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YGD - As the snow melts, the mighty Dinosaur rises once more!

Best Yoshi Attack

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N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
I mostly meant... nvm.
It's just not related to Espy at all. That and my drunk posting is alot worse than his.

I don't know anything outside of the fact you lost the password to your old account, so you just made another with 23 at the end of it.

I know slush, no one asks, but thinks that's just GYK


N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Raptor... Sorry, but I don't have one. As mean as that sounds. Just being honest, truth hurts sometimes):

@slush I only joined here, cause Delta was mocking me. As you can see though this blog. Never knew I'd finally say it here, where I hate all american yoshi's.

Btw. I don't hate you guys like I use to. It's gonna take time for me to start loving you guys, as real bro's.



Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Awww, your kinda cool when your civil, dude. :>
Sorry I was so quick to judge ya early. I really shouldn't be talking **** about sentence structure when mines just as a bad.

So um. Mind if I ask, but, whats up with all the hate for American yoshi's? '3'

@delta, Wow you baited this?! You are quite the baiting master.

Yup, Quite the master baiter.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Oh just in time:3 Well I don't hate them, it's like this. When I played other yoshi's including raptor or burnt. They all tell me to camp. Why? Camping isn't always gonna help ya. Also they where rude to me at aib. Long story short I blocked raptor, and many other yoshi's. It's all good dude. Forgive and forget

@Deltacod sure you did. I know your mad that I'm calling you bad, that you try to snoop to my level. Trolling me will never work. Instead why don't ya tell me how you feel. Lol I sound like a chick:3



Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Huh? Really? Personally I think ALL yoshi players are pretty badass regardless of where we come from. Seriously, I was lucky to be raised in these boards when I first came here. Any other board would've taken me apart for what a scrub I was. ;3

You don't hate em? Awww right on. I was about to say hate is such a strong word. I like to think ya'll just got off on the wrong foot. Well hey, were all friends here, and doubt any of us REALLY hold any grudges over something so silly. So welcome aboard the happy happy tree GYK. =w=


Smash Master
May 29, 2007
I hate that camping over all mentality. Camping is useful but saying it's the way to go doesn't help and it's not true at all


Jan 26, 2010
Peyton, Colorado
Especially with a character that can't really full on camp anybody. Aside from maybe bowser. But yea, totally agreement! When I fisrt started I thought camping was the way to go, but you can't full on camp somebody. You have to know how to rush down so you can really capitalize on mistakes, or keep the pressure on them when you can to keep them on there toes. I'm all for like, playing a good spacing game, and keeping the opponent outta range and such..

but sometimes ya just gotta get iiiiiin man!!!
Herp. Atleast, thats what i've figured out about lucario. :>


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2011
Step 1: Generalize about all American Yoshis when you've only played 2 of them on ****ty wifi. Yep...

I'm not being mean, but I'm keeping things blunt. Cause people don't seem to understand **** these days.

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
*wakes up* Happy Easter:D everyone
Sunny I hardly camp, but when I play a falco the way I play it is completely different. Sonic is another:3 Mk well yeah ETS egg throw to grab release, then dr to utilt. Then a charged usmash, cause we know all mk's love to air dodge.

@Raptor I hope I don't get a bad grade on my essays:3
@Wedge go easy on my essay teacher:3

Btw: Yoshi should know how to Dr. It's really useful. I have so much idea's on this. I want the yoshi board to go far. Well I hope this troll thing about me has stopped.
Espy came this, beccause of me. Nough said. GYK

Ps. Thanks for the warm welcome Sunny(: means a lot.

@ Scatz, I know if I played ya. You would be different, because of your use of dr. I played burnt( bad conn.) Raptor(1time messed around) (2time got serious) just giving ya what I saw. Don't know how you would play, but I'm damm sure if I played Delta. It will be like playing Raptor. Firefly, hmm I'd say smart agression.

@ Sunny Yes! You can't only camp. YOU MUST KNOW ALL OF YOSHI'S MOVES. I mean master them, Really master them. Now I'm not saying I have, but I'm damm sure I have.
I'll give ya a example. Mk when he uses nado what's the first thing your gonna use? USMASH xD no you need that move. Almost all yoshi's use it more than 5times, and say why can't mk die already, or D3, snake etc. You should do a jump absorbing the nado then do. Yoshi bomb, nair, dair, and egglay. This works wounders when mk is like 70, and your like 0. I'd play XDDD, and do what I'm saying here. I'd pretty much win. Yes ( Wifi) diddy, now we all know that the nanners is yoshi's nightmare. Okay so what can we do to stop this maddness. Learn dr. Please listen to me. I've watched delta, and adhd. Not a pretty sight. Dr can catch nanners with out running, and wasting time. Dr is hard. I have trouble with it a lot, but if you do learn it. You will see how useful it is. Now when that happens, and you see both nanners. Throw one behind you. That way your the only one holding a nanner:3. Yoshi glide toss to yoshi bomb. Nanner to jab cancel then small pivot. Nanner to edge egg toss. ( For style:3) You can also dribble the nanner with yoshi's dr.

The other mu's are easy even snake:3 but, that's later(; GYK

@Yikarur Like I said camp is not gonna get the job done. Sometimes you just have to go manly, and go for it. Another thing that I'll start doing. Yoshi has a power sheild, but it lags like 2frames. Easy ways to get that laggy power sheild going. With a regular sheild, you have to sheild exactly on the dot. Now with yoshi you have to sheild early a bit. So if yoshi is running, and does that usmash, and you know it just sheild right when he's at your nose sheild. It actually makes other player mindgamed. Here's why, because everyone knows yoshi doesn't have a sheild. So they execpt for you to side dodge, and dsmash. Typical yoshi mains, that's fine, but don't keep using it every second. Eventually they will read ya, and power sheild more ofter then that's when yoshi get juggled for about 60percent. Then you panic, and camp your hot potatoes of. Understandable, but you got to break out've that habbit. It's not gonna take ya far. Sure your best yoshi, but don't ya want more? GYK


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2007
Walla Walla
GYK, I'm so proud of you! Just a short while on the Yoshi boards, and your grammar and sentence structure has skyrocketed to levels previously unobtainable! Darn, the last few pages were hard to read...

N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
:O sorry:3 once again I have a habbit of not checking. Need to work on that more. I really hope you take this in concern, because I really want you guys to go far:3 I wanna be proud of you guys, and have a smile of my face.


N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Because you have bearable connection. Besides I'd always vs ya:3

Off of wifi. Because, your no different Raptor xD Your style is this. Egg throw, and pivot grabs. Then when you get relax feel. You start doing some work. Then go back to camp. Am I right?


Deleted member

Hi gyk. I didn't tell u to only camp that's ********, but so is only aggression, u need a mix


N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Burnt... When I play you. It's like I got 5000 tons lifted on me. For God sake fix that connection. Either way, that's the last time I'll play ya, and yeah I know I need to, but I just focus on my combos. Your not the only one though. Jash said the same thing when he played me. Same goes for Raptor xD lmo hey I'm still the best yoshi jash played. *closes book*

Btw. Happy Easter:D how's your mom doing seriously? I remember you saying she was sick. I hope she's better. I still got you in my prayers. GYK



Smash Champion
Jan 19, 2011
Bay Shore, New York
Because you have bearable connection. Besides I'd always vs ya:3

Off of wifi. Because, your no different Raptor xD Your style is this. Egg throw, and pivot grabs. Then when you get relax feel. You start doing some work. Then go back to camp. Am I right?

I'm not much of a camper but I do camp if absolutely necessary. Your problem is you don't think at all. You just go full out aggresive without thinking. It only works because you're playing on wifi. That's why I say learn to mix up different playstyles and start to think about why the options you choose are sometimes actually bad options, but then you take offense and call me a ****** in an incoherent sentence. >.>


N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Lol seriously... Jash is if not best tl in the world. Go check out his videos. Yeah I played him. Really good gave me props for all my tech's.

@Raptor tbh if it's laggy, and you say I'm aggro. Then how different do you think I'll be offline? First think about this. I won't have ANY LAG. I will have complete control on my character yoshi. I won't sit there like I'm playing duck duck goose. Seriously I just want to play ya offline. Just for fun, nothing serious. I want to show you what I mean. I have my own style on each mu. They way you guys play it I do it a lot different. I grab relaese pikachu. Instead of regrabbing , because pikachu or any other can mash out. Without being stuck in the air. I wait for what pikachu does. If he gonna up, and do a pikachu jolt. Then I'll do a fair to uair then do a pivot egglay. In my book style, and reads is how you go. GYK camp will not work AT ALL on pikachu especially if your on FD. You guys cp stages, and do all that unnecessary stuff. Instead of avoiding it. Learn about it, see what parts of the stage will help ya. If we ever play again raptor I'll show ya what I mean:3 If no lag. Yea right.GYK


N.T.A.O ChangeOfHeart 死の剣

Mar 29, 2012
Does it ****en look like I want that ****? **** no. You all can kiss my ***.
Son of a *****es. Who the **** can stand you guys. ****en robots.

I'm out've this joint!

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