Who thought of "Borderline tier", the
MMRNC? That's so dumb.
"Hey guys, let's do a borderline tournament! Wolf's so broken for borderline tournaments."
In other news, as reported to Tekkie and Lumi, Joker randomly decided he wanted to come to the Nebraska local yesterday. I haven't played brawl (**** PM because that's all I've been subjected to lately :/ ) since March, but Tyser wasn't going to enter so I could just show up wasted drunk and probably win, so I didn't need to.
I played some of the best brawl I've ever played, but

was still too much. Lost 3-2 in WF and GF. I "outplayed" him in the sense that I was winning most of the close and far away combat.
However, I got mind gamed like stupid bad. On Delfino, he baited me into the water (I had a 30% to 100+ lead 1st stock) and we ended up both losing our stocks. Barely lost the match.
On Halberd, as the claw was going crazy, he camped Up-b and C4's off the ledge and I just kinda stood there and watched him for my chance to spike him. Buuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttttttttttttt the claw hit me and I guess I was DIing as hard as possible to the left and down so naturally I died at 70%.
The good news is that I FINALLY beat a good

yesterday. I had never beaten Blank Mauser before (Has been #2-#4 in Iowa, probably #4 currently if you include pcity), but I beat him in winners semis and losers finals. I only fell for the swallowcide once

. And when it happened I was losing 0% 1 stock and 0% 2 stocks and I brought it back. Next match I was winning 98% to 0% on the first stock and I rolled him.
I recorded a few videos, but the good ones (I think Joker recorded 3 of us playing and I recorded 2 vs blank) are on Jokers wii so it's up to him to load them. But there are videos of me vs CBK

and vs Bpow that he hasn't uploaded that I really wanted him to (the CBK ones especially so I can show you it's not just Thugz's Pika I know how to fight)...so we'll see.
Probably going to Jokers monthly this weekend so i might try and get some Wi-Fi in.
tldr should have played wifi vs Kass.