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Y. Link Match Up Discussion. Ask Questions Here!


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Columbia Missouri
As far as the "moves they can rely on" I was referring to things like sheiks ftilt>fair, or marths fsmash, or foxs shine combos. Just moves that are set in stone and easily performed low percent kills. Low tiers dont have that. I used to main sheik, and she's still my best, but i actually understand Sheik better since i started playing more low tiers. After weeks of just low tier play i go back to sheik and the game is suddenly 100x easier and I play a lot better. The trick was that the low tiers got me to THINK AHEAD of my opponents. I had to rely on my ability to predict with low tiers instead of relying on sheiks good moves. its made a huge difference.


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
As far as the "moves they can rely on" I was referring to things like sheiks ftilt>fair, or marths fsmash, or foxs shine combos. Just moves that are set in stone and easily performed low percent kills. Low tiers dont have that. I used to main sheik, and she's still my best, but i actually understand Sheik better since i started playing more low tiers. After weeks of just low tier play i go back to sheik and the game is suddenly 100x easier and I play a lot better. The trick was that the low tiers got me to THINK AHEAD of my opponents. I had to rely on my ability to predict with low tiers instead of relying on sheiks good moves. its made a huge difference.
money match?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Do what you have to do, but for me, someone with nothing to lose, and a lot to learn, I'll pick up YL and go pro. I'm young, and smash is still pretty d*mn important to me. If TRC feels like he's out, then I'm stepping in. I don't want such a unique and interesting community to die. Especially since one of their very BEST players has lost his will to finish the "Hylian Adventure."
My YLink will always be better than yours niigga! No matter how hard you train with him you'll never be THE ALMIGHTY RHAN!!!

again with this pride thing: having pride in urself is great, i commend u for that. but it is empty when it is only hurting you. also, consider where pride comes from. would it make sense for, say, travon to have loads of pride in his melee skills when hes obviously still a beginner and trying to improve? i dont think so. but then, so are all of us trying to improve to levels higher than our own.
As for me and my flute, yeah, i was pretty good compared to most people my age when I played really frequently. I made state band my junior year, ranking third piccolo in the state. flute skills were meh, but i preferred piccolo anyway. i got cocky (prideful?) my senior year and got ***** in the auditions cuz i walked in thinking i was all good and that i could make it without too much practice.
mind you, i had johns (senioritis: i didnt even really care, lol! i was already in college), but still i didnt give it my all in a humble manner like i did my junior year (i didnt even think i could make it then) with respect for all the other players.

moral: empty pride gets you nowhere. the only way to improve is to humble yourself and take advice from wherever you can get it (ie, from me?)
If you noticed... I don't like to take anything from anyone. Pride is the only real thing I have and I take my pride very serious. I hurts me when I back down or ask for advice from anyone because then I feel like I'm not progressing how I should.

i still think u can be a **** YL, turhan. u just have to make some more constructive decisions in game and out of game.
This means a lot comming from you forreal. Mr. No Respect for low tiers. lol

ILY Theo! <3

AS FOR this whole jail business: i dont have experience with this business, so any advice i give u would probably be lame and baseless,
but i will say that it is possible for them to have mercy IF u go in REAL apologetic, ur head hung low, have respect for ANYone older than you. use as much proper english as possible (to show that u are taking the ordeal seriously), etc. As toasty has said, these guys are human. show thet ur not like the rest of the teenagers that they see on a daily basis with humility and respect. that **** will take you a long way.
I know what I HAVE to do in general but that's just the tip of the ice burg. And even that might even get me anything less. :/

well I certainly would never wish for the YL community to die. It's also probably not really a good idea to compare Rhan and myself to Chip and Jash, as they were well, the prime of Young Link, at least, that's the general consensus I believe?
THIS 100x

Jash ***** me at Pound and he was rusty. But It was an honor. Honestly I BELIEVE I can be one of these best YLink's still. But it's going to be tough if I make no progress in tourneys... Pound pools I play probably my absolute best with Samus ALMOST BEATING KM'S MARTH IN A MATCH! (lol) But even then I was still no match... So I feel like if that's my absolute best... how can I progress and get better?

I mean, like I said, I pretty much stopped playing him seriously in like, June 09 when I moved away from anyone who played in this state (and, in fact, I still don't have friends in this wretched city, much less smash playing ones.) I couldn't actually consider myself a YL main even when I made the second combo vid which is probably why it sucked. that and I didn't take those stupid pills that made me better at the game like I did for making the first one -_- how dirty...

good **** Shaeman, do it big for us all! the rest of you better keep it up too!
For you it's logical to really quit. You're not really in a scene where you can improve or even play 905 of the time...

For me though I have amazing talent in my area and SoVA is smack dab in the middle of better regions like MD, NC, and NoVA. But I played a great deal of different people and different play styles and different matches. And still with all that I don't see a great improvement on how I played in my first Young Link video on Youtube...


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
D20 still *****.

Although TheLake always beats him in game 3.

Because TheLake ***** more.



Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2004
Stalking Skler
D20 is my low tier bud. rom2 friendlies were soooo fun.

I should start playing ylink again.

Edit: sadness at low tiers quitting : (. Do what you gotta do guys, and I understand. You will live on in the hearts of your successors! Anyone remember pictish freak? I DO.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2009
Gardendale, Birmingham, AL
I, in no way, was saying you guys were up to par with them haha. All I meant was that since they moved on and no longer currently play YL, the YL community looks to the next best/most active.

Edit: Also! I would rather a YL show up to every tournament and not do great than have a ton of good YLs never rep. I CAN'T rep right now. But that'll be fixed in a few months hopefully :D

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
N64, @ Pound I saw you like 200 times and each time I was like "I should say something... didn't we play at FalconPunchion in Georgia, or some other GAWes tournament?" but then I just... didn't. was feeling pretty awful so, haha, I usually went the route of taking no action.


Smash Hero
Oct 10, 2004
Rylai the Crystal Maiden's Igloo
N64, @ Pound I saw you like 200 times and each time I was like "I should say something... didn't we play at FalconPunchion in Georgia, or some other GAWes tournament?" but then I just... didn't. was feeling pretty awful so, haha, I usually went the route of taking no action.
I saw him too. But did not get a chance to say hi :(


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2008
Bronx NY, Pasadena California &quot;Tag name: KS13
Now hold on there rhan, though I may not show it but if you want to be the best ylink, then you'll I've to face me first. I aim to be 2nd best ylink in NYC. I've been training very hard and I've gotten a whole lot better than I was with my latest video and unless you can beat me, you're not the best yet. A challenge must occur. I'm gonna go to saffron soon to prove meself. I'm great against Marths and fox. I need work against falcos but it will be done soon.

I can only prove myself as one of the best ylink if I place high. So for now, I'll stick to that since ditto doesn't prove anything.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Now hold on there rhan, though I may not show it but if you want to be the best ylink, then you'll I've to face me first. I aim to be 2nd best ylink in NYC. I've been training very hard and I've gotten a whole lot better than I was with my latest video and unless you can beat me, you're not the best yet. A challenge must occur. I'm gonna go to saffron soon to prove meself. I'm great against Marths and fox. I need work against falcos but it will be done soon.

I can only prove myself as one of the best ylink if I place high. So for now, I'll stick to that since ditto doesn't prove anything.
I'll be looking towards that challenge.

But honestly I don't believe that I'm the best or anything. I do believe that I am a good Young Link players but nothing more than that.

I know Shaeman and Crystalnite personally because they're my crewmates. I talk trash to them all the time but I reallt don't mean anything I say.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
GTFO you troll. xD

@RC - I like YLink dittos but dittos don't really prove whos better.
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