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Y. Link Match Up Discussion. Ask Questions Here!


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
YL only counters peaches that are clueless about what to do against his projectiles.

And it's not hard to catch them, which is often overlooked but perfectly viable given that you're just going to drop them immediately afterward
This could be said of bombs too.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
In short, if you want to learn it with Jiggs, good luck. Especially with Pokemon Stadium off random.

But if you REALLY want a better shot at fighting Jiggs, seek Top/High tier help. I hate to sound so down on my favorite character, but it's just not what some people want you to think it is.
Against Jiggs Yoshi's is possibly better than Stadium anyway. I haven't played YLink vs Jiggs often but when I do I find it easier to go there insted.

But for a higher tier'ed character (If you are extreamly patient and won't get bored easily). Samus vs Jiggs is pretty even. Maybe in the favor for Samus depending on stage. I choose Yoshi's in that matchup too.

Young Link counters Peach. His camp game is one of these best due to his quickness and control over his projectiles. Peach gets out camped anyway due to the fact she can't get around every single projectile Young Link has to throw at her. Peach is just not quick enough to keep up with Young Link's projectiles. Her turnips get negated by his character design and fundamentals. And it's not hard to catch them, which is often overlooked but perfectly viable given that you're just going to drop them immediately after and continue camping.
I thought you were against that view.


This could be said of bombs too.
YLInk's bombs are smaller. Thus making them harder to catch. Turnips are huge as hell. Bigger than reg Link's bombs.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Like I said, all I can do is disagree. It's quite obvious I play YL much different than everyone else (note : not better. different.) I still think any Peach who is actually -good- will certainly not be COUNTERED by YL. But we could argue all day, opinions will stay the same, in the end I suggest we move on.

I don't know much about Samus Rhan so I can't really comment on that. Samus vs Jiggs sounds wack as **** lol I actually think I want to try it.

vs Jiggs @ Yoshi's sounds reasonable on paper but then I think about how she can catch us much easier and I dunno. Like I said I play YL weird and my opinions are therefor pretty invalid, since I am that "moron" who thinks YL counters Zelda, etc, etc...

I don't even play YL anymore... or smash honestly : (


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Against Jiggs Yoshi's is possibly better than Stadium anyway. I haven't played YLink vs Jiggs often but when I do I find it easier to go there insted.
I assure you that Pokemon is the better level for him (assuming his matchup with Puff works anything like Fox's, Sheik's, Link's, etc). Yoshi's Story is actually very good for Jigglypuff. Nobody will ever admit it, but the fact that there's no level so to speak benefits her more than smaller blastzones benefit the other character. Her gimping game and improved ability to force you into Bair chains makes up for dying earlier.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2009
Gardendale, Birmingham, AL
I agree with TRC. I wouldn't consider it a viable counter but it is one of our better match ups. Which is why I said I don't usually have TOO much trouble...but then again I haven't played Cheap yet lol and I do like the way TRC plays his YL. Of everyone I've seen play YL at a decent to large size tourney, I've yet to find someone who does more than just spam bombs and nair. Maybe that's why he's mis-understood (note I never said YL was good). I do prefer YL more against floaty characters like Jiggs, Peach, and Samus but mostly because my top character is Falco and all are bad match ups for him. But I'm not saying YL is a viable counter for everyone. YL>Marth? Certainly never lol

Edit: Forgot to add something lol YL's camping game is fairly decent and good but the odd thing is you have to play it campy but a VERY aggressive campy by using ALL projectiles, zair, and even nairs. YL plays top of his game the more aggressive but safe you play. Kinda hard to describe lol


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Critque on you and your friend's style:

You know the basics of Young Link and the game but you aren't entirely sure how to apply it to actual game play. Neither does that Ganon. While you play keeping your moves out there he doesn't use his moves enough. Learn your hitboxes and AT's and you'll be decent at the game. The Ganon need to learn when to be using moves and to constantly be moving.

General Knowledge of the matchup:

Ganon vs Young Link is all about camping. Bombs and rang work best. Arrows are not really used. You're main objective is to get him off stage. One he's off then it's a easy kill due to his predictable recovery. His only way to honestly recover is with that third jump. Upon the stage you want to keep him away because he can honestly kill YLink in 4 moves or less. Projectiles to rack his damage up to percents then hit him off with Nair/D-smash. You have to be cautions when trying to hit him. If he shield grabs you out of a Nair that's pretty much your stock.... Try to predict his movements and intercept his movements.


One of my VERY old matches but ti's still pretty basic except for a few of my pointless *** arrows.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Ok so I was challenged by a pikachu player to a $10 MM in lieu of having a low tier tournament (us 2 were predicted finalists anyways), and like... The match-up seemed really hard, so I am wondering how bad is it? I would've thought it was even but apparently not >_>.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
YLInk's bombs are smaller. Thus making them harder to catch. Turnips are huge as hell. Bigger than reg Link's bombs.
I agree, they are harder to catch, but they are still not difficult to catch overall. None of YL's projectiles are hard for peach to avoid.

She can deflect young link's boomerang (even at point blank) and arrows (even full charged at point blank) with an FC nair (leaving no lag for peach). She can also easily catch bombs with a jab. None of these are even difficult to do with a little practice.

If a peach knows what to do against projectiles (and stays on the ground), yl is hardly a counter.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
Ok so I was challenged by a pikachu player to a $10 MM in lieu of having a low tier tournament (us 2 were predicted finalists anyways), and like... The match-up seemed really hard, so I am wondering how bad is it? I would've thought it was even but apparently not >_>.
It would be easier to discuss it if you pointed out what gave you trouble.

Or was Pikachu's entire character design just a big wave of death and difficulty that engulfed Young Link with no hope of escape?


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
The matches were all close, I even won one (end score being 3-1), and there was no specific thing I had troubles with, I just felt that pikachu had control the whole time while I had to catch up. I don't want specific advice I just want to know how the rest of you would handle pikachu.


Smash Lord
Jun 25, 2009
@ the barnyard
I agree, they are harder to catch, but they are still not difficult to catch overall. None of YL's projectiles are hard for peach to avoid.

She can deflect young link's boomerang (even at point blank) and arrows (even full charged at point blank) with an FC nair (leaving no lag for peach). She can also easily catch bombs with a jab. None of these are even difficult to do with a little practice.

If a peach knows what to do against projectiles (and stays on the ground), yl is hardly a counter.
This logic goes in tandem with PSing Falco's lasers.

The timing isn't what's hard. What's hard is knowing when and where the Falco will laser you, and if you always know exactly when he's going to laser, then you're not playing a very good Falco.

Same goes for YL, if you're always catching YL's crap then you know when he's going to throw it, which means he isn't thinking, which shows that he isn't much of a player to begin with.

So, technical ease of deflecting items become moot point in deciding MU's in my opinion.


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
This logic goes in tandem with PSing Falco's lasers.

The timing isn't what's hard. What's hard is knowing when and where the Falco will laser you, and if you always know exactly when he's going to laser, then you're not playing a very good Falco.

Same goes for YL, if you're always catching YL's crap then you know when he's going to throw it, which means he isn't thinking, which shows that he isn't much of a player to begin with.
I'm afraid the same does not go for YL. Falco's camping ability is far better, as his lasers have a faster rate of fire, fly faster, have no distance limit, and have no lag. Both characters are of about the same in horizontal speed though.

YL has slower moving projectiles that have a lot of start-up lag and limited range, its honestly not very hard to see a boomerang, arrow, or bomb coming at you (except at point blank, at which case YL is screwed anyways).

Also, reflexes to animations =/= prediction, although it isn't very hard to predict what a YL will do with bomb in hand.

Not to mention psing falco's lasers is like 10x hard than nairing or catching yl's projectiles (for me at least).


Smash Lord
Jul 13, 2007
B'ham, Alabama
If i would love to, as well as a YL ditto MM, but I'm not going.

Maybe next year I'll be able to go to another national tourny, but not this year.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
After March I'm basically screwed in life. So Pound 4 is pretty much going to be one of my last tourneys. :(

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Pound will more than likely be my last tourney too... My good controller I made UBW 1 and 2 with and went to like 20 tournaments in finally broke down... and the new one just doesn't feel right.

btw I firespiked Dr PP but he 3 stocked me

*waits for cartoony sounding announcer* THAT'S TRC'S YOUNG LINK FOR YA. You know my goal is to firespike every person I play @ Pound, right? <3 that **** wasn't just for combo videos THAT'S HOW I DO IT SON

need to get back in shape for *Pound* hope to see as many of you there as possible. THE YOUNG LINK FORUM SUMMIT NYIGGAS


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I bet money you won't Firespike me. :chuckle:

But yeah I can't wait to play and learn from you. :)


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Now Laijin?!?!?!

Son we YLink players are going deep at Pound!

D20, Me, TRC, Laijin, G$, Vanz.

That's a low tier crew battle right there.


Smash Master
Sep 15, 2007
i'm sure it's been said but if it hasn't lol, and if you still wanna bat marth just go sheik.
Once you understand that match up as well as I do (and trust me I don't know more then downthrow > gay ****) the match up becomes laughable.


I u-throw firespiked my Stos' Link once.

We laughed for hours.
drag dat foo to pound4


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
i'm sure it's been said but if it hasn't lol, and if you still wanna bat marth just go sheik.
I agree entirely. Sheik ***** Marth. D-throw --> death. Or 40%. Easiest edgeguards ever. Stage-wide combos that lead into the easiest edgeguards ever. Almost as stupid hitboxes as him with none of the lag. Kill power that lead to easiest edgeguards ever in every move. It's a good system.

Also, it was 4Serial.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2009
Gardendale, Birmingham, AL
Do YL proud at Pound. People might actually put effort into his rankings on the match up chart. Not saying he deserves a different spot but people just throw out disadvantage to everyone higher than him on the tier chart and advantage to everyone lower. No even match ups as of now lol

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
I agree with Trent on that. Close to even, yeah, but Puff is still Puff and... well nevermind, because my opinion on Puff is too biased after fighting S0ft so much (not with YL mind you)

Now Laijin?!?!?!

Son we YLink players are going deep at Pound!

D20, Me, TRC, Laijin, G$, Vanz.

That's a low tier crew battle right there.
DR PP told me good things about D20


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
I actually think that there is a possibility that YLink Puff is even or his favour.

Not convinced yet, though.
I've been thinking that for a while. Not enough in our favor for it to matter, but it's definitely even. I also don't think y.link vs ganon is bad at all (evenish), and maybe y.link vs falcon isn't super bad for us either. I may sound super optimistic, but I play pretty decent falcons with my y.link and I do fine, and I don't really lose to their ganons (although I've never played a top level ganon :\). Well obviously I haven't played any top level falcons either, but both falsefalco and superboom are fantastic players a long with Mikemonkey (from the punchcrew), so I'd say I have pretty good exp vs these match-ups.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I don't think FalseFalco or SuperBoom or MikeMonkey are really reputed to be good with Falcon.

I think they're fine players, but not with Falcon. Unless they don't use Falcon in all their tournament videos because their Falcons are so good it would be unfair. Which I highly doubt to be the case.

Just because somebody's good doesn't make their secondaries good.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
Mikemonkey mains falcon. Falsefalco has played falcon in tournaments, but it's been awhile. Superboom is pretty random actually, but both falsefalco and him play double falcon in doubles.

I understand that since they're good doesn't mean that every character they play is good, but obviously they all know how to play the character, and probably fairly well. I am not trying to make y.link sound good or anything, I am just saying that some of his match-ups aren't that bad.


Smash Hero
Jul 11, 2007
Edmonton, AB
I think on FD it's as bad as people say it is but I think on any stage with platforms it reduces to only a slight bad match-up. In numbers I'd say like 65-35 for falcon or MAYBE 60-40. On FD it's easily 70-30 or lower lol.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I think a big stage would be really bad because it's hard for Young Link to put pressure on Falcon with projectiles. Or make him feel anything, really. Falcon can be too evasive and wait forever for Young Link to do something silly, while avoiding his slow, predictable projectiles. Even if Young Link doesn't do something silly, Falcon can still wait and move around looking for a good spot to work from.

Small stages don't sound too bad.
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