Funny I just watched the latest Transformers film in 3D at a cinema with some friends. I thought the film itself wasn't terrible, OK even, though I'm a complete novice in the topic of movies and far from the best film critic around. I found myself paying more attention to the 3D effects in all honesty. A lot of people down talk 3D for not being the most amazing thing since electricity and, while I'm not ready to join the camp that have fallen in love with it (however small it may be), I can say it at least added to the experience, if only a bit. I'm sure other films make better use of 3D but I don't know.
I have a new found respect for Sony and Nintendo for pushing 3D gaming though, I think it has more potential in that field. During the film I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like playing certain games in 3D, or wondering how games could make clever use of it. Hopefully such games are realized in the future, the 3D effect used in Pilotwings for the 3DS gets a lot of praise, so I'm certain the potential is there. I can't wait to see what Super Mario for the 3DS will do with it, and I hope Tri-Ace's Beyond the Labyrinth makes good use of it to, so much potential it could have when combined with such a gorgeous art direction and mysterious setting.