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Wii/Wii U


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Actually it should be 3 days starting now since the direct is on Tuesday morning. So Dawn of the FIrst Day. 72 hours remain.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
So Best Buy leaked the four Wii U E3 demos.

I guess the silhouettes did matter.

Id consider that to be a rumor.
I will PRAY its a rumor.

If those 4 games are literally the 4 demos we were promised, i have lost absolute all faith in Nintendo. They have screwed up so much with WiiU and this was their one time to fix all of that but yet they gave us THESE trash demos?

no no no no no no i gotta wait till e3. i cant get this upset just yet.


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
United States
Id consider that to be a rumor.
I will PRAY its a rumor.

If those 4 games are literally the 4 demos we were promised, i have lost absolute all faith in Nintendo. They have screwed up so much with WiiU and this was their one time to fix all of that but yet they gave us THESE trash demos?

no no no no no no i gotta wait till e3. i cant get this upset just yet.
They did say unreleased demos, not unannounced ones, but they're not that bad. New Super Luigi U is pretty disappointing, but I'm excited to play Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, and The Wind Waker HD. Pikmin 3 and The Wonderful 101 need demos; they're considered niche that they need a lot of attention.

While they did screw up a lot with the Wii U these past seven months, these demos don't really mean anything for the future of the console. At least it's better to have these demos than nothing. I mean, would you rather go to E3 or have these demos available at your local Best Buy anyway? Lol.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, Fl.
Wonderful 101 and Wind Waker are trash?

These four are probably the closest to being finished, you're delusional if you were expecting demos for Smash/Mario/whatever surprise games they may have.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
They did say unreleased demos, not unannounced ones, but they're not that bad. New Super Luigi U is pretty disappointing, but I'm excited to play Pikmin 3, The Wonderful 101, and The Wind Waker HD. Pikmin 3 and The Wonderful 101 need demos; they're considered niche that they need a lot of attention.
New super luigi=disappointing.
Wind Waker HD= already owned/played that game.
Pikmin 3= its coming out in 2 months. I can wait.
Wonderful 101= seems interesting and id like a demo since im pretty sure the actual game is a long ways away.

While they did screw up a lot with the Wii U these past seven months, these demos don't really mean anything for the future of the console. At least it's better to have these demos than nothing. I mean, would you rather go to E3 or have these demos available at your local Best Buy anyway? Lol.
I wasnt clear, my fault.

Remember when the 3ds was doing really bad at first? It took 6 months for a decent game to come out (starfox 64 3d). Nintendo lost a ton of money and even had to thrown down a price cut. With the WiiU they said they "learned" from that mistake and that there would be good launch games and a much smaller drought of games.


WiiU launches and yea there are tons of great games. But we already played them months ago on ps3/360. The only thing worth getting was ZombiU and NSMB (even though its not a REAL mario game). Now its been 7 months of no good games but Monster Hunter Ult and Resident Evil Revelations (again, we played those games on Wii/3ds already). Nintendo is SO out of touch with the consumer but even more out of touch with wtf they should be doing as a company that they have posted a loss for the first time ever (2 years in a row, right?). I honestly dont see how they can say they have "learned" from the 3ds launch and yet they STILL do the same thing again with wiiu.

Assuming the rumor is true (again, i hope its not) its further evidence Nintendo literally doesn't know (or maybe doesnt care) what the people want. We know you will show kart/smash/real mario and maybe something really secret/awesome at e3 and that is really kick ass but if you want us to buy a wiiu/games and have the gaming media take you serious/advertise you give, us some demos of the GOOD STUFF. This is the perfect time to turn your misfortunes around. DO IT!


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
It should be worrisome to some degree. Let's say they do show a 3D Mario, Zelda, and Smash at E3...when are these games expected to come out then? Next year? With PS4 and Xbone around the corner...Nintendo has to do something before consumers lose interest. Nintendo had the casual market last gen, and I don't think just relying on your Nintendo fans this time around is going to be enough.


The Eternal Will of the Swarm
Jul 4, 2007
It should be worrisome to some degree. Let's say they do show a 3D Mario, Zelda, and Smash at E3...when are these games expected to come out then? Next year? With PS4 and Xbone around the corner...Nintendo has to do something before consumers lose interest. Nintendo had the casual market last gen, and I don't think just relying on your Nintendo fans this time around is going to be enough.
Didn't Nintendo say the 3D Mario was expected to come out later this year?


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
Wonderful 101= seems interesting and id like a demo since im pretty sure the actual game is a long ways away.
IIRC, it's out in early September (but August in EU).
Didn't Nintendo say the 3D Mario was expected to come out later this year?
It's rumored to, but we definitely know there's going to be footage of it and Mario Kart at E3. IMO, Nintendo's releases are beginning to look a bit crowded.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
It should be worrisome to some degree. Let's say they do show a 3D Mario, Zelda, and Smash at E3...when are these games expected to come out then? Next year? With PS4 and Xbone around the corner...Nintendo has to do something before consumers lose interest. Nintendo had the casual market last gen, and I don't think just relying on your Nintendo fans this time around is going to be enough.
I agree completely. WHEN are these games coming? Mid 2014? STUPID!

But i wouldn't bank on casuals this gen. Those dudes moved on to 99cent phone/tablet games or free to play FB games. Big N has a ton of "catch up" to do with the core and the mainstream audience imo. They can do it for sure but if these past 7 months+potentially lack luster demo line up shows anything, it shows Nintendo aint ready to drop the nukes yet.

IIRC, it's out in early September (but August in EU).

It's rumored to, but we definitely know there's going to be footage of it and Mario Kart at E3. IMO, Nintendo's releases are beginning to look a bit crowded.
If the WiiU does one MAJOR or semi major game every month like they had been doing with the 3ds, everything should be fine.

Pikmin in August
W101 in Sept?

That a hell of a lot better than it is now.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
It should be worrisome to some degree. Let's say they do show a 3D Mario, Zelda, and Smash at E3...when are these games expected to come out then? Next year? With PS4 and Xbone around the corner...Nintendo has to do something before consumers lose interest. Nintendo had the casual market last gen, and I don't think just relying on your Nintendo fans this time around is going to be enough.
I wouldn't consider the Xbone a threat to Nintendo. The only people who are going to buy it are people who do zero research and buy it based off of brand recognition. Given that the internet is widely used now most people know what they're getting into before they buy something. If anything, they should just be worried about the PS4. Until current gen, Sony has always known exactly how to keep a tight grasp on the console market. It looks like they've really learned from their mistakes with the PS3 and could easily be major competition for Nintendo.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I seriously see nintendo in 3rd place this gen. i cant imagine anything turning the winds in their favor.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
I seriously see nintendo in 3rd place this gen. i cant imagine anything turning the winds in their favor.

I'd have to disagree. I think that after brand-buyers realized exactly what the Xbone is you can expect sales for that to plummet. My prediction is:

3: Xbone
2: Wii U
1: PS4.

Unless the PS4 ends up doing something as stupid as the Xbone did.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I wouldn't consider the Xbone a threat to Nintendo. The only people who are going to buy it are people who do zero research and buy it based off of brand recognition. Given that the internet is widely used now most people know what they're getting into before they buy something. If anything, they should just be worried about the PS4. Until current gen, Sony has always known exactly how to keep a tight grasp on the console market. It looks like they've really learned from their mistakes with the PS3 and could easily be major competition for Nintendo.
You are really, really, underestimating the casual market. I'll break "casual" down into two groups. The type that play tablet games, and the type that you will see playing CoD or Madden. The casual market saved the Wii, and given how the Xbone's premise is to be an all in one entertainment center, there will be a lot of people buying it without knowing the potential risks. Everyone from a 14 year old kid, to a dad who wants some cool multi-tasking TV Box in his home.

Wario Bros.

Smash Obsessed
May 19, 2006
In a van down by the river
Switch FC
Yeah, Microsoft put themselves so deep in a hole that they will most likely never get themselves out (especially they are paying Microsoft staff to do damage control on Reddit and the rumor that they are paying third party characters to not show PS4 games at E3.)

Microsoft won't admit their Xbone One is absolute failure and mistake so they are just lying and poorly covering up their tracks to "fix" this. They are acting far worse than EA now. Like finalark said, Xbox One has zero chance beating or even catching up with Wii U or PS4 at E3 (or at any place).


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
You are really, really, underestimating the casual market. I'll break "casual" down into two groups. The type that play tablet games, and the type that you will see playing CoD or Madden. The casual market saved the Wii, and given how the Xbone's premise is to be an all in one entertainment center, there will be a lot of people buying it without knowing the potential risks. Everyone from a 14 year old kid, to a dad who wants some cool multi-tasking TV Box in his home.

Again, I think that people who don't know what they're getting into will eat it up when it's first released but once its reputation becomes known outside of the gaming community sales will slow down. In other words, I believe there will be an instant payoff in the first year or so, but in the long run it will hurt MS more than help them.


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
If the WiiU does one MAJOR or semi major game every month like they had been doing with the 3ds, everything should be fine.

Pikmin in August
W101 in Sept?

That a hell of a lot better than it is now.
My prediction,

August - Pikmin 3
September - W101
October - Sonic Lost World and WW HD
November - 3D Mario and Wii Fit U
December - Mario Kart

Next year will be Yarn Yoshi, new Retro game, X, Bayonetta 2, and possibly SMT X FE (but I doubt it). Then of course unannounced games.
Edit: And Smash

Unless the PS4 ends up doing something as stupid as the Xbone did.
Tiered pay walls for online and gaikai. Just watch.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
I'd have to disagree. I think that after brand-buyers realized exactly what the Xbone is you can expect sales for that to plummet. My prediction is:

3: Xbone
2: Wii U
1: PS4.

Unless the PS4 ends up doing something as stupid as the Xbone did.

Lets take the wii for example. Ignore the WiiFit/WiiSports/WiiPlay aka the casual games. And lets take away the people that bought those games to be fair. What did the Wii really have that would draw the mainstream and core gamer? We already know the Nintendo loyalists will get the Wii but what honestly would attract the rest?

THAT^ is my worry with the WiiU and why i think it will be last this gen. The casuals have moved on to tablet/phone/free-to-play facebook games so the WiiU is forced to play with the big boys (ps4/x-bone). This is not good and here is why imo. This is an age where the gaming media hounds on a system for being the weakest and for not doing what "gamers want." They keep calling the WiiU a "stop gap" system with a gimmick controller.Knowing all of this negativity and more, how do you expect this system to do ANYTHING but "lose?" The mainstream gaming media creates 200 articles a day on how "EA thinks the WiiU is crap and has no games in development for it" or how "3rd parties are YET AGAIN skipping Nintendo's console." They even leave out WiiU when talking about "next gen" or "console wars." EVERYBODY but Nintendo themed sites are against Nintendo. Combine that with a company (Nintendo) that saw the tremendous reaction to that e3 wiiu zelda demo and comes out a few weeks later saying their next zelda will be more like SS than the demo.....you cant help but wonder if they DESERVE to be in last again. Maybe it will cause a shake up at the top of Nintendo's management chain and get Iwata and any other dumbo out of there that allows/encourages this retardism. It just bothers me that the company that made the legendary SNES (my first console/best console) has sunk so low and made the Wii/WiiU.

Up until the X-Bone dug itself a crater of a hole, the mainstream gaming media has been sucking MS's disco stick. Same with Sony and the ps3. I honestly think the gaming media (majority of them anyway) will forget or at least forgive X-Bones garbage features/procedures when MS shows nothing but games tomorrow. Same with Sony, sony will probably do SOME of the same things MS has done with X-Bone but because Ps4 will have some sweet games to show, people will let it go.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
Lets take the wii for example. Ignore the WiiFit/WiiSports/WiiPlay aka the casual games. And lets take away the people that bought those games to be fair. What did the Wii really have that would draw the mainstream and core gamer? We already know the Nintendo loyalists will get the Wii but what honestly would attract the rest?
The thing that attracted people to the Wii was the fact that back in '06 motion control was the single most mind-numbingly amazing thing on the face of the Earth. EVERYBODY, yes, even PS and Xbox fans, bought a Wii. Why? Because the idea of motion controls was amazing seven years ago. However, once gamers realized that it wasn't the "next big thing" Nintendo immediately turned towards casuals who had found the console to their tastes.

THAT^ is my worry with the WiiU and why i think it will be last this gen. The casuals have moved on to tablet/phone/free-to-play facebook games so the WiiU is forced to play with the big boys (ps4/x-bone). This is not good and here is why imo. This is an age where the gaming media hounds on a system for being the weakest and for not doing what "gamers want."
Okay, hold up a second. This grinds my gears more than anything else in the world. The whole OMG GUIZ GAFIKS thing has been around FOREVER. This is nothing new, this isn't new at all. The least powerful console always gets hounded in one form or another. But that doesn't mean ****. Every game on the PS2 looked like mud compared to the GameCube/Xbox Classic but that being said the PS2 managed to outsell the GameCube and Xbox Classic combined because its library was just that good.

They keep calling the WiiU a "stop gap" system with a gimmick controller.Knowing all of this negativity and more, how do you expect this system to do ANYTHING but "lose?" The mainstream gaming media creates 200 articles a day on how "EA thinks the WiiU is crap and has no games in development for it" or how "3rd parties are YET AGAIN skipping Nintendo's console." They even leave out WiiU when talking about "next gen" or "console wars." EVERYBODY but Nintendo themed sites are against Nintendo. Combine that with a company (Nintendo) that saw the tremendous reaction to that e3 wiiu zelda demo and comes out a few weeks later saying their next zelda will be more like SS than the demo.....you cant help but wonder if they DESERVE to be in last again. Maybe it will cause a shake up at the top of Nintendo's management chain and get Iwata and any other dumbo out of there that allows/encourages this retardism. It just bothers me that the company that made the legendary SNES (my first console/best console) has sunk so low and made the Wii/WiiU.
Okay, you're sounding like you're just bitter over the fact that the Wii U isn't the same console as your old SNES. I will agree that yes, they are having problems with third parties but that goes all the way back to the SNES. Nintendo has never been good with third parties, it's just something I've come to accept. That being said, that didn't mean a damn thing during the N64/PS1/SAT era, where they came in second place because the Saturn was just that bad.

Although I will agree that they need to cut it the **** out with their gimmicks.

Up until the X-Bone dug itself a crater of a hole, the mainstream gaming media has been sucking MS's disco stick. Same with Sony and the ps3. I honestly think the gaming media (majority of them anyway) will forget or at least forgive X-Bones garbage features/procedures when MS shows nothing but games tomorrow. Same with Sony, sony will probably do SOME of the same things MS has done with X-Bone but because Ps4 will have some sweet games to show, people will let it go.

I doubt that, look back to the Saturn. History repeats.


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
The thing that attracted people to the Wii was the fact that back in '06 motion control was the single most mind-numbingly amazing thing on the face of the Earth. EVERYBODY, yes, even PS and Xbox fans, bought a Wii. Why? Because the idea of motion controls was amazing seven years ago. However, once gamers realized that it wasn't the "next big thing" Nintendo immediately turned towards casuals who had found the console to their tastes.
That is exactly what i was hoping you are going to say. Without casual games, all the Wii had was motion control. It was innovative enough to get the masses to buy one. With motion (wii) it wasn't hard at all to see what it could do for the casual/mainstream/core. You could BE the sword/gun/fist.....ect. Cool idea but never really did great things except for a few really good titles.

Now look at WiiU...asymmetric gameplay.

1. MOST people (even core gamers) don't know what asymmetric means.
2. Its hard to see (on a casual/mainstream level) how it will be used to better your games/gaming experience.

So this means Nintendo has a hard time expressing the need for the public to get one. They have admitted this many times now. Its not good.

Okay, hold up a second. This grinds my gears more than anything else in the world. The whole OMG GUIZ GAFIKS thing has been around FOREVER. This is nothing new, this isn't new at all. The least powerful console always gets hounded in one form or another. But that doesn't mean ****. Every game on the PS2 looked like mud compared to the GameCube/Xbox Classic but that being said the PS2 managed to outsell the GameCube and Xbox Classic combined because its library was just that good.
You might be confused on what i meant. I am not saying graphics=king. If that were the case, PC=king of the ring forever. What i am saying is that since the mainstream gaming media is obsessed with graphics and "multimedia functions," the WiiU is considered trash by them. yeah the WiiU has nice graphics and yeah it can do many things, but in both areas it is trumped by X-Bone and Ps4. The media uses those facts to deem it an inferior system. im not saying i agree but i am saying that is how they play those cards. I think you read enough internet stuff to see what i am talking about.

Okay, you're sounding like you're just bitter over the fact that the Wii U isn't the same console as your old SNES. I will agree that yes, they are having problems with third parties but that goes all the way back to the SNES. Nintendo has never been good with third parties, it's just something I've come to accept. That being said, that didn't mean a damn thing during the N64/PS1/SAT era, where they came in second place because the Saturn was just that bad.

Although I will agree that they need to cut it the **** out with their gimmicks.
Assuming you (the people) grew up with the SNES and saw the evolution to N64/wii/WiiU, i am willing to bet my life that 80-90% of those people would say the SNES is the best NINTENDO system ever created. From the sweet ass controller to the awesome games like Secret of Mana, Turtles in Time, Super Mario RPG, Chrono trigger, Final Fantasy 2(4), Mega Man X, Super Metroid, Zombies Ate my Neighbors, Super Punch Out, Killer Instinct, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Kirby Super Star.....ect. The SNES had pretty much everything a gamer could want. I cannot say that for any other Nintendo system created since then.

That is what i mean when i say i am upset that the company that made the SNES also made Wii/WiiU. Im not bitter, im realizing that Nintendo is a.....you know what, i cant even put a name on it. This may sound weird but i have this feeling that Nintendo doesn't really have the "magic" it once had. I dont know if that makes sense to you.

edit: to be clear, i bought wiiu/zombiu at launch. i use my wiiu everyday (netflix mostly). im not some dude who bashes nintendo without owning/playing anything they have. im a legit and concerned consumer.

I doubt that, look back to the Saturn. History repeats.
Sega and Microsoft are not anything alike. Nor are the scenarios each one were in. I dont think we can compare them to see an accurate conclusion.


Nov 23, 2007
Tucson, Arizona
That is exactly what i was hoping you are going to say. Without casual games, all the Wii had was motion control. It was innovative enough to get the masses to buy one. With motion (wii) it wasn't hard at all to see what it could do for the casual/mainstream/core. You could BE the sword/gun/fist.....ect. Cool idea but never really did great things except for a few really good titles.

Doesn't matter, sold a ton. Nintendo owns current gen, even if I'm not a fan of the console myself.

Now look at WiiU...asymmetric gameplay.

1. MOST people (even core gamers) don't know what asymmetric means.
2. Its hard to see (on a casual/mainstream level) how it will be used to better your games/gaming experience.

So this means Nintendo has a hard time expressing the need for the public to get one. They have admitted this many times now. Its not good.

I have never heard the term "asymmetic gameplay" used to describe anything in my life until now.

And the reason why the Wii U isn't selling well is because casuals have no idea what the **** it is. As for "hardcore" gamers, I believe this was more to do with Nintendo simply launching too early with not much to show. But then again, a rocky start means nothing. The Nintendo 64 hard a rocky started but turned out fine, as did the PS3. Although Sony never really recovered from that third place position, I will admit.

You might be confused on what i meant. I am not saying graphics=king. If that were the case, PC=king of the ring forever. What i am saying is that since the mainstream gaming media is obsessed with graphics and "multimedia functions," the WiiU is considered trash by them. yeah the WiiU has nice graphics and yeah it can do many things, but in both areas it is trumped by X-Bone and Ps4. The media uses those facts to deem it an inferior system. im not saying i agree but i am saying that is how they play those cards. I think you read enough internet stuff to see what i am talking about.
If you want to speak technically, the PC is the king of the ring forever. I'm just too poor to invest into that ****. I wouldn't say major media outlets trash the Wii U, but rather have just kept it out of the spotlight. Why? Because the Wii U is old news now, the PS4 and Xbone are still upcoming and thus are more interesting for the time being.

Assuming you (the people) grew up with the SNES and saw the evolution to N64/wii/WiiU, i am willing to bet my life that 80-90% of those people would say the SNES is the best NINTENDO system ever created. From the sweet *** controller to the awesome games like Secret of Mana, Turtles in Time, Super Mario RPG, Chrono trigger, Final Fantasy 2(4), Mega Man X, Super Metroid, Zombies Ate my Neighbors, Super Punch Out, Killer Instinct, Street Fighter 2 Turbo, Kirby Super Star.....ect. The SNES had pretty much everything a gamer could want. I cannot say that for any other Nintendo system created since then.

That is what i mean when i say i am upset that the company that made the SNES also made Wii/WiiU. Im not bitter, im realizing that Nintendo is a.....you know what, i cant even put a name on it. This may sound weird but i have this feeling that Nintendo doesn't really have the "magic" it once had. I dont know if that makes sense to you.
Everything is "magic" when you're a child. But nostalgia doesn't mean anything.

Sega and Microsoft are not anything alike. Nor are the scenarios each one were in. I dont think we can compare them to see an accurate conclusion.


SEGA: Releases a well-liked console (The Genesis), but near the end of its lifespan starts making poorly-received add-ons for it (32X and SEGA CD). And then, they release a console based around those add-ons (Saturn). Said console is poorly received despite many strong exclusives.

Microsoft: Releases a well-liked console (The Xbox 360), but near the end of its lifespan starts making a poorly-received add-on for it (Kinect). And then, they release a console based around that add-on (Xbone). Said console is poorly received.


Sep 8, 2007
Corona, CA
My prediction,

August - Pikmin 3
September - W101
October - Sonic Lost World and WW HD
November - 3D Mario and Wii Fit U
December - Mario Kart

Next year will be Yarn Yoshi, new Retro game, X, Bayonetta 2, and possibly SMT X FE (but I doubt it). Then of course unannounced games.
Edit: And Smash
I was close... Mario Kart being out for next year screwed things up, otherwise I would've put 3D Mario in December. I can see Sonic moved to November now while some casual game will be in October.


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
Soooo, Smash 4 in 2014. Which ruins my plans on getting a PS4 first. XD


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I wasn't very impressed by Smash 4. The graphics look ****ty for a Wii U game, and the gameplay/stages look a bit uninspiring. Might change my mind as more information comes out though. I don't plan to play this competitive, but I do hope the online play will be good.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I doubt Nintendo will do this...but how awesome would it be to give Smash 3DS if you pre-order Wii U Smash? Or maybe some cool bundle deal.


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
I wasn't very impressed by Smash 4. The graphics look ****ty for a Wii U game, and the gameplay/stages look a bit uninspiring. Might change my mind as more information comes out though. I don't plan to play this competitive, but I do hope the online play will be good.

I'm not trying to start anything by asking this, but I really am curious. You're really hard to please, aren't you?


Also on the Smash 4 note,

Can't say I'm complaining about the attention to detail. If this warrants "****ty graphics" (even for Wii U), son I'm disappoint.


Of course we all can agree to disagree. But, whatevs.


So Zetta slow!
Dec 15, 2011
Switch FC
Who gives a **** about graphics. If I you are playing Wii U and are worrying about graphics, then you have a serious problem.

I do like at how the 3DS and Wii U versions will have different stages and art direction due to both versions. I also wonder if snake and sonic will return. Also, even though this is a long shot, I'm kinda hoping to see Bayonetta join the fray. If that happens, I will be happy.


Jul 15, 2010
New York, New York
Switch FC
Who gives a **** about graphics. If I you are playing Wii U and are worrying about graphics, then you have a serious problem.
Love you, bro.

The only things that people should be complaining about would be the Frame Rate, not the graphics. But still, this is 2013 and we do like to see something impressive and not just polygon edges being shown, or else Kirby would look weird. To tell you what, Visuals is also what makes best for the game, and the background and motion has quite the improvement compared to brawl.


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I care about graphics, because I KNOW The Wii U can do better. At least Mario Kart is pleasing to look at.







It's like just slapping "HD" is good enough for you guys. Geez. I'm not saying graphics is going to make or break the game, but there is a standard Nintendo should be held too.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, Fl.
The problem with Samus in Smash 4 is that she's based off of Other M Samus, so of course she looks bad.

I have no problem with how Smash 4 looks btw. :/
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