So, I had the most exhilarating tournament match yesterday. I don't think my heart has ever beat so fast nor has my blood pressure risen so rapidly. I was facing a Lucario user who is ranked #9 on the PR here in loser's bracket. The first match goes off and I decide to put all my focus on timing him out. I am able to pull it off and win the first match with 20% less damage than he has.
I lose the second match.
Anyways, it was at the third match to where all the hype was at. I, once again, set myself up to time this Lucario out. Unfortunately, he gets the stock lead, and I end up with about 70% on my second stock before getting him to his second stock. I start just going crazy, and make an awesome comeback. Anyways, the clock is at around 1:30 and we are at about 17% with only one stock. I try to camp well and get the clock down, but its not easy against a Lucario. Anyways, when there was about 40 seconds left, I had 87% and he had 97% damage. I start playing harder than I ever have before.
Unfortunately, at the 19 second mark, I mess up my timing and I get hit with an aura sphere. I now have 2% over him. I am stressing out like crazy. I try to throw an egg or two at him, but it doesn't work so well. I quickly approach but stop at the last second as he jumps and does a nair. I shuffle back, his nair misses, and with 7 seconds left on the clock I do a bair. He airdodges, but the very last whip of yoshi's tail hits him and now he has 2% over me. I run off the edge while he is trying to chase me down and successfully win the 3rd match with just 2% under him. It was amazing.
HadesBlade was watching the whole match and can testify that my words are true.