@ Steve, I wish I could address more people with their concerns for the new system, but I'm not a voice of authority in this room/region.
I saw your suggestion for a direct link from a RZ to a presorted TL room. (Other people have made it too.) It's been brought up to moderator/admin/developer's attention, and universally recognized as a good idea. No promises because I'm not the one to make these decisions, but from what it looks like, that link should be available as soon as someone with the ability to make it does so. But not to make promises that might be broken, that's just what it looks like to me back there.
Also your suggestion for removing TLings completely is not a bad idea, and I agree that it's definitely a fair alternative that we could have used. I personally think that it would be bad for tournament attendance, (at least as far as national tournaments go,) and it encourages regional distinctions. It's a very important function of TLings to have the next Pound/RoM stickied, so people visiting see it. If all tournaments are restricted to RZs, it becomes more difficult to get word out about a national tournament. (Not that people still wouldn't hear about it, I'm only arguing over effectiveness.) Once the users have learned the new system, it shouldn't hurt regional tournaments because "people don't know how to do it."
I have mentioned several other suggestions I have seen back to the mods/developers. We'll discuss them and make small changes if the overall feeling is that it would be a good change. If you have any (other) improvements you think can be made, feel free to let me know. If I think they're good ideas, I'll bring them up to others. If I don't think they're good ideas, I'll at least explain why I don't think so.
As for the current organization of these two rooms (MW and PC,) I would have done them a little differently, but I'm not the moderator of this room. I think the balance we've taken in the Atlantic South is a good start, but there's room for improvement.
The change was focused on moving tournaments to tournament listings, which is the original intention of that room. The secondary effects of the change were not perfectly hammered out, because we just didn't know the answers. Hopefully with some time, the individual purposes of the room will become more apparent, to both of us.