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Would you hit a female?

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El Nino

Jul 4, 2003
Ground zero, 1945
PSA: Chill, Don't Kill.

I just want to remind people that the "self" in "self-defense" does not mean "ego."

Just to reiterate, a self-defense situation is one that you cannot walk away from.

Abuse may fall under this category. Some women abuse their husbands; this is true. However, just because those guys would be justified in defending themselves, that does not automatically justify or apply to every situation that you, as a male, may encounter with a female.

Forget about hypotheticals; those don't hold up in the court of law. Focus only on the immediate situation in front of you at the time.

If you CAN walk away from a situation, but you don't, then that is a choice that you make. This is different from men who are abused by their wives. If you choose to stay and take part in the escalation of an incident because you want to show the other person that you are tough sh*t, then that is not self-defense. There was a door open, and you chose not to walk out of it because your ego couldn't handle it.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
However, self-defense does not necessarily mean punching someone.
If I only can defend myself by knocking the attacker away or down, then I would punch them, regardless of gender or age.

Also, the point isn't the kind of damage the woman can do, it's the damage that you can do.
"Oh, that nice woman is stabbing my chest, how could I react in not causing her any harm? :D"
Really? Do you honestly think that when you're in a position where your life or physical wellbeing is threatened, any person would try to harm the assaulter as little as possible? If my life is on the line or I could get seriously injured, I want to get away as quick and safely as possible. My life and wellbeing comes first if I get attacked, not the wellbeing of the attacker.

The general sentiment here seems to be, "Well, she hit me first, so I was justified in my actions." Really? Another poster used the example of responding to a physical attack by hitting someone with your car. Is that a justified response? There is nothing short of a life-and-death struggle that justifies a man punching a woman.
It really depends on the circumstances. I repeat, if I get choked or attacked with a weapon, then yes, a punch would be justified if that was a way of getting them away. However, if it was just a slap cause you were a jerk, then that's a whole different situation.

It's not humanly possible to get attacked with the chance of losing your life or severe injuries and
a.) reacting calmly over all this time (lol @ those people who're like "well your fault for letting her get up close")
and b.) actually thinking of the wellbeing of the assaulter BEFORE your own wellbeing.

You can be as careful as you want, you can call me a dirtbag and ******* if you want to, but you cannot tell me that if your life is threatened, the first thought that crosses your mind is not how to get your *** out of that situation as quickly and safely as possible. Especially noone, absolutely noone can tell me that the first thought in that situation would be ways in how to defend yourself without causing any harm to the person who's trying to hurt or kill you.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
_Oh hai, wat's up Buddy?

"Oh, nothing much. I just ran away from this lady that tried to kill me with a knife."

_Oh snaps, d00d. Glad ur safe :0

I hear running away from a life and death situation is a lot safer than attacking the person with the knife.

Unless, of course, you were dumb enough to . . . er, I mean, she somehow managed to back you up into a corner.


Smash Lord
Jun 9, 2009
Well, there are so many different variables in the situation, though. For example, what if you're a terrible runner?


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
Baton Rouge
I'm 24. I live in New Orleans. I deal with crazy women, not high school girls. Physically speaking, I'm not someone that is going to be running from a fight. My build is that of power, not of speed. Women are not saints, there are just as many *****y females as douchy men out there.

Theorycrafting about fighting in real life only complicates the matter once you are in one. However, you believe that if you're in a fight that someone won't elbow, knaw at you, or gouge at your eyes/parts then you've never been in a real fight. I'm not talking about a playground scuffle or a spar with a friend. People are crazy. Male, female, it doesn't matter. My reactions to a fight are to deal with my assailant as quickly and efficiently as possible to prevent any damage to myself. If someone is attacking me, I do not care about their well-being. Let me stress this again, if someone has the audacity to attack me with intent to harm, I do not care how they come out of the fight.


Smash Lord
Dec 14, 2008
Laughing while sayin' "idunno" with heav
Most RL fights only happen between guys.

A guy actually fighting a girl is something not often seen IRL.

In a RL fight, obviously anything goes. Things are very unpredictable.
You're fighting a scrawny dude, but guess what?
Those thin arms of his were, in fact, toned muscle and he just so happens to pull out a pocket knife from his back pocket and you discover all of this once you're on the ground from his unexpected quick punch to tackle attack :O

Unpredicatablility leads to varied results.
So should I press my luck on unpredicability with the only thing going for me is legit martial arts training giving me the ability to actually fight?

I'd rather not. Not a gambling man myself. Except in Guatemala, those slot machine things are cheap and addicting :p

But if you can't run away, then there's not much else to do if the opponent's got a knife. A deserted park at 3:00 AM, for instance.
This is where you gotta fight since you got no one to help you.

This is where you can go all Street Fighter if you want.
Disarm the woman, disable her, get outta there, eat a pizza, GG's.

I'm a quick guy so running is easy for me. I also rely heavily on my legs with my martial arts. So why would I press my luck when unpredictability can screw me over.

_Knocked knife out of hand
*woman has pepper spray*
*you're blinded*
_woman picks up knife
"oh noes!"

In the situation where you can run, then you run.
But if you can't, then you gotta go all Streets of Rage on the old bat.


Smash Lord
Feb 12, 2007
Fairfax, VA
11. React so cutely when you hit him and it actually hurts.
See, this is what pisses me off about women: they expect special treatment at their discretion. They want equal rights, equal pay, and equal treatment for everything EXCEPT when it comes to **** like this, then they want you to "react cutely" instead of, say, putting them in a head lock and making them eat ants and/or spiders while you give them carpet burn. Why don't women react "cutely" when men hit them for a change? Oops, I forgot, that's domestic abuse.

Nibbles 2

Smash Apprentice
Sep 13, 2008
It's my belief that you shouldn't ever resort to physical violence. However, if you don't initiate a fight, then I feel you have the right to defend yourself, regardless of what your/their gender is.

If I'm on the street or in a bar, and a woman wants to start a fight with me and hits me, I should be able to do whatever I can to defend myself. That includes hitting them back. You shouldn't be forced to restrain yourself and allow them to attack you, simply because they're a woman.

I think she definitely overreacted, you've got every right to protect yourself, even if she is a woman.


Smash Hero
Jun 14, 2008
I was told never to hit a girl. If it's a playful hit, then no, otherwise if I'm being attacked or she wants to do some physical harm to me, I wouldn't hesitate to retaliate. The thing is is that most woman want equal rights and yet they want what they want as far as equal rights go. If you ask me, I'd say you're getting the whole package and not what you want and don't want. I may sound like an *******, but I'm just being realistic.


Smash Hero
Nov 1, 2008
Those of you defending women: They're human beings, so are we. A punch to them is like a punch to us. If they're trying to kick your ***, kick their ***.

Evil Eye

Selling the Lie
Jul 21, 2001
Madison Avenue
giving someone what they deserve.

As for giving someone what they deserve, I would beat someone up.
Lets say I have a friend that has a baby with a women and then leaves her. I would probably beat him up.
Or if a guy would hit my GF. He would deserve the same treatment.
Or if someone ***** a women, I would beat them up. Or even worse, if they ***** a child. Then I would seriously beat them up.

The only problem with giving someone what they deserve is that it is to close to revenge and you need to decide if you are being a douche yourself.
IDK, I haven't had a reason to beat someone up for many many many years (since I was 11).
I hope that I don't break my streak.


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Oh God make it stop...

Okay, let's substitute the word "woman" with two different words: "child"; "elderly person". Is it okay for you to LOSE CONTROL if any of these people were to hit you?

Should I be the only one at fault if I'm assaulted?

See, this is why people crack me up with this subject. They're so busy judging the male for his actions instead of the other party. Stop with the special treatment. A child, who by the way can still be stronger than an adult male since you like ****ty logic, is no more better than me for hitting. Same goes for the elderly. Same goes for women.

And just to show you how terrible this logic was, let's say I'm that child's father. Child puts his hands on me and threatens me. Are you seriously going to judge me knocking him or her to the ground without judging the fact that a child just attacked his father?

Let's say one of the elderly people I know snaps for whatever reason and is macing me the **** down. Judging my reactions over that person's actions is stupid, especially if the only reason you're judging just me is because that other person is elderly. What if a man my size and my age did it? I bet you wouldn't have any qualms with me striking back then, now would you? If you actually did have a problem with it, I'm 100% sure you wouldn't view it equally to a child attacking me because, well, you pretty much said it yourself. Terrible, terrible logic.

I don't even have to relate this to women because they're a less extreme example, at least in your mind.

What do all of these groups have in common? They are all weaker than the average male. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to know that the average woman, child, or elderly person is weaker than the average male. That gives you power over them, and with that power comes a level of responsibility (thanks Spiderman!). Yes, you do have to exercise control and restraint, because as a man, you can do serious damage to anyone who is weaker than you. And that's everyone who is not an average man.

You are an absolute fool if you base this off of physical strength. Anyone who puts their hands on someone else has to face the potential consequences. Period. If you EVER judge a situation with the crux of it all based on who was physically stronger, you have terrible judgment and are in no position to reprimand the "stronger" person. A person weaker than me can do serious damage to me with weapons, or by hitting me in a spot where my big manly toughness doesn't mean ****.

Seriously though, I'm truly surprised and disturbed at how many people think it's okay to strike a woman, regardless of the circumstances.

I'm shocked that people play the chivalry role still with flawed logic spewing out of their mouths without them realizing it. I'm also shocked that people magically forget that the women/child/elderly person is still an aggressor and is just as much at fault as the man and deserves equal, or WORSE, consequences.

And let me be clear: when anyone posts that they would hit a woman, I read that as, "I will close my fist and punch a woman." If that's not what you meant, then I apologize for lumping you in with the rest of the dirtbags in this thread that think striking a woman is okay.

Doesn't make your logic any ****tier. I don't care what you think of me because you've shown that, at least on this subject, you have double-standards out the *** and most of it could be cleared away with a bit more critical thinking rather than focusing on physical aspects of people.

REL, one major thing that I dislike about your argument is likelihood. It's unlikely that I'll ever be attacked by an elderly person as a young man, but that doesn't make it any more or less morally wrong, in my eyes, than it would if someone my age did it. Just because it may never happen and just because someone may be crazy for attacking that big strong man doesn't make things different. If a man I knew had mental problems and attacked me, and if I knew that he'd snap out of it, I'd probably not strike him back. Same goes for any woman, child, or elderly person.

That's really the only thing that I find a bit sour.


Smash Lord
Mar 26, 2009
If your gonna get seriously hurt or killed than yes defend yourself at all costs to get away. No gender shuold hit any gender but if u piss a girl off and she gives u a sissy slap in the face. It's nothing to a full grown man, it actually makes her look weaker since usually the man barely feels anything and shows no sign of pain after the slap. If the women is trying to beat u down than push her away., don't start beating her down and this goes with any gender. Only fight in self defense and the main priority in a fight is to stop the attack from hurting u.


I see a trend in this thread where everyone who posts automatically assumes that their attempt at self defense (or otherwise) will be effective and that they will win in whatever fight they find themselves in.



Smash Ace
May 19, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA
It's wrong but if you gotta defends yourself then go for it, desperate times calls for desperate measures. Depends what level of a threat she is though..


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2009
The Cold
^ what he said, self defense. Only to a slight extreme though, if she didn't really do anything super bad there's no point.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 25, 2009
No, IMO you're not wrong.
I don't see why gender or being weak would give you the right to attack other people.

Though offcourse it's always better to avoid fighting. I would try talking first, or if possible walking away. Only when someone purposely forms a tread for me I'll attack.
And if the other, like most females, is to weak to harm me I won't attack at all or maybe some soft hits as warning if (s)he does it frequently to humanilate me for example (Because mental harm from things like humanilation is a form as harm as well and even weak people can do that, especially if they're female).


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2007
I don't see why one wouldn't punch a woman when he is in danger himself. Regardless of age or gender, if someone is trying to harm me in any way, I have the right to defend myself. I'll do as much as I need to to make sure this person won't harm me. It's ******** to think it's "bad" to hit a woman when you're in danger yourself.


Smash Lord
Aug 27, 2008
♥ My post count is my age. Deal with it.
Good Reasons to hit a female:

1) Self-Defense
2) Female is a Crime Suspect
3) Female is hurting someone else (and not for the good reasons)
4) Female is a prisoner escapee
5) Female is a terrorist

You get the point.

Bad Reasons to hit a female:

1)Female is acting like a *****
2)Reaction to verbal agression from female
3)Female does not act the way you like
4)Female is your boss
5)Female is irritating
6)Female is your mother
7)Female is acting stupid



Smash Chachacha
Writing Team
Oct 7, 2008
excellent ?

Actually, I'd like to think I wouldn't, because I am a gentleman in most respects (most because I do wear open-toed shoes in public, a definite no-no for the true gentlemen) however, circumstance often leads to variables one cannot have anticipated, which leads to such moral obligations as "never hit women" being thrown right out.

Case in point:

My last year of college my ex and I tried to reconcile. We had dinner, talked, it was cool... then she wanted sex, lol I'm like, no, I'm in a new relationship now, though she's ok w/us hanging out, I cannot cheat on her, even though I cheated on you with her and that's why we're together now. >< Yeah, DUMB on my part, totally insensitive, but hey, I needed her to know I was trying to be a better man, by stopping a cycle (cheating).

She pretty much rage-quit on my face lol I mean I didn't see it coming just one second I'm talking the next BAM slugged, and hard too, like a dude had hit me. That's what true anger can do to any human, that immediate moment of GRRRRR translates into enough power that yes even a woman can be devastating.

She hit me so hard the imprint from the blow stayed on my face for hours.

What did I do? Well, despite her being.. a fairly heavy girl, I picked her up and body slammed her, her leg coming into contact with a metal frame radiator on the way down. That ended the "fight" one hit one kill haha, she got up, said.. something, I couldn't hear cause of the ringing in my head... and I never did see her again.

Do I regret being physically violent? Eh, not really. She had it coming. Don't start **** won't be **** is my attitude, and even women should know that if you take it to a man like you're a dude, then you're gonna get beat down like you're a dude.

Now, I will point out that some men are simply large enough that even the most determined woman's attack will seem like ... well seem more cute than anything. Foreplay, like he's a klingon or some crap. For these men, obviously (hopefully) they'd never hit a woman, because it'd be the same as beating up a small defenseless child.

On the flip of that, there are some jacked *** women out there, and you might as well run if facing them, cause they gonna woop your ***, lol They grew up w/big brothers, they love physical combat, and they don't expect special treatment. They actually fight harder if they sense you're pulling back. Would I hit one of these women? Yep. Cause it's what they want. Gentleman or no, a woman who transcends her 'expected' gender role can expect my foot to transcend her ***.


Godfather of the Crimean Mafia
May 29, 2008
Alexandria, VA
Outside of the physical comparisions, I salute your post, mostly slamming her.
Yeah yeah violence is bad and should be avoided but I still salute him.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
Actually I think all points of view have been expressed, and tbh I see this blog becoming a magnet for stupidity, trolling, and inappropriate posts.

We're done here.
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