So, can I ask what type of benefits to the game (metagame development, efficiency, etc) do you think lowering the timer will bring, Hax? From what I've read so far, you seem to want to introduce an incentive to move, but that doesn't seem to be a problem with Melee so far (most, if not all people want to move).
This was one of Bones's points, I believe, but I'm not sure if you answered it. I mean, I hate to use it, but the maxim "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" fits really well here. For a game like Melee, you're right, 8 minutes is essentially playing without a timer. But those 8 minutes give enough freedom for playstyle/MUs to play out how they will, without putting pressure on people who don't want to time someone out. And at the same time, if a match is taking way too long, or people just aren't approaching, there IS still a timer, so there is still an incentive for them to approach, albeit one that isn't as urgent.
I mean, the timer change in either direction would really only affect characters with notoriously long MUs (Peach, Samus, Puff, etc). Spacies/Falcon/Marth and Sheik in some MUs don't really care.
I dunno. While I'm not against timeouts as a strategy, it seems like you want to force them. I don't want to only get to play 6 minutes of Peach/Samus (I'm weird, I love this MU) because it's an inherently slow matchup, and now the timer constricts my strategy.
I realize that's a subjective point. But if there is something to be gained that would improve the quality of Melee (as free from bias as feasible), I'm all ears. But know that us floaties want our full matches, too.