I played like 3 hours of P:M while at a tiny smashfest at Ooples yesterday.
Utilt and Eggroll are good now, do not under any circumstance use any smash moves outside of Down Smash cause it's melee's with its downward smack. Fsmash has always been meh even in brawl while Usmash feels even uglier and slower since I'm pretty sure they removed the invincibility.
Eggs also don't explode, think they're 64 eggs where they keep going till they hit something or just go into the abyss, so use that as an advantage when throwing it from behind and curving it in front of you.
Egglay is massive now, can't juggle as well like we can in brawl, but the extra range to it is pretty cool. Egg roll as an option to get back to stage helps a lot, first second of it I believe is a small dash and u can auto-snap to the ledge with it if you pop out fast enough or even just running into it since you don't go into a helpless state when you pop out of it anymore, popping out of it is so fast you can also hit someone with it and immediately U-tilt em. It feels pretty fast tbh.
It combos with itself at early percents lol, so you can prolly get off 2-5 depending on the character and their fall speed.
One fun little thing I messed with is just egg rolling off stage, popping out and Double jumping to snap back to the ledge, sure you can just run to it anddo the same thing with turning around with DJ, but I think maibe Eggroll is faster. Maybe. But again doing it cause it looks fancy and kewl.
Not entirely everything I've noticed about P:M yoshi typed down but that's what I can think of so far, fer now League or RIsk of Rain along with eating at this graduation party.