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Y. Link Match Up Discussion. Ask Questions Here!

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Ganon is definitely one of the preferred matchups. Probably my favorite matchup altogether, for combo purposes.

Falcon can **** us, but we can do some cool stuff to him, too. Although in the end... Falcon always comes out on top, I think.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Indeed RC. I got my Link partner going to Pound. No peeps will know the power of Nair pong!


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Columbia Missouri
So when the boomerang comes back to you and youre facing it you catch it and there are a few frames where you lag from the catch. is there anyway to prevent that?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Use a move upon it's return. Or you can shield it's return towards you.

Say you throw your boomerang away. Upon it's return towards you, use any kind of attack (B moves, smashes, tilts, aerials) or if you're bad at timing, like me, you can shield it's return. During that process where you're suppose to catch the bomerang, if you're in the process of a move or shielding the boomerang will just disapear once it touches you and you're left laggless from it.


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Columbia Missouri
I see. I hate being midjump and catching that thing...then receiving a Cfalcon knee to the face bcuz i couldnt nair in time lol.

Also can i go up thru a plat if someone is above me with the dair and get the fire spike?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Do you mean if you both are on the platform and you fall through and Dair?

Or do you mean if you use a rising Dair and make contact with them while they're on a platform above you? :confused:


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
good to meet some of you guys @ pound 4. Also, sorry I couldn't play. I had to wait for my bracket matches. I probably would've held you guys back anyway. My Y.Link was waaaay off at pound. =[


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
good to meet some of you guys @ pound 4. Also, sorry I couldn't play. I had to wait for my bracket matches. I probably would've held you guys back anyway. My Y.Link was waaaay off at pound. =[
It's okay. We forgive you. :)

But on a serious note that crew battle never happened. Too much squandering.

IT WAS SOOOO AMAZING TO MEET ALL THE YOUNG LINK PLAYERS THOUGH! All you guys are so much fun to chill with. :)

Rising dair upwards thru the bottom of a plat.
They get flamed but insted of them being sent downward, they get sent upwards due to the fact they hit the platform they're on at a 90 dgree angle. So it has a bouncing effect to it.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
You think we're serious? LOL

Anyway what are some ways that Young Link players warm up? I haven't played anything since Pound (Except GoW and Halo but those don't take fast button pressing). I feel the rust on my fingers...

I can barely type on the keyboard... :(

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
If I really want to play seriously, I try to speedrun Mega Man X 1-3 (one of, not all at once)

I haven't done that in 13 months though. That's what I did, though, as unorthodox as that may seem.

PS : Dogy, why haven't you recorded that track of you covering MC Hammer? Get on the ball man : )


Smash Apprentice
Oct 7, 2008
Bronx NY, Pasadena California "Tag name: KS13
You think we're serious? LOL

Anyway what are some ways that Young Link players warm up? I haven't played anything since Pound (Except GoW and Halo but those don't take fast button pressing). I feel the rust on my fingers...

I can barely type on the keyboard... :(

Well what I would normally do is face CPU lvl 3 to warm up my tech skills, after that do some combos to keep me at bay.

That's how I normally do it.
I don't even start friendlies until I warm up on my own. Don't wanna get creamed ya know?


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Link/YLink's combo abilities are exactly the same with a few tweaks within moves that are used. Like the up B and in certian situations YLink's Dair.

Slademj -That could have helped me about a week ago... I was getting ***** by my crewmates. Even the lowest member was wreckin me. >_<

After about an hour of friendlies (using trash talk and mindgames) I got my groove back. I hate to take that long though...


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
Link/YLink's combo abilities are exactly the same with a few tweaks within moves that are used. Like the up B and in certian situations YLink's Dair.

Saldemj -That could have helped me about a week ago... I was getting ***** by my crewmates. Even the lowest member was wreckin me. >_<

After about an hour of friendlies (using trash talk and mindgames) I got my groove back. I hate to take that long though...
there is nothing wrong with taking forever to warm up

i certainly do

it just takes certain people longer to get their head in the game than others

also, my middle school band director always said "it takes better skilled players longer to warm up." I cant see why it shouldnt be the same for melee.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
Kinda but not really. Since Link's up B has kill potential it's a better choice after an down throw while YLink's best choice is to up throw to d-smash. D-throw for YLink is more of a tech chasing option. Against spacies it's better to throw up at low percents then once they're able to get out of those autocombos, then switch to d-throws. I used those 2 moves as an example cause of how different the moves are between the 2 characters.

I'll edit this later, Theo. PSP input limit.

Edit: Theo, I feel guess it's a pride thing with me. I feel like if it takes that long for me to even get decent enough to win 1/5 matches then why even try?

Travon was wrecking me about 2 weeks ago (Even though he has inproved a lot). Like I couldn't even go Falcon and do y crazy **** against him... It's a good feeling that he's getting better but I feel like I'm not keeping up with everyone.

Which is also another reason I've decided that I wouldn't put too much more time and money into the smash community. I'm only really entering doubles now when ever I enter a tourney and I'm not really determined to drive anywhere anymore (Even though now I can't >_>).


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Columbia Missouri
RHAN! you cant do that. I dont even know you but still you know a lot about Ylink and ur a legit player. I had a down week last week but i realized that I wasnt playing to my full potential. I wasnt thinking ahead of my opponent and not spacing right...i was charging in when i could have been spacing with projectiles. Since you are using a low tier it takes you a lot longer to improve. You have a harder time winnign bcuz Ylink isnt broken like marth or sheik. Im sure you know this though. and dont stop entering tournies. those are the best experience. DONT GIVE UP ON THE KOKIRI, RHAN, DONT GIVE UP ON SKRAAAAAA


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
im pretty sure i could beat travon with y link

actually, i would probably put money on it

all it takes is some careful thought as to what his patterns and mistakes are. as the better player that u are, im sure if u put some thought into it, you can kill and even gimp solidly

if its a matter of tech skill, then u just need to be patient enough to warm up no matter how long it takes

when i start a smash "session," i realize that trying to "win" vs trying to develop my mind and tech skill up to where i know it should be sometimes just dont coincide. worry about winning and why u lost after u feel that u are in the correct state of mind. otherwise, u will just be frustrated at doing stupid mistakes and missing simple techs

the thing is, u KNOW u can beat him, so just ask urself why u arent. if u arent warmed up, then have the patience to warm up without worrying about winning or losing (which ultimately doesnt matter).
if the problem is that u keep falling for his tricks, then just quit running into f-smashes (which is what im assuming the problem is lol) or w/e else he is throwing out and start baiting him. i would REALLY like to be with stars right now to help u out. shaden is not a very analytical player, so i doubt he could tell u exactly why the thoughts u are having in-game are flawed, but im sure he could tell u a few problems about ur game.

pride? pride in what, exactly, if u are losing? as someone who obviously needs to learn more about optimal play (ie all of us), u need not to worry about something that will ONLY hurt u. since when does said "pride" ever help your game (besided trash talking, which i must admit, i thoroughly enjoy; but i never back up my trash talk anyway)?

You GOT this turhan

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
after hanging with Rhan @ Pound, I think we both kinda know why we want to quit playing this game, without ever talking about it. I might just be imagining things here, but I think he knows what I mean. It's just... one of those things.

Well I know I can speak for me at least. after throwing up between my pools matches and feeling rather terrible throughout the P4 weekend, I just don't want to play anymore. I get excited thinking about it, will sit down with a friend... then I just... lose interest. guess my time ended a LONG time ago, though, I mean I could only say I mained Young Link for Nov08-April09 anyway. I dunno.

I feel like Rhan has other stuff in his life to sort out, and that part of him wants to just stop wasting time with smash and do his more important things. if wrong, my bad. if right, I feel you bro, I am trying so hard to focus on the important things in life right now. it's far from easy.

lol, YL forums and their deep moments hahaha, I totally swore to myself I would stop checking these threads a couple of months ago...


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
RHAN! you cant do that. I dont even know you but still you know a lot about Ylink and ur a legit player. I had a down week last week but i realized that I wasnt playing to my full potential. I wasnt thinking ahead of my opponent and not spacing right...i was charging in when i could have been spacing with projectiles. Since you are using a low tier it takes you a lot longer to improve. You have a harder time winnign bcuz Ylink isnt broken like marth or sheik. Im sure you know this though. and dont stop entering tournies. those are the best experience. DONT GIVE UP ON THE KOKIRI, RHAN, DONT GIVE UP ON SKRAAAAAA
Haha I'm not going to quit Young Link. Just cutting down the time and money I put into this.

I nearly blew about 200 bucks just to go to Pound (And it was worth it). But now it's comming back to haunt me now that my job laid me off.

I know all about the tiers and how it's not me it's the character I play. lol I've come to terms with that a long time ago. But I just love low tier'd characters and excelling with them and possibly making a name for myself.

im pretty sure i could beat travon with y link
Anyone really can... But it just feels like I'm the only person in the crew not... improving.

when i start a smash "session," i realize that trying to "win" vs trying to develop my mind and tech skill up to where i know it should be sometimes just dont coincide. worry about winning and why u lost after u feel that u are in the correct state of mind. otherwise, u will just be frustrated at doing stupid mistakes and missing simple techs

the thing is, u KNOW u can beat him, so just ask urself why u arent. if u arent warmed up, then have the patience to warm up without worrying about winning or losing (which ultimately doesnt matter).
if the problem is that u keep falling for his tricks, then just quit running into f-smashes (which is what im assuming the problem is lol) or w/e else he is throwing out and start baiting him. i would REALLY like to be with stars right now to help u out. shaden is not a very analytical player, so i doubt he could tell u exactly why the thoughts u are having in-game are flawed, but im sure he could tell u a few problems about ur game.
I wasn't running into F-Smashes. But I was making bunch of mistakes and he would capitalize on it and shine gimp me at every chance.

pride? pride in what, exactly, if u are losing? as someone who obviously needs to learn more about optimal play (ie all of us), u need not to worry about something that will ONLY hurt u. since when does said "pride" ever help your game (besided trash talking, which i must admit, i thoroughly enjoy; but i never back up my trash talk anyway)?

You GOT this turhan
I have pride in anything I do really. It's like how you take pride in playing the flute. It got you places and you've made a name for yourself. Have you ever googled yourself Theo???

That's the kind of thing I want to have in the Smash community but I never really can have that sort of thing because I'm improving little by little and I choke up often in singles. :(

after hanging with Rhan @ Pound, I think we both kinda know why we want to quit playing this game, without ever talking about it. I might just be imagining things here, but I think he knows what I mean. It's just... one of those things.
Yeah I get what you mean. I kinda felt this way though walking into Pound and adding up all the expenses that came along with it.

Well I know I can speak for me at least. after throwing up between my pools matches and feeling rather terrible throughout the P4 weekend, I just don't want to play anymore. I get excited thinking about it, will sit down with a friend... then I just... lose interest. guess my time ended a LONG time ago, though, I mean I could only say I mained Young Link for Nov08-April09 anyway. I dunno.
Yeah I feel the same way there. I'm excited about playing but after a while I lose interest because in friendlies I start off so strong but once time passes I feel like I'm deteriorating compaired to others. Theo you see this don't you? When like we first wake up some mornings and I'm like in the zone and winning against you and Shaden like the first few rounds of slot passing then after a while I lose and continue to lose.

I feel like Rhan has other stuff in his life to sort out, and that part of him wants to just stop wasting time with smash and do his more important things. if wrong, my bad. if right, I feel you bro, I am trying so hard to focus on the important things in life right now. it's far from easy.

lol, YL forums and their deep moments hahaha, I totally swore to myself I would stop checking these threads a couple of months ago...
Yeah that pretty much sums up what I feel right now. From the stress of court and the stress in my love life. Stress from job loss. Stress from being dirt poor and having to depend on others. Stress from grades that were a result from stress from court.

And the stress of potentially (Almost a guarantee) of being locked up for a month.

So yeah... I guess it's just time to grow up... :(

Edit: It sucks saying that when you are a Young Link main at heart..... :(



Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2009
Gardendale, Birmingham, AL
Ya man it sucks hearing you guys say this but I understand. You gotta do what you gotta do and have no regrets. It is still a hobby and giving it up doesn't mean you will never play again. It just means your taking a step down. When you get time, let your self enjoy the game you love. Just don't over indulge.


Smash Ace
Sep 4, 2009
Columbia Missouri
Well I suppose things like that out rank smash in the big scheme of things. Sorry for your troubles Rhan and TRC. Although I'll tell you this Rhan, when you say that you start strong and then deteriorate i know exactly what you mean! I usaully start out beating everyone for the first few sets and then i begin to lose and then lose worse. This is the weakness of the low tier. Where top tiers have certain moves they can ALWAYS rely on, we dont. Thats why we have to outthink, out manouver and out random(?) top tiers. If we can play unpredictable and tricky i think thats where we can win. in other words, we have to have superior mind games, and make them fear us. So when you sense that things are goin south for ya, try switching things up. start playing campy or being real offensive...mind game.. lol.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2007
Newport News, VA
Do what you have to do, but for me, someone with nothing to lose, and a lot to learn, I'll pick up YL and go pro. I'm young, and smash is still pretty d*mn important to me. If TRC feels like he's out, then I'm stepping in. I don't want such a unique and interesting community to die. Especially since one of their very BEST players has lost his will to finish the "Hylian Adventure."


Smash Champion
May 1, 2007
**** Triangle, NC
low tiers have it rough, prolly rougher than i know

but i think uve got it wrong when u say high tiers have "certain moves they can always depend on"

at top level play, u dont "rely on moves." the only thing u should be "relying" on is ur knowledge of the game and ability to make wise decisions to outplay your opponent

the thing about low tiers is, they have such a limited array of potential decisions to make that in many, if not most, situations they get out-prioritized, out-spaced, and overall *****

in order to reach a greater understanding of the game, then, i REALLY think its constructive to pick up a higher, more viable tier so that your overall knowledge of and outlook on the game can change

then, work on the lower tier

the BEST low tier players have done this and imho, its helped them tremendously:
Have you SEEN axe's falco?
what about tope's pikachu?
taj's marth?
dr peepee's mario?
chu's pichu/YL?
captain jack's anything(lol)?
vanz' anything?
ken's roy?
shaeman's link!?!?!?!

I really just think improvement at this game is facilitated 100x better by playing viable characters, and an overall prowess at the game can help the picking up of any one character become loads easier

yeah, yeah there are exceptions to this, but they are VERY rare and they still pretty much get wrecked in top level play

again with this pride thing: having pride in urself is great, i commend u for that. but it is empty when it is only hurting you. also, consider where pride comes from. would it make sense for, say, travon to have loads of pride in his melee skills when hes obviously still a beginner and trying to improve? i dont think so. but then, so are all of us trying to improve to levels higher than our own.
As for me and my flute, yeah, i was pretty good compared to most people my age when I played really frequently. I made state band my junior year, ranking third piccolo in the state. flute skills were meh, but i preferred piccolo anyway. i got cocky (prideful?) my senior year and got ***** in the auditions cuz i walked in thinking i was all good and that i could make it without too much practice.
mind you, i had johns (senioritis: i didnt even really care, lol! i was already in college), but still i didnt give it my all in a humble manner like i did my junior year (i didnt even think i could make it then) with respect for all the other players.

moral: empty pride gets you nowhere. the only way to improve is to humble yourself and take advice from wherever you can get it (ie, from me?)

i still think u can be a **** YL, turhan. u just have to make some more constructive decisions in game and out of game.

AS FOR this whole jail business: i dont have experience with this business, so any advice i give u would probably be lame and baseless,
but i will say that it is possible for them to have mercy IF u go in REAL apologetic, ur head hung low, have respect for ANYone older than you. use as much proper english as possible (to show that u are taking the ordeal seriously), etc. As toasty has said, these guys are human. show thet ur not like the rest of the teenagers that they see on a daily basis with humility and respect. that **** will take you a long way.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 17, 2009
Gardendale, Birmingham, AL
I'm with Shaeman. I'm still less than a year into Smash and have a long way to go and being a senior in high school and moving to college next year really frees me up to improve and rep in the community. The community didn't die when Chip and Jash stopped playing YL it just moved on.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
well I certainly would never wish for the YL community to die. It's also probably not really a good idea to compare Rhan and myself to Chip and Jash, as they were well, the prime of Young Link, at least, that's the general consensus I believe?

I mean, like I said, I pretty much stopped playing him seriously in like, June 09 when I moved away from anyone who played in this state (and, in fact, I still don't have friends in this wretched city, much less smash playing ones.) I couldn't actually consider myself a YL main even when I made the second combo vid which is probably why it sucked. that and I didn't take those stupid pills that made me better at the game like I did for making the first one -_- how dirty...

good **** Shaeman, do it big for us all! the rest of you better keep it up too!
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