the map and it makes it quite difficult for yoshi to set up those devastating combos. I am gunning for your % marker to hit 130 every time and waste zero time spacing an Utilt. Utilt pretty much is so disjointed that it shuts down nearly your entire game when you are at 130+ and its fresh. I think you should maybe attempt to go into a more campy style of your own at this point?


I hope I can come out to SFU and practice with you sometime, we could really benefit from eachothers experience and playstyles and hopefully be able to crush some people in Seattle (and Overture!)

I also have no problem with you helping me with my meta-game :p (plz plz plz)


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
I'm still trying to get used to responding better to your plethora of explosions. >.< No matter how much I try, I end up getting blown up by something sooner or later, and I get wrecked. That being said, you do sometimes let my eggs detonate your explosives next to you, resulting in you taking damage. We both need to play really cautiously when exchanging projectiles, but I think you have a lot more room for error than I do. <.< I really do need to try and reset the battle more often and start camping you, especially at those high %s. It should be pretty obvious to any Yoshi to camp for his life when in the danger zone against Snake, but I just don't as much as I should. >.>

This should maaaaaybe go in the Yoshi vs. Snake discussion thread. XD I donno how much of it will be useful, but I think certain people won't much appreciate the srs match-up talk going on in here. =D



Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
Firefly, get your meatriders out of here. >_>

Anyways, I left a good amount of critique for you. I'd like to say I know a bit about the Snake MU. I'm better at it than the MK MU, that's for sure. >_>''


Smash Hero
Apr 4, 2009
Going all-in with the grime
I'm trying, but they won't leave me alone. D=<

And yeah, I breezed through all the critique I got just now. It's gonna be really helpful. =3 Hopefully, I can get a few more vids up soon; I know there were more recorded than that set, but they haven't been uploaded yet.

@ Asa: It's not your fault you use 2 of the characters I have the most experience against. ]=



Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I played PRIDE yesterday.

He didnt do too good. Rhyme didnt teach him well.

however, in real life he seems like a super super cool guy. i like him.

EDIR: this is xyro on inuis account.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Pride plays brawl? ._.
He said he's getting back into it. He had things to take care of before he got back into brawl.

Anyways Xyro, most of us think the MU is bad, but some just want to play it to see how it truly feels (although Burntsocks is just trolling like he normally does). You just don't have to remind us of the MU constantly if it's not brought up by another Yoshi. I know Pride hasn't been on his game lately since he's just made a recent comeback.

Sooner or later I'll play you so I can see the MU myself :)



is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
@ Hadesblade: When he doesn't rage quit for an indefinite period of time. :yoshi:

Also, he just got back into it, apparently. Makes sense.

PRiDE plays a pretty decent Yoshi.


Smash Hero
May 29, 2009
Northern NJ or Chicago, IL
I played Pride at the last Viridian. I think that was one of his first tournaments after quitting. His Yoshi is still pretty decent.

I heard he used to be fat. I didn't even know until I heard someone mention it.

I'll figure out a way to gay the Samus MU. There's gotta be a way. >=[


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Me, Niko K., KingAce, and two other random dudes were talking at School>Brawl, and since I'm a Yoshi player, we were discussing Yoshi, albeit me being in a discouraged mood.

So, Niko K. goes: "I played PRiDE before. I think he's gay, like actually gay."

I go: "What does he look like?"

Niko K. goes: "Big, fat, and... gay."

It was hilarious.

And them someone said he lost weight. Or something.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Look at PRiDE stepping his game up. :yoshi:

Also, should I go back to my old name of Marik?

I'm feeling kind of nostalgic.
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