don´t let this threat die!! ok, I will write something about falco (what will be bad about it, I never played falco.. lol

I am theoretic)
First, as everyone knows, its bad to get grabbed. something like 50% in the beggining is bad, but you can meteor-cancel the ending spike.
YOUR chain grab is much more deadly though. He can only groung release (unless you are on aslope platform), and you can regrab, AND you can end it with bowser bomb, koopa claw or if he jump out of ground, you can Fair him. Because he can only ground release its similiar to marth´s death chain grab on ness..
You need to deal with hid lazors. I wouldn´t reccomend to infinite jump over it.. He can just wait half a socend and then shot, and he will hit you. You need to powershield it. It isn´t very hard though. What you have trouble at is approaching. He will shot lazors at you, and if you come close, he can fantasm, use his down-B, hyphen smash, or most dangerous, running grab. I think its better to approach from short-hop, like koopa claw, rising Fair, SHAD or fire. Dont use fire too much though! his downB reflect it and it goes far! use probably short streams of it, unless you are gimping him. You can also try to approach him from ground, but you need to predict what he does, and, most importantly, WHEN he does. you will probably spotdodge instead of shield, because his counter-approaches arent multihit (unless he do walk-jab lol). If you can predict well, you can get grab - and grab is to him deadly. He will probably never approach you. but if he does, if you can, shield greb or spot dodge grab him. if you cant, foretress away.
now gimping:
Many people say that falco is super gimpable.. this is myth though. He just need to DI up if you throw him horizontally. best gimp you can do, is probably fulljump and double jump, then immediately Bair/Nair. He will airdodge though - you just need to predict it, and fast-fall and use another aerial.
If he CAN´T DI its unbeliavably easy to gimp him. you can walk-away Fair, short hop/full hop Bair, you can Koopa claw him, or, the most popular, if he is recovaring from low, FIRE HIM.
He CAN gimp you with proper DI, but not too much though! Thats good. If you have a lot percents and you arent recovering from super high, be prepared for full jump and double jump to immediately Dair, it hurts and it would kill you. If you are recovering from high, best is probably fast fall, and air-dodge if needed. You can take ledge, and then try ledge-hopped Koopa claw, or fire. But its risky, so I wouldnt do it.
Also, Falco DONT have really good KO moves, dont forget that! You will probably live to +- 140%
I would say its 55-45 in our favour, If chain-grabs are banned or limited, I would say 45-55 in their favour.
lol dont forget: this post is full of not so flawless theory!
EDIT: I disagree with dedede matchup! I think its 98-2 for them with infinite, REALLY this is no scrub or epic failure verdict!