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YGD - As the snow melts, the mighty Dinosaur rises once more!

Best Yoshi Attack

  • Total voters


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Yeah, http:// bypasses the MSN filter at my city's public libraries.

Only works for imo.im, unfortunately. Meebo got blocked. :[

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Psh, all you Yoshis with your "high school" and "morning classes." Get at my no-class-on-Wednesday-or-Friday schedule.

As an aside, I'm looking forward to seeing just how much smaller Yoshi's hitboxes are than his body.

Silent Beast

Smash Journeyman
Dec 6, 2008
Yoshi's hitboxes are pretty small
Seriously, it's so annoying when I dtilt someone, and the tip of his tail clearly goes through their feet, but it doesn't hit them. I think dsmash is the same way, though I'm not sure since I don't use it as much. And for fsmash, there's this picture:



Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
Define Project Y.O.S.H.I., por favor. And do you have AIM or Skype, Shiri? You should add me, sonnnnnn. =O
:yoshi: This is Project Y.O.S.H.I..

Only this time Brawl doesn't have its own Doraki or Bringer, so I will either have to search out the minds that matter for Brawl or just spend half a year doing experiments myself.

I think I will search for people instead, hahaha.

And VM get.


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2007
YO MARVEL Lexington, Kentucky
:yoshi: This is Project Y.O.S.H.I..

Only this time Brawl doesn't have its own Doraki or Bringer, so I will either have to search out the minds that matter for Brawl or just spend half a year doing experiments myself.

I think I will search for people instead, hahaha.

And VM get.
hmmm looks like fun, count me in, if you're really looking for people. I can help with videos mainly, but I can test as well.

after this week, I will have TONNSSSSSSSSS of free time on mah hands.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
As a matter of fact, I am.

See, I was only implying one particular option, and not saying OTHERS DIDN'T EXIST, which is where everyone got off on the wrong page.

And please understand, many people called my method unreliable when it's worked against actual opponents on a consistent basis.

But, I was kidding around when I brought it up. Nobody was actually wrong, just different notions and ideas collided.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
As a matter of fact, I am.

See, I was only implying one particular option, and not saying OTHERS DIDN'T EXIST, which is where everyone got off on the wrong page.

And please understand, many people called my method unreliable when it's worked against actual opponents on a consistent basis.

But, I was kidding around when I brought it up. Nobody was actually wrong, just different notions and ideas colliding.
xD I still don't get exactly how your using the egg roll to kill 6 pikmin, then keeping him from repicking them while you take your 30ish frames to get out of the egg ._.

I feel like I did everything I could to disprove it with you ignoring half my post, and not elaborating on incomplete thoughts.

And so you don't think I'm getting all serious I'm going to put this win smily that I never figured out why it even exists at the end. >> :lick: <<

EDIT: I missed both post 250 and 300 ._. someone let me know when I get close to 500 so i can make a big deal out of that one :p


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
I definitely elaborated numerous times about the situational aspect on Egg Rolling Olimar's Pikmin.

I was getting sick of explaining myself, due to repeating it over and over again! :yoshi:

Some people just don't process information the same way, I suppose.

Egg Roll is a legitimate, if slightly unorthodox, manner in which to accomplish getting rid of Pikmin.

See, the entire point of performing Egg Roll is to do it when the opponent has no idea it's coming. This way, their reaction time will take much longer, and if airborne, they cannot immediately pluck Pikmin.

It's more of a gimmicky trick than a valid strategy, if you will.

But on a personal level, it's worked really well for me.

So, anybody else have information they want to contribute on behalf of the Wario vs. Yoshi matchup in my thread? Would be appreciated.

Feel free to discuss other characters too. :yoshi:


Smash Apprentice
Aug 14, 2008
I definitely elaborated numerous times about the situational aspect on Egg Rolling Olimar's Pikmin.

I was getting sick of explaining myself, due to repeating it over and over again! :yoshi:

ur not giving a valid reason egg roll is a better option then up tilt. ur just saying its one purpose is for killing pikmen and i ask why is it better then egg roll

Some people just don't process information the same way, I suppose. same with me

Egg Roll is a legitimate, if slightly unorthodox, manner in which to accomplish getting rid of Pikmin.

See, the entire point of performing Egg Roll is to do it when the opponent has no idea it's coming. This way, their reaction time will take much longer, and if airborne, they cannot immediately pluck Pikmin.how slow are u assuming their reaction time is? slow enough to punish them pefore plucking pikmen? i think thats crazy

It's more of a gimmicky trick than a valid strategy, if you will.

But on a personal level, it's worked really well for me.
i personally dont see how eggroll is a better option then up tilt please care to explain me wrong


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2007
YO MARVEL Lexington, Kentucky
the only use for egg roll on oli is to surprise him at high percents, and can only be useful when he's at least at 110% or so, it being on a platform-less stage. it would prevent oli from landing before you can get out of the ending lag on egg roll, and punish his landing whistle, AD, or whatever, with a grab of some sort.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
If Eggroll is working for you against Olimar, you are playing against a poor Olimar. The reasons it doesn't work have been explained already.
When I first played against an Olimar I accidently did an Eggroll (pretty much the only time I use the move is accidental) and it did actually work pretty well so I did it more against him and it seemed to be an actual use for the move. However, upon playing Olimars thats DIDN'T suck I soon learnt that it deffinatly is not anymore usefull in this matchup. You will get ***** for using it.
I hate that move. I hate it so much. I would actually prefer to turn it off, if they allowed me to disable the Forward B input alltogether I would do that.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
I hate that move. I hate it so much. I would actually prefer to turn it off, if they allowed me to disable the Forward B input alltogether I would do that.
I would do it too xD. I hate it when I'm trying to do egg lay's and I don't time the B for when the joystick is neutral, and an egg roll comes out ._.

And what edge, depster, and auroreon said. Almost to what meta. XD

I'm going to bold/underline this so hopefully you see I WANT YOU TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION. You haven't elaborated in any way as to how you are killing 6 pikmin with an egg roll, and then punishing them without them picking more pickmin in the breakout lag.

If you have already said it and I'm just really blind, feel free to quote yourself.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Sorry for the double post.

Since people aren't understanding my intentions, I will thoroughly clarify my points in a more elaborate manner.

I never said there weren't other options, some undoubtly better. However, I did mention it was situational and the possible setups and benefits derived from performing such an unorthodox and unusual move could be beneficial.

you are killing 6 pikmin with an egg roll, and then punishing them without them picking more pickmin in the breakout lag.
See, the entire point of performing Egg Roll is to do it when the opponent has no idea it's coming. This way, their reaction time will take much longer, and if airborne, they cannot immediately pluck Pikmin.
Maybe the move doesn't have to be a super fancy move. It can kill some Pikmin, rack up some damage, maybe be followed up with a Bair. Mix your game up, think outside of the box.

I'm not suggesting there are no other follow-ups and possibilities in existance when approaching Olimar to destroy his Pikmin, I was merely pointing out one such possibility, intended for a surprise attack. I'm well aware that Olimar can Grab Yoshi OoS.

Just so we know and understand each other, this was my intention all along. While many of you have failed to disprove my argument while undertaking an elitist attitude, please understand and acknowledge that I wasn't stating any of your opinions were wrong, just that mine existed and isn't as unreliable as people like to think.

Many times I've gone over the situational aspects involved, and how to perform such a move. I've even stated when and where to set up an Egg Roll.

Since I've repeated this numerous times, it annoys me to keep going on about it.

Sorry for the confusion and such. :yoshi:

More later, I'm in class.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
I haven't really read all of this discussion, but eggroll can be useful against olimar at very situational times. First of all, egg roll is a crappy move. It has barely any priority, horrible ending lag (lost a tourney set because of that ending lag), and it just sucks.

However, there is a place for eggroll against olimar. You should really only use it like...once...the entire set lol. Because of these bad qualities, you will be punished hard next time you use it. Also, the chances of you actually destroying ALL pikmin and being able to follow up afterwards is near impossible, if not impossible.

If you want to use eggroll, you can use eggroll, but you must've conditioned them super hard. Otherwise, don't use eggroll. It's a bad move, and even though it's "surprising" to them that you would use such a crappy move, it really isn't that hard to Cstick a fsmash or grab before you get there.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2007
I would do it too xD. I hate it when I'm trying to do egg lay's and I don't time the B for when the joystick is neutral, and an egg roll comes out ._.
Its so **** annoying! Takes WAY too long to get out of the stupid egg as well and if you get to the ledge as u break out he SD's. I get punished for it everytime too and I am then in a bad position.
He does it when I try to ETS sometimes cos I have tapjump on.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Bwett summed it up quite nicely. You can still use it, albeit it being such a mediocre move which I've blatantly stated it was numerous times.

Reading comprehension helps.

So, school sucks.

Discuss. :yoshi:


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
Many times I've gone over the situational aspects involved, and how to perform such a move. I've even stated when and where to set up an Egg Roll.

Since I've repeated this numerous times, it annoys me to keep going on about it.
I really think I'm missing something ._.

EDIT: yeah bwett's pretty much right, once a set, if the oli hasn't played a yoshi that egg rolls before ._.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Egg Roll is probably Yoshi's worst move in the entire game.

At least in Brawl+ you can jump out of an Egg Roll animation.

Helps to recover and set stuff up, pretty cool. :yoshi:


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
It isnt probably his worst move.
All of yoshis other moves **** :)

What would you consider to be his worst move?

And I'm talking about vBrawl, just so we know. :yoshi:

His moves are pretty great, too bad Yoshi still sucks. :D


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008

I get it.

I said "probably" when I really meant "it is" and I thought Sockz was saying it WASN'T Yoshi's worst move.

But he was saying it isn't "probably". It is.

How typical. :yoshi:

Yeah, Egg Roll is pretty bad.

Yay redundancy.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
ewwwww yoshi talk

this is like the only thread I post in on the yoshi boards cuz we usually don't talk about yoshi stuff


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
^ Lol

"Hey, I hate talking about Yoshi, but don't mind me I'm just going to post around the Yoshi Boards."

Makes sense. :V
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