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Wofl Q&A/Social


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
It's always nice knowing that haha. I didn't go to a sleep clinic until I talked to someone at work about it all because I was too proud stupid to just go and talk to a specialist about it.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Shpongle Falls
i sleep like a rock. arda can testify since he's seen me sleep before

edit: that synchronized love freestyle was hot. and lol @ that comment from you a year ago. remember NNR? hot damn.

i remember that video of JSB getting 9 greats on TLOM, no bar, when people were still struggling to even pass that song. that guy was the m2k of ddr, seriously


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
YES! This is the first time ever someone's posted song lyrics to a song that I actually know very well and it was cool :D <3 Rush. I'ma go listen to them ktnxbai

<3 :awesome:. I know most R.E.M. and Rush lyrics. My problem is I'm a bass (very) amateur singer and Stipe/Mills and Geddy Lee... aren't, lol.
They have the most awesome lyrics, and everything.

"If anybody's buying, nobody's hero" that's such an awesome way to express what makes a hero and how it feels like "everybody's buying nobody's hero."
I could go on for a looooong time.
I like that wolf mains are either hibernators or clinical insomniacs
I've tried sleep tests, different medicines, routines, etc most of my life and nothing has ever worked:urg:. *sigh*
Wolf mains are weird. I'm going back to the Ganon boards.
Weird as in sexy?

Ganon's very fun to play; good reads are sooo satisfying [FONT=&quot][/FONT]when the opponent isn't dancing all over his face.


Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2011
I like that wolf mains are either hibernators or clinical insomniacs
I am both of these things. :shades:

On the whole dream thing, I have "nightmares" every other night, a whole lot more than regular dreams to say the least. I enjoy them though, and honestly prefer them to real dreams however sick & twisted that sounds LOL.

In other sinister news had many lols at Big D's place today. Not sure if anything will be uploaded but lololloololoo :wario:


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Just took my math final. Failed it. Haha don't care anymore. I probably didn't pass political science either. World Lit I dunno about. They also have no food left here that I can eat. Most stuff is sold out cause it's finals so they aren't getting more food, and everything else around is stuff I can't eat. Acid reflux trolling me so hard. Don't care, skipping lunch. I give up on trying to get up to weighing at least 110lbs. College is dumb, don't care. It's just a way to make people have to put their life on hold 4 years. Unless there's a miracle, my mom doesn't even have that long left to live. It would take a miracle for her to live long enough to see me graduate. Paying money to have to be here 12 hours two days a week, and then doing homework studying etc. just to do bad in classes. Doesn't matter, I wasn't worried about these finals, don't care anymore. Oh and I like Brawl but I have no way to get to tournys and I'm never able to get anyone to come to my house for brawl. Doesn't matter. I quit writing music months ago too. Don't care. Don't care about sleep either. Takes forever to get to sleep and idk how to get to sleep before 2:30AM anymore. Then wake up at 6:30. Not even tired. Dreams are dumb too, they aren't real. Don't care. Not even anyone's fault but mine. Don't care. brb waiting 4 more hours for my next final to start.

Edit: Haha, just realized I forgot my books, and my world lit final is open book cause she wants us to use them. I give up.



Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
That's bad. Sorry. I'll focus energy for a miracle. For what it is, you have my and I'm sure everyone's support.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Speaking of dreams, I GET TO SEE COHEED AND CAMBRIA TONIGHT! Argh I am so excited!]
They play a great show, I haven't listened to like their last 2 albums much but I'm sure it will rock. They played with Thursday/Thrice back in the day in Omaha, and then I saw them with Underoath and someone else in KS.......idr.

Just took my math final. Failed it. Haha don't care anymore. I probably didn't pass political science either. World Lit I dunno about. They also have no food left here that I can eat. Most stuff is sold out cause it's finals so they aren't getting more food, and everything else around is stuff I can't eat. Acid reflux trolling me so hard. Don't care, skipping lunch. I give up on trying to get up to weighing at least 110lbs. College is dumb, don't care. It's just a way to make people have to put their life on hold 4 years. Unless there's a miracle, my mom doesn't even have that long left to live. It would take a miracle for her to live long enough to see me graduate. Paying money to have to be here 12 hours two days a week, and then doing homework studying etc. just to do bad in classes. Doesn't matter, I wasn't worried about these finals, don't care anymore. Oh and I like Brawl but I have no way to get to tournys and I'm never able to get anyone to come to my house for brawl. Doesn't matter. I quit writing music months ago too. Don't care. Don't care about sleep either. Takes forever to get to sleep and idk how to get to sleep before 2:30AM anymore. Then wake up at 6:30. Not even tired. Dreams are dumb too, they aren't real. Don't care. Not even anyone's fault but mine. Don't care. brb waiting 4 more hours for my next final to start.

Edit: Haha, just realized I forgot my books, and my world lit final is open book cause she wants us to use them. I give up.

Man, this piece of writing reminds me of one I wrote when I was 18 after I had basically figured out college was a lie and I failed my first class (I don't want to post it here, too emo). I didn't have anything nearly as bad as your mothers situation, either. Yes, college is a way for people to just sit around and do nothing other then pretend to learn things (my appologize to people who went to college to learn and become a professional, not talking to you) but I don't know if I can think of a better thing for people to do if they don't know what they want to do with their life, especially if they have the means to pay for it (not by huge loans, people post 05 are getting screwed). It takes time to find yourself if you weren't able to do it in a professional setting inside of high school.

Why is it that you are unable to get a ride from someone for a tournament? You live in Texas, right? Do you live in a weird region or have you not made friends with people with cars?

Perhaps you should think about writing music again, a lot of times losing a hobby when you are depressed is the root of the deeper depression later on, like in 6 months. Finding a creative outlet of anykind is good
like trolling smashboards

Retaking classes is usually really easy and you get to replace your grade at most places nad not just get an average of the grades.


Jun 7, 2009
People should go to college if they actually do want to learn. If you don't want to learn and go into the workplace, you shouldn't spend that time in college. It's really too bad that today's workplace expects a college level of education.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
Bleh. I wasn't feeling good when I made that post and I just needed to vent. I guess it worked though, I don't feel as bad now. One semester gone bad is not the end of the world. And I do know that I'm definitely lucky with my life. There's someone in my world lit class that i feel bad for though cause she's from Darfur, Sudan. And her family is still living there so she's trying to do everything she can to try to get them out of there and help them out.



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
KRD, I'm glad that you can separate your temporary sadness from the true pain that girl and her family have likely experienced, what a wise wolf.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
KRD you could write a song for your mom and play it for her.

Do what you really need for the time being. Don't worry about other details.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Shpongle Falls
mfw i found my wolf flask in the bottom of my desk

and it's still full of something that must have been ruminating for at least 6 months or so



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
GOOD SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZZNIT. Who the hell was the TO who forgot to put you in? That's pretty bad.

Also, fermentation should get you woflchesthair, tekkie.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
Shpongle Falls
holy **** there was a nalgene of watermelon vodka and a spritzer bottle of coconut rum in my fridge too

i'm like a subconscious time-travelling tooth fairy of alcohol!


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
Cincinnati, Ohio
It's because the laptop blue screened and when they recreated it, they forgot us. >_>

However, I beat Hael Phael (pika), Sexy (snake/MK), KassandraNova (MK) and Joey, also called Dooms, (Olimar). Most people don't know about Joey, but he is like the Fizzle of Kentucky haha. I beat him in winners semis and then again in losers finals. I lost both my sets to Kel. I still need a lot of work vs high level mks. :/

I didn't have any super impressive wins, but I played extremely well today and beat players that eliminated the other top competing ones in the tourney. I feel like a made a small step in improving as a player as a whole. Which is awesome. :D

Edit: I also got second in Melee by uthrow resting and Sheik fairing my way to GFs rofl. Kel also beat me both sets in that. XD



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
However, I beat Hael Phael (pika), Sexy (snake/MK), KassandraNova (MK) and Joey, also called Dooms, (Olimar). Most people don't know about Joey, but he is like the Fizzle of Kentucky haha. I beat him in winners semis and then again in losers finals. I lost both my sets to Kel. I still need a lot of work vs high level mks. :/

I didn't have any super impressive wins, but I played extremely well today and beat players that eliminated the other top competing ones in the tourney. I feel like a made a small step in improving as a player as a whole. Which is awesome. :D

Edit: I also got second in Melee by uthrow resting and Sheik fairing my way to GFs rofl. Kel also beat me both sets in that. XD

I mean you beat a Pika I've heard of which is impressive, I saw Dooms won the last tournament so he's probably at least decent/good, and 2 good MK's, that's doing work imo. Beating Pika/Olimar/MK are all stupid hard in their own ways.

Damn, lemme know when the next/next one of these monthlies are gonna be, might go.

Gotta work on the :wolf: and :sheikmelee: and get them #1 and #2.


KY/KP Joey
Jun 9, 2009
Louisville, Kentucky
Actually, I was about to ask...

How does Olimar fight against Wolf? I have no idea what to do against any of his options. Throwing pikmin against his laser doesn't seem to work for me, and I definitely can't grab him out of his bair. The best I can do is predict when he's going to jab out of bair or when he's going to grab... but then it's just a guessing game at that point, and if I'm participating in any guessing game, then I'm probably doing something really wrong if this matchup is as bad as MRM is implying.

Any suggestions?


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Olimar wolf is 50-50 according to players better than me, I think it's slightly in Olimars favor.

Pivot Grab all day, run around and throw pikmin knowing a lot more than normal won't be comign back(wolfs blaster kills them if they latch and a lot of his other moves kill them quickly.), so run and pluck and throw and run and pluck and throw all day.


Smash Legend
May 7, 2009
I dreamed I was in a resort-type place but for teens/kids and thinking about how damn inconsistent and STUPID Zimmeran's case was (not a topic for here) but some demonic force was doing eerie things. Link killing lights, enlarging the heads of lion-like animals, making the sun-light red, you know the creepy feeling in bad dreams?
So I woke myself up, put music on (which usually helps, I highly suggest it to get out of bad dream mood), read a bit and thought I should go back to sleep, it's 2AM and going to be another 'feels like a tank ran me down during the night' day.
So I went back to sleep and into the dream and the demon possessed me (like Ghostbusters' Zoul, slightly) and I sort of looked like Devil Jin but it couldn't control me. So I thought F this and reached to turn on a light in the dream. The demon baited in my head "You're not going to wake up from this are you?" I said "no one tells me what to do", woke up, turned on my real light, thoroughly destroyed unwanted elements of the dream, thought godamnit another 'feels like a tank ran me down during the night' day. And here I am. s***.:glare:

edit, spelling.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Charleston, West Virginia
It's kinda interesting reading about other people's dreams. I've never had the color red appear as a symbol for evil/creepiness, but I guess it's cause my mind doesn't think of it as a threatening color. I do know that having nightmares in high detail can suck though. And that usually if you wake up from a nightmare, if you go back to sleep that night, you'll just go straight back into that nightmare. So usually I just simply don't go back to sleep if I wake up from one now. I can only think of two really bad nightmares I've ever had though that I still remember some pretty big details from (both were from back when I was in elementary school). The main thing they had in common was people losing body parts (like, waist down, so they lost half their body) and still living, unable to die, and obviously in pain and suffering. And usually acid seemed to be a common theme. I remember that the first one was basically me and some friends from school were white blood cells in someone's body, except everyone still looked like themselves, and there were some evil... not quite sure what they were, but they were attacking us and completely destroying/shattering our bodies, yet we couldn't die, and we were in a pretty small area that we couldn't escape from. The 2nd one that I remember took place in a HUGE arcade, and I remember things like at the top of an elevator being a big cylinder thing spinning around pretty fast, and a kid who was missing the lower half of his body was stuck and connected to it from his waist, so I could see him being spun around very fast on it while in pain from having lost part of his body, and there was nothing I could do about it except watch as it went, with him being unable to die. And no one else in the dream even seemed to take notice, as if that was something normal. I think the arcade was 2 floors, and the floors were pretty big. I do remember one room where gravity was reversed so you would end up falling to the ceiling. And the room after that, gravity was normal, except anyone who went there would get temporarily turned into a frog, and there was acid everywhere that you had to dodge.

I remember too much from my dreams that were years and years ago xP If only I had a way to apply this type of memory to my classes.



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
edit, spelling.

I remember too much from my dreams that were years and years ago xP If only I had a way to apply this type of memory to my classes.
ha. I'm kind of fascinated by your saying that you remember most of your dreams. I remember a lot of my dreams from different years of my life, but they are usually the ones with significant meaning or reoccurring themes/actually reoccurring "thoughts/dreams", I do not remember even close to 1/100th of my dreams, however.

In other news I just found out Voltron is on Netflix. After working 15/16 days and having court tomorrow (more on this tomorrow), definitely gonna super nerd out. I also saw GI Joe (which I have seen very little of within my childhood memory) and Transformers (which I have seen most of but not all).


Mother Wolf
May 20, 2008
Land's End (NorCal)
I can't remember any of my recent dreams, it's kinda sad :( but I also can't recall the last time I had a bad dream, so it all balances out :3

Got everything settled down in California for my summer job, finally. Now to continue catching up on some much needed sleep X_x



Smash Champion
Apr 4, 2011
I actually feel like it's the other way around in the match up, lol. If he's moving he isn't dangerous. Wise words from an East Coast bro.

Also happy birthday to me :reverse:
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