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YGD - As the snow melts, the mighty Dinosaur rises once more!

Best Yoshi Attack

  • Total voters


Smash Master
May 29, 2007
[02:31:55] CelestialMarauder: he gets polt practice
[02:31:56] CelestialMarauder: that means
[02:32:01] CelestialMarauder: use yoshi right
[02:32:08] CelestialMarauder: and he'll never see it comming
[02:32:34] CelestialMarauder: He'll be waiting to bait the running spotdodge!
[02:32:42] CelestialMarauder: but instead
[02:32:44] CelestialMarauder: you dont run!
[02:32:51] CelestialMarauder: you throw more and more egggssss
[02:33:01] CelestialMarauder: and when you jump backwards at him
[02:33:07] CelestialMarauder: he expects a bair
[02:33:16] CelestialMarauder: even if you jumped from halfway across the stage
[02:33:22] CelestialMarauder: so you egglay!


Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Oh right, Celes giving Advice to me on how to play against Sky Pirate

Even if it's sarcasm I doubt that's what he'd actually think during the match.


Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Late as usual but here's an In-depth tale of my WHOBO 3 experience. A small heads up, Some parts may seem like it's me complaining, but that's not the factor. I did it to myself for no reason, just in my nature.

Wednesday - I pack my stuff (Wii+ Brawl and Pokemon Black version) and head over to Nikes to stay over. To my surprise Paw arrives as well to stay.
I help him with minor things on his Pokemon (Black version was it?) By getting him the Rocky Helmet for his Ferroseed that he's literally been searching for almost the whole time inside the Cold Storage rather outside it, where Flamethrower is located, and some basic info. We finally sleep around 3 something AM and wake up around 8 AM.

Thursday - We then wait for everyone else to arrive at Nikes place so we may take off. Espy arrives first in Tofer's car and we discuss about Pokemon, how WHOBO 3 will turn out to be, My Little Pony, etc. Bigboss comes second with KoN K Prime and I believe Red Sky. We then say hello to everyone and as Tofer is about to hug someone he Sucker Punches KoN square in the face for the lulz.
Despite myself giving Nike gas money I rode with Espy, Our carpool was Espy K Prime Tofer Red Sky and Myself, Thankfully I wasn't riding *****, I had a window!

Lets fast forward a few hours to "Buc-ee's Gas Station". Out of all the places, Nike chooses this! I've never been here before but my Sensitive nose smelt something terrible. Sure enough when we walk inside the Mall sized Gas Station there was a horrid smell that filled my nose like a Thousand lingering innards of dead trees, I almost vomitted and decided to take a bathroom break once we got to the hotel. And their mascot wasn't very good either, It stared into the sky with a dumb expression, this expression questioned my existence. WHY IS IT STARING IN THE SKY, Is it mocking us that he is but a humble head that can see the fruits of Life? I have no idea, this bothered me for almost 10 minutes as I talked with Paw/Red Sky "Outside" the place.

We get gas and Red Sky gives K Prime A game (I don't know the name) to play on his PSP, which's apparently like DDR with Hatsune Miku singing but with buttons instead. K Prime ***** the game and we listen to the great music the rest of the way to the Best Western Hotel.

Finally at the hotel, Some people get settled in the rooms while Espy K Prime and Myself went to the airport to pick up Kuraudo, while Nike grabbed Trent. We wait almost 30 minutes trying to contact Kuraudo, but for some reason his number wasn't saved in Espy's phone, Especially when he was sure he saved it. Finally we see him coming up with his things and he introduces himself to us and we head to the hotel.

Friday - Fast forward more hours, With Espy, K Prime, Nike, Trent, and Kuraudo. We walk to a McDonalds and eat delicious food to destroy our Stomach linings. Now back at Our room, Before going to sleep Espy wished for the AC to be on full blast since the hotel room was hot as hell. Kuraudo and I got the floor so he played FF Dissidia (I dunno) on his PSP for a little while until finally sleeping around 2 AM, while I passed out 15 minutes later from running on 4 hours of sleep. I wake up an hour later and decided to just stay up all night, I stared at a pretty black Fridge the rest of the night and played Pokemon around 5 AM.

Close to 8 AM everyone is waking up and eating breakfast downstairs. I make a waffle and have about 11 cups of Milk (FREE MILK), Me and Nike eat while watching the news of how rude the world is towards POOR REBECCA BLACK. SHE WAS ONLY TRYING TO TELL US THE DAYS OF THE WEEK!
Anyways we're about to head out, but there's too many people for 2 cars (around 13) So me and Loko stay at the hotel to get a ride with someone else.

Finally at the convention, Me and Loko get in line. We wait almost 3 Hours for our badge, but we talked to pass the time. And much to our surprise FlamewaveK was behind us the whole time. We talk more with "Him" (Yes him) and like the boss he is with making people think he's female, he whips out a laptop and we watch SAMURAI JACK.

After an episode or two, we finally are up to get our badges, THANK LORD! We head to the place and much to my surprise, it was a decent sized room. But from what I remember from WHOBO 2 videos I think they had the what is this years WHOBO 3. The Dealers room last time, Not too sure. We all pay, then somehow... the bracket crashed and all of us knew it was going to be a long day.

After past I believe 3 PM, Pools are finally called. I can't remember everyone else, but I noticed the Names "Espy RedHalberd and Fogo"
Right there I knew i'd most likely get 4th seed.
For Fogo He almost 2-0'ed me but I chose Delfino and saw a stupid and risky chance to take it to Game 3, I allowed him to grab me as the stage was moving up I was hoping it'd kill him first. Sure enough, it did. Game 3 I almost won, we were both at Last stock last hit.
Redhalberd used Falco against me, he won solidly 2-0.
Now my match with Espy fired me up a bit to try harder rather then not try at all knowing i'd lose, Not quite sure on who. But someone was trashtalking which I knew would come sooner or later, telling Espy to 3 stock this horrible Yoshi. With that drilled into my mind, I prove them wrong by atleast taking 1 stock off each game to make them a bit dismay about the final results of what they hoped in the start of our Match.

With myself not getting out of pools, I decided to roam the place with I believe Loko and FlamewaveK. We go to the dealers room and buy some shirts, and while on the way back to the tourney room I spotted a great, but ridiculous, Yoshi Scarf. I had to have it, $10 put into it. The rest of the day was just playing Friendlies and watching other peoples matches.
This night I was intended to steal a bed, thankfully I achieved this goal and had a good 6 or 7 hours of sleep.

Saturday - Espy Nike and Kuraudo were the only ones who made it out of Pools, So we all head to the tournament and today I decided to do my MM's. P-4 (David K now) cancelled our MM so the only people I needed to play was Leaf and Illmatic.

For Leaf I had slight Pika Experience with K Prime, I won this MM but both of us forgot the amount, so we just went with $3.
Oh yeah, I found his Badge + Pin that he lost. I'm an hero /sarcasm
Next was Illmatic. My Peach experience was Tofer and Castro, Aggro and Campy. I thought I'd do decent, I did but it seems I gave Illmatic a free win by thinking my Slope shenanigans on Lylat could win against Peach. I choose FD and we go Last stock last hit.
My DownB hits but somehow his USmash came out first so I got hit by that as he got hit by DownB's first Hitbox.
$5 lost, but I think if we ever met in Tourney, it'd be a Pretty close match of deciding who can be the smartest player with the most underrated Mid-Tier character. (Yes I know Yoshi is LT for now)

I decided to Join Low Tiers with Polt Yosh and FTP. Not sure who FTP went up against but he didn't win any rounds. I played D Phat first round, Beat his CF so he goes Samus and wins both sets, Tesh is next and I win 2-0. Next was Trela, Even with Xyro experience and always taking him to game 3 I'm not too sure how it'd go with Trela. He beats me 2-0 and i'm out with I think 25th place.

While watching the stream on the laptop I decided to let someone else have the seat, about 30 or so minutes pass and I finally notice... My Scarf is missing. I retrace my steps around half the convention and I saw noone wearing it. After thinking "Damn $10 down the drain on a good scarf" I see someone wearing it in the Tourney room close to where I was sitting, apparently someone took it off just enough for it to fall off me if I got up without noticing.

It's now around 10 something and I decide to take a look at the rave, It was great. I debated on buying a glowstick but I just saw it as a waste of money, went back to the tourney room after being in the rave for about 20 minutes and played Pokemon with Gova and a few other convention people. Gova got good information about me and my Hatred for Ultra balls, he shall now make sure to yell "Throw those Ultra Balls!" During my matches.

After Everything is cooling down, I quickly search for FTP so we can have the WHOBO 3 picture with all the Yoshi's. We gather and get the picture, I was debating on us doing some pose like us staring at our hands with Question marks above our heads with text saying "What are these for?" or just throwing the egg at Polts Head. But it seems we decided on a Boring "Look at the camera and Smile" routine.

Finally back at the hotel, we're all hungry. So Nike drives Me, Mike 3, K Prime, I believe Kuraudo and Redsky to get food. McDonalds for 50 Piece nuggets, and a bunch of Mcflurries. Next Destination was Burger king (For myself only) and a car in front of us orders and drives up to get their food. As I'm about to order... "Sorry we're Closed" No... ****ing... Way...As we're passing the window we see the person getting served their food as i'm tempted to call them a quintuplet ****er.
CVS Pharmacy is next so I can just chug a half gallon of milk down, IT'S CLOSED. ***** twice in less then 10 minutes, We just stop at a I believe Chevron and I look for Half gallons, THERE'S NO MORE. So I buy a Gallon and return to Nike's car.
I eat around 14-16 nuggets (Can't remember) and drink about 70% of the milk by myself. (I haven't eaten in two days outside of half a waffle I had Friday morning).

Sunday We check out of the hotel, KoN Paw and I stayed behind cause Espy's car was full, while Nike dropped off Trent plus Kuraudo at the airport, while Mike 3 was going to stay at the Anime con till he was picked up.

Nike comes back, we eat at Timmy Chan's (I just have sprite) and we head on back to SA.
This time I rode back with Nike, and we had a grand time listening to Techno and talking about how I'm insane cause i've had less then a gram of cocaine once and it explaining how i'm so insane today. I forgot how the conversation stirred to this, but i'm sure there was probably no reason knowing myself so well.

Probably my first time having such A fun and great weekend with Actual people. Especially since I've never gone on vacation or out of SA for that matter in the 13 years I lived in the town.
Again i'll say... Best Weekend Ever.

Also there's no tl;dr version. And I double Posted. DEAL WITH IT!


F-Tier Player

Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2008
Austin, TX
I decided to Join Low Tiers with Polt Yosh and FTP. Not sure who FTP went up against but he didn't win any rounds. I played D Phat first round, Beat his CF so he goes Samus and wins both sets, Tesh is next and I win 2-0. Next was Trela, Even with Xyro experience and always taking him to game 3 I'm not too sure how it'd go with Trela. He beats me 2-0 and i'm out with I think 25th place.

Yeah I lost against Xaltis :yoshi2: and then Coney :lucas: . Tough bracket imo..

After Everything is cooling down, I quickly search for FTP so we can have the WHOBO 3 picture with all the Yoshi's. We gather and get the picture, I was debating on us doing some pose like us staring at our hands with Question marks above our heads with text saying "What are these for?" or just throwing the egg at Polts Head. But it seems we decided on a Boring "Look at the camera and Smile" routine.
Dude, I wanted to do troll faces so bad, but I kind of got a vibe that you guys just wanted to get it over with and play or watch more matches... :(


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2011
That's why you should've been with me. I'd rather have fun and do stupid fun stuff than just watch or play matches all the time.

Sinister Slush

❄ I miss my kind ❄
Sep 1, 2009
The land that never Snows
Dude, I wanted to do troll faces so bad, but I kind of got a vibe that you guys just wanted to get it over with and play or watch more matches... :(
I can't imagine Polt doing a troll face to be honest. Though our "What are these for" still isn't as great as the DK mains picture.

That's why you should've been with me. I'd rather have fun and do stupid fun stuff than just watch or play matches all the time.
After LT I literally walked around the place by myself to waste time. I could never find Yosh, FTP I'm not sure either. Polt was busy getting money in LT.


F-Tier Player

Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2008
Austin, TX
That's why you should've been with me. I'd rather have fun and do stupid fun stuff than just watch or play matches all the time.
Lol, at least we met different Yoshi mains. I had never met Polt or Yosh before Whobo, so yeah.

Sorry Alejandro, I kinda helped Xaltis in the Yoshi ditto..... by beating him in it like 3 weeks ago.
Yeah, he knew how to counter almost all my attacks and landed some good f-smashes. I was not expecting a yoshi of his caliber.

F-Tier Player

Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2008
Austin, TX
Back in 09, I think I got to play him for the first time and he 3 stocked me pretty bad. This was back when Malcolm still mained Sonic lol.

I notice that Polt only turns to face sonic when pivot grabbing or Upsmashing. Bairing is so essential in the MU.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN DUN

in other news I was playing san's jigglypuff on wifi today and I got soooooooooo close to timing him out before losing my second stock to a roll-out :cry: delta, you could take some pointers from his time-out puff, it's pretty crazy :awesome:


Smash Legend
May 20, 2009
WeJo, Utah
How do you do that btw, I tried figuring it out (for a good 10 seconds) and couldn't get it :/


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
just do a jump canceled wavebounced egg toss as you're leaving the ledge. I love using it to start matches there along with its variant from the back of the platform. =) Also if you do a regular ets off the back of the platform, you'll land on the ledge, fun fact of the day.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2011
It's a glitch I found a while ago. When you're close to that specific part, just Fsmash and keep mashing A. It'll teleport you through it and do a Nair.

Also, after watching the first minute of that match, STOP DSMASHING! You took 50% just because you tried to Dsmash Prime at a low percent. Dsmash is just a really bad move in general.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
oh, I just watched the first bit and assumed that's what you meant, I WAS IN A RUSH GIMME A BREAK WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA[size=-5]luigi time[/size]


Smash Master
Apr 30, 2008
Miami, Florida
Dsmash is just a really bad move in general.
I disagree. Although it lacks in power and is pretty laggy, it comes out in only 6 frames, has a lot of range, does 14% (28% if you luckily manage to hit them with both), and sends people off at low angles. It's not Yoshi's best move, but it's a good move to bust out on occasion.



Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2011
It only sends on a low angle because people don't DI it. While it does 14%, the risk for it missing or being blocked is almost identical or more to having egg roll blocked. Even though I've landed both hits of Dsmash, I've been blocked more than enough and especially punished enough to not use it again unless it was out of instinct.

Hell, it doesn't even have mild kill potential. What other use does it have other than adding a quick 14% and making it a GTFO from my presence?


Smash Master
May 29, 2007
Scatty you say Yoshis standing grab sucks too but I really abuse it, with success. Dsmash isn't that bad.

like you said it's more like a quick GTFO punish move because we don't have a better move for fast puishes like that. You shouldn't spam it, you should use it to punish, and for punishing (or landing lag punishing) uses only imo.


Smash Champion
Feb 28, 2011
I'm pretty sure I haven't recently said standing grab sucks without stating the uses it has or saying that I'd like to be shown how useful standing grab can be. I'm definitely aware some moves can be shield grabbed (which was why I did shield advantage frame data). Overall though, it's not going to be a move that's used often (if I'm wrong, then I'll stand corrected).

As for Dsmash, I say it's not good because it doesn't have enough pros to outweigh the cons (imo). The only pros I've seen from Dsmash is:

Good initial damage
Quick for punishing laggy moves

While the cons I've seen are:

Not useful until mid percents due to very low knockback
Punishable on whiff and block (this includes both hits)
Lost killing potential
Angle launched is more than D-tilt (they fly higher and it's easier to DI it even higher)

We can always say it's fine on occasion to use if you know you're going to land it, but you can not tell me that it's not a good move as a whole with a straight face.
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