So, I've been ranting on about the
matchup on the boards for a while and discovered something that has made the peach match-up a lot better for Wario. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who felt peach is harder than falcon, but I haven't played any good falcons. Falcon can be combo'd hard while peach can't and her frame data mostly allows grounded punishment (not aerial) which I feel Wario properly lacks consistent tools for. Before I was just camping, throwing out the occasional sh bair or fade-away fair (more bair than fair, and even then I don't really attack much, maybe once every 7 sec. or so) and up+b OOS to counter her d-airs. I was literally playing "Waft or Bust: The Game." I didn't have too much trouble landing waft, but I had trouble tacking on damage and usually was always losing the percent battle. You can't play aggro against a good peach. Fair has ridiculous range and if peach fades back there's no way you can cover that much space and punish her (at least to my knowledge). I decided to try a new strategy today to tack on percent.
When the game began, I immediately parked the bike on the side of smashville. Peach floated around and was starting off with her usual dair attempting to get her free dair-to-fair combo. Shielded it, up-b'd, and landed near the bike. As the peach kept approaching, I down-threw the bike and it hit her doing somewhere near 30 damage (which we all know). I ask my friend "Um, can you air-dodge out of float?" He's like "" I said, "Ayy lmao" and proceeded to repeat this in part with my other refined strategy to combat his peach and it worked amazingly. I went from consistent high% 1 stock wins and losses to 2 stock and 1 stock low% wins.
Now, you might think this is gimmicky, because I'm literally endorsing a strategy that against
any other character would seem high-risk high reward, because you're losing a recovery option and bike tosses are slow to execute. All I can say is this solution to the peach matchup feels exactly like Chomp vs.
, extremely useful, but you can't abuse it as much as you'd like to. Without it the matchup would be terrible (I still think Wario loses outright, but this may change). The good thing about this technique is that it will force peach's to play offensively or suffer obscene amounts of damage. The guy I played didn't stop playing defensively and suffered.