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Why do people NOW care about Roy and Mewtwo?


Smash Cadet
Aug 26, 2008
I wouldn't mind seeing Mewtwo again, but his chances of even being around is slim to none. His hype died down alot during the years and we already have more than enough characters for the lst generation..at best he may return as a boss. I heard Roy wasn't really all that popular in Japan because of his game he came from so his chances of him coming is slim. If you guys are really THAT serious to bring them back I suggest remaking your Petitions and give better reasons.

Saying things like "Mewtwo is the God of all pokemon 2nd to Arceus (Which is COMPLETELY a load of bull)" and "Mewtwo and Roy were good characters" are hardly good enough reasons to bring them back.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
I wouldn't mind seeing Mewtwo again, but his chances of even being around is slim to none. His hype died down alot during the years and we already have more than enough characters for the lst generation..at best he may return as a boss. I heard Roy wasn't really all that popular in Japan because of his game he came from so his chances of him coming is slim. If you guys are really THAT serious to bring them back I suggest remaking your Petitions and give better reasons.

Saying things like "Mewtwo is the God of all pokemon 2nd to Arceus (Which is COMPLETELY a load of bull)" and "Mewtwo and Roy were good characters" are hardly good enough reasons to bring them back.
Look at Jigglypuff.


Smash Cadet
Aug 26, 2008
Jiggy has been around since 64 and is always looked down on in the smash series alot simply because she's jiggy. She's going to stay in the smash series mainly because she was the orginal 12 and a popular pokemon in Japan. Like it or not Jigg is going to stay Smash wouldn't be the same without her. That's not to say Mewtwo should leave but again we already have roughly 3 (5 if you count PT's pokemon) people from 1st gen Pika is staying well because he's Pikachu Jiggy is staying because he's one of the orginals and stayed in all 3 games, PT represents what pokemon is and Lucario represents for the 4th gen. Mewtwo is arguable but He MAY come back as a character but who knows what will happen during the next smash series.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 16, 2008
That's my point. If Jiggs can be in, so can Mewtwo.
The Pokemon in Brawl got in due to their popularity in Japan (where the game is developed).

Mewtwo: His popularity has been shrinking. Not being in the first smash game hurt his chances of making it back in. Metwo was pushed aside for a more popular Pokemon (Lucario)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2008
The Pokemon in Brawl got in due to their popularity in Japan (where the game is developed).

Mewtwo: His popularity has been shrinking. Not being in the first smash game hurt his chances of making it back in. Metwo was pushed aside for a more popular Pokemon (Lucario)
then can you explain how R.O.B got in?
in all seriousness, i didn't know who was
R.O.B until unveiled. gamefreak wanted
Lucario in because the small children
are more familiar with him ( kiddish game
for kiddish system ) his era is making all
the money now. Mewtwo will return and shall
be improved as long as Sakurai isn't spearheading
another smash game.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
The Pokemon in Brawl got in due to their popularity in Japan (where the game is developed).

Mewtwo: His popularity has been shrinking. Not being in the first smash game hurt his chances of making it back in. Metwo was pushed aside for a more popular Pokemon (Lucario)
Mewtwo is still rather popular, especially among the competitive scene since everybody knows he's top-tier.

Also, Sakurai actually wanted Mewtwo in the original (along with many other characters), but he couldn't be put in due to time and budget restraints. To know Mewtwo was a hair's breadth away from being in all of the Smash games taunts me to no end.


Smash Hero
Jan 5, 2006
Mewtwo is such a badass.

Seriously guys, only Ganondorf is more badass than Mewtwo.

It's unfortunate, but there's evidence that Mewtwo was cut in Brawl due to time restraints. He was cut from SSB64 for the same reason.

Mewtwo could have also been a great part of the SSE storyline...like what if Tabuu had been Mewtwo instead? It'd make sense...Mewtwo does have incredible psychic abilities after all.

I think he'll be back in the next Smash, no one in the Pokemon universe fills the evil role like Mewtwo does.

Roy I can't really comment on, but he's not very popular in the Fire Emblem world, so that's an important note to mention.

Also wtf why no King K. Rool lulz


Smash Cadet
Aug 26, 2008
ROB, along with Mr. Game and Watch are very iconic to Nintendo they were around for a very long time and helped Nintendo become what they are now. So of course they should make it. Mewtwo popularity was orginally because he was the most powerful pokemon and of course of the movie that sky rocketed his popularity. But that passed over time and he isn't the most powerful anymore that changed since 3rd generation.

Jigg has become a stable to the smash franchise that's something Mewtwo won't have...He was cool back then mainly because of the movie, and Gamefreak hasn't done anything new with him so he doesn't stand anymore. It's all about the Newer gen now Garchomp, Lucario, and Giratina have become rather famous now.

But again hings will change and we never know what will happen maybe Mewtwo will return maybe he won't but it's a small one.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
ROB, along with Mr. Game and Watch are very iconic to Nintendo they were around for a very long time and helped Nintendo become what they are now. So of course they should make it. Mewtwo popularity was orginally because he was the most powerful pokemon and of course of the movie that sky rocketed his popularity. But that passed over time and he isn't the most powerful anymore that changed since 3rd generation.
It doesn't matter if they were important to nintendo's history (I'm talking about ROB not GAW). ROB is an accessory. Why would you make a moveset for that thing when you could make one for someone who is
a)popular among fans
b)is a) but is also easy to make a moveset for

ROB isn't any of those.

If we went by what helped Nintendo become what they are then we could add playing cards or an NES as a playable character.

-:bowser:[Font="impact]Bowser King[/Font]


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
All in agreement that Mewtwo should be back in say "**** you, GameFreak!"...or...something...


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007
Also, Sakurai actually wanted Mewtwo in the original (along with many other characters), but he couldn't be put in due to time and budget restraints. To know Mewtwo was a hair's breadth away from being in all of the Smash games taunts me to no end.
I definitely, definitely hear that. Knowing Mewtwo could've been apart of the original 64 roster, thus boosting his chances of him being a more remarkable Melee character and returner in Brawl (good chance Pkmn Trainer would've been unfortunatley unmade, as it would've had Pika, Jiggs, Mew2 and Lucario), never ceases to piss me off.

Who were the characters that were going to be in 64... King Dedede, Bowser, Mewtwo and Marth (or was it Sigurd)? Knowing King Dedede, Bowser and Marth are more than likely staying, Mewtwo's the ONLY one that would've been with the "original 16" and been cut out just because Sakurai wants to appeal to the n00blet Pokemon scene. Bull. Who cares if there were 5 Pokemon reps in Brawl? Mario got 5 reps in Melee (one more than each major franchise), and no one was complaining. Why not Pokemon, an equally-popular franchise that will soon be topping out the Mario games in terms of sales in the near future anyway? That sounds like one hell of a feat to me.

I'm tired of people pulling this bloody media effect by saying that "Mewtwo's not popular anymore; he's a washed-up has-been like Sonic", and everyone buying it. People are beginning to say that of Geno, too. Let's get something straight: Mewtwo was GOING to be part of Brawl. His data found in the game signifies he still held something to Sakurai, and the outcry of Mewtwo fanatics with their petitions should be saying something as well. As for Geno, he was one of the top requested characters for Brawl, despite the fact he hadn't been seen in a major role for years (cameo in Superstar Saga doesn't count).
Mewtwo is still a popular character. Lucario? Is also a popular character. Mewtwo represents the old-school generation of people, the ones who actually grew up with Pokemon when it was first concieved (he is a significant character of this gen). Lucario represents this present day generation of people, just being introduced into what Pokemon has become (he is a significant character in THIS gen). Both sound really significant to me. I just can't see why both could've been in. I just can't.

British Geezer

Smash Cadet
Jun 9, 2007
There is absolutely zero chance that Pokemon will have more reps than Mario, considering Mario is Nintendo's biggest franchise and always will be.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
I definitely, definitely hear that. Knowing Mewtwo could've been apart of the original 64 roster, thus boosting his chances of him being a more remarkable Melee character and returner in Brawl (good chance Pkmn Trainer would've been unfortunatley unmade, as it would've had Pika, Jiggs, Mew2 and Lucario), never ceases to piss me off.

Who were the characters that were going to be in 64... King Dedede, Bowser, Mewtwo and Marth (or was it Sigurd)? Knowing King Dedede, Bowser and Marth are more than likely staying, Mewtwo's the ONLY one that would've been with the "original 16" and been cut out just because Sakurai wants to appeal to the n00blet Pokemon scene. Bull. Who cares if there were 5 Pokemon reps in Brawl? Mario got 5 reps in Melee (one more than each major franchise), and no one was complaining. Why not Pokemon, an equally-popular franchise that will soon be topping out the Mario games in terms of sales in the near future anyway? That sounds like one hell of a feat to me.

I'm tired of people pulling this bloody media effect by saying that "Mewtwo's not popular anymore; he's a washed-up has-been like Sonic", and everyone buying it. People are beginning to say that of Geno, too. Let's get something straight: Mewtwo was GOING to be part of Brawl. His data found in the game signifies he still held something to Sakurai, and the outcry of Mewtwo fanatics with their petitions should be saying something as well. As for Geno, he was one of the top requested characters for Brawl, despite the fact he hadn't been seen in a major role for years (cameo in Superstar Saga doesn't count).
Mewtwo is still a popular character. Lucario? Is also a popular character. Mewtwo represents the old-school generation of people, the ones who actually grew up with Pokemon when it was first concieved (he is a significant character of this gen). Lucario represents this present day generation of people, just being introduced into what Pokemon has become (he is a significant character in THIS gen). Both sound really significant to me. I just can't see why both could've been in. I just can't.
*redirect all Mewtwo haters to this post*


Smash Cadet
Aug 26, 2008
I definitely, definitely hear that. Knowing Mewtwo could've been apart of the original 64 roster, thus boosting his chances of him being a more remarkable Melee character and returner in Brawl (good chance Pkmn Trainer would've been unfortunatley unmade, as it would've had Pika, Jiggs, Mew2 and Lucario), never ceases to piss me off.

Who were the characters that were going to be in 64... King Dedede, Bowser, Mewtwo and Marth (or was it Sigurd)? Knowing King Dedede, Bowser and Marth are more than likely staying, Mewtwo's the ONLY one that would've been with the "original 16" and been cut out just because Sakurai wants to appeal to the n00blet Pokemon scene. Bull. Who cares if there were 5 Pokemon reps in Brawl? Mario got 5 reps in Melee (one more than each major franchise), and no one was complaining.
Of course this is Mario were talking about who is going to complain about Mario who is the most reconized Game character of all time.

Why not Pokemon, an equally-popular franchise that will soon be topping out the Mario games in terms of sales in the near future anyway?

Pokemon already has roughly the same amount of characters and again if the forbidden seven weren't cut Pokemon would have had the most reps by far.That sounds like one hell of a feat to me.

Not really, In a way we got six pokemon characters and if Pichu, Plusim and Minum, and Mewtwo weren't scrapped we would have had roughly 11 or so reps. ..so of course that isn't fair so many of them got shafted. Still we already have more than enough reps for pokemon.

I'm tired of people pulling this bloody media effect by saying that "Mewtwo's not popular anymore; he's a washed-up has-been like Sonic", and everyone buying it.
It kinda shows though, many old school fans left after 3rd gen and weren't interested in pokemon anymore sure Pokemon is huge but it's mainly kids of today that are keeping it alive many old fans aren't interested anymore. Sonic hate was because Sega took away things what made Sonic..well Sonic,w hich is why Many people didn't want him in Brawl

People are beginning to say that of Geno, too. Let's get something straight: Mewtwo was GOING to be part of Brawl.

So were Doc,pichu, and Roy but they got the cut. Which is sad but that's how things are they were ideas to be characters but got shifted for ideas..that's how it are during development.

His data found in the game signifies he still held something to Sakurai, and the outcry of Mewtwo fanatics with their petitions should be saying something as well.

Thing is Majority of Mewtwo fans want Lucario and Jiggy out and still live in a their little world thinking that he's the god of all pokemon and refuse to accept that theirs a new generation. Your petition is a example which I quoted earlier "Mewtwo is the god of all pokemon next to Arecus." That's the main reason why I get annoyed with Mewtwo fans majority of them refuse to accept the fact that he has stepped down or constantly bash the other generations.

As for Geno, he was one of the top requested characters for Brawl, despite the fact he hadn't been seen in a major role for years (cameo in Superstar Saga doesn't count).Thing is Geno hype was more like "WTF?" I mean noone erally cared about Geno until last year when the polls showed up.
Mewtwo is still a popular character. Lucario? Is also a popular character. Mewtwo represents the old-school generation of people, the ones who actually grew up with Pokemon when it was first concieved (he is a significant character of this gen)

We already have Pika, Jigg, Squirtle,Ivy, and Charzard for the old school fans. I mean think about it more than half of the pokemon reps are old school we don't even have a 2nd or 3rd gen rep. .

Lucario represents this present day generation of people, just being introduced into what Pokemon has become (he is a significant character in THIS gen). Both sound really significant to me. I just can't see why both could've been in. I just can't.

Again a lot of the Mewtwo fans don't want BOTH a lot of them want Lucario gone, and we already have TONS of pokemon that represents the generation that started it all we can't have THAT many pokemon in one game even though it's the 2nd best selling series.
Comments in bold


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Thing is Majority of Mewtwo fans want Lucario and Jiggy out and still live in a their little world thinking that he's the god of all pokemon and refuse to accept that theirs a new generation. Your petition is a example which I quoted earlier "Mewtwo is the god of all pokemon next to Arecus." That's the main reason why I get annoyed with Mewtwo fans majority of them refuse to accept the fact that he has stepped down or constantly bash the other generations.
That petition's statement is supported: http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/stat/all.shtml

Research before you post.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
So Mewtwo IS king, second only to god.

So we're clear on that?

Got it...memorized?...

Good. Now please, be a dear and help the cause. Sign the petition, pretty please. :)


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
So Mewtwo IS king, second only to god.
There's (arguably) better uber-tier pokemon.

Example: Sky Shaymin. Signature move is 120 power at a relatively reliable ~85% accuracy complimented by a superb base special attack. 80% chance of lowering an enemy special defence two stages. Base speed is 127, which means a Timid one can even outrun Mewtwo. Since we're talking ubers, it is benefitted by a Groundon teammate (which is also a good option for an uber team) since then it can heal itself for 75% of its HP with Synthesis while it's sunny.


Smash Cadet
Aug 26, 2008
That petition's statement is supported: http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-dp/stat/all.shtml

Research before you post.
By stats yes he's "2nd" But it's not really a far since Six other pokemon are equal footing with him and even by stats he was still defeatable. I admit I didn't know he was as godly as he was back in the day seeing how I've still seen him beat by non legendaries. But fact is just because he was the 2nd most powerful isn't enough to bring him back. Arecus wasn't even in a pokeball selection this gen and We have tons of lst gen reps as it is..which IMO is one of the reasons why Mewtwo got the cut.

We have too many pokemon to pick from to be stand alone fighters and to be added in as pokemon in the pokeballs. Garchomp and Onix were going to be added as pokeballs but they got shafted. It happen in Melee Hitomlee got replaced for Scizor and Beedrill got replaced for Unknown.

TBH..Mewtwo was the LAST person who I thought would be replace seeing how I wouldn't mind him back if they improved him alot. We do need a good Psychc pokemon as a rep and Metwo fits perfectly...but I really REALLY doubt he'll return.


Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2007

Comments in bold
@Basically your whole thing, yes, the major problems were:
1- New generations (meaning a LOT more Pokemon to choose from).
2- There already being a number of Pokemon characters playable (Ivysaur, Squirtle, Charizard, Pikachu, Lucario and Jigglypuff when you look at it).

A couple I have to go against/argue with:

"I'm tired of people pulling this bloody media effect by saying that "Mewtwo's not popular anymore; he's a washed-up has-been like Sonic", and everyone buying it."
It kinda shows though, many old school fans left after 3rd gen and weren't interested in pokemon anymore sure Pokemon is huge but it's mainly kids of today that are keeping it alive many old fans aren't interested anymore. Sonic hate was because Sega took away things what made Sonic..well Sonic,w hich is why Many people didn't want him in Brawl
Exactly. The 1st Gen people were tired after a certain amount of gens... and, if given the chance, who would they probably choose hands-down as their Pokemon representable of choice? Probably either Meowth or Mewtwo, without a doubt.

"[Mewtwo's] data found in the game signifies he still held something to Sakurai, and the outcry of Mewtwo fanatics with their petitions should be saying something as well."
Thing is Majority of Mewtwo fans want Lucario and Jiggy out and still live in a their little world thinking that he's the god of all pokemon and refuse to accept that theirs a new generation. Your petition is a example which I quoted earlier "Mewtwo is the god of all pokemon next to Arecus." That's the main reason why I get annoyed with Mewtwo fans majority of them refuse to accept the fact that he has stepped down or constantly bash the other generations.
For the record, that's not my petition, just one I support. Personally, I don't view Mewtwo as a "god" Pokemon, but what I DO see him as is one of the most powerful Pokemon ever made (if not, THE most powerful, given Arceus still needs to prove himself in the anime department). And really, what other generation of Pokemon has someone as heartless as Mewtwo? He's really about as evil a Pokemon as you'll ever get that meets Smash Bros. standards, next to Darkrai. This is also another thing that pissed a lot of people off, Mewtwo was the "bad guy" representative of the Pokemon franchise. Cutting him is like cutting Bowser or Ganondorf for the Pokemon series.

"People are beginning to say that of Geno, too. Let's get something straight: Mewtwo was GOING to be part of Brawl."
So were Doc,pichu, and Roy but they got the cut. Which is sad but that's how things are they were ideas to be characters but got shifted for ideas..that's how it are during development.
Where'd you hear about Pichu? By "GOING to be a part of Brawl", I meant his data was found in the game... Thus, he was going to be apart of the actual roster, not just jotted down on a list and roughly considered. He WAS on the roster, but later taken off, as proven by his hacked data. But yes, characters being cut regardless -- I don't care if it's Young Link, Pichu, Doc, Roy, or Mewtwo -- is a stupid/lame/unsupported idea. There's a fanbase for each character, and each introduces their own unique fighting habits to the fighting fray. It just feels like a waste to get rid of such potential.

"Why not Pokemon, an equally-popular franchise that will soon be topping out the Mario games in terms of sales in the near future anyway?"
Pokemon already has roughly the same amount of characters and again if the forbidden seven weren't cut Pokemon would have had the most reps by far.
Rumor has it that the PRAI_MAI "data" was nothing more than a Random button or something like that... so PRAI_MAI hasn't been officially confirmed whatsoever. Regardless, in a sense, there would've been more Pokemon playable if you count Pokemon Trainer split (I don't; I view all three Pokemon as one whole character, personally).

"That sounds like one hell of a feat to me."
Not really, In a way we got six pokemon characters and if Pichu, Plusim and Minum, and Mewtwo weren't scrapped we would have had roughly 11 or so reps. ..so of course that isn't fair so many of them got shafted. Still we already have more than enough reps for pokemon.
I meant this directed towards how the Pokemon franchise was going to pass up the Mario franchise in terms of sales in the games department... Pardon that.


Kuro06 said:
By stats yes he's "2nd" But it's not really a far since Six other pokemon are equal footing with him and even by stats he was still defeatable. I admit I didn't know he was as godly as he was back in the day seeing how I've still seen him beat by non legendaries. But fact is just because he was the 2nd most powerful isn't enough to bring him back. Arecus wasn't even in a pokeball selection this gen and We have tons of lst gen reps as it is..which IMO is one of the reasons why Mewtwo got the cut.
The reason Arceus wasn't a Pokeball was because he hasn't been officially been revealed to the Pokecommunity yet. Shaymin and Darkrai were going to be Pokeball Pokemon, but were cut due to concerns that it was far too early to reveal them to the public (their movies had yet to introduce them). And yes, there are a lot of 1st Gen Pokemon already... but I always figured Sakurai to be an old-school kind of guy. R.O.B.? Mr. Game & Watch? Pit? Ice Climbers? The dozens of stickers of characters I hadn't even heard of from back in the day? Surely, Mewtwo's more modern than we realize...

We have too many pokemon to pick from to be stand alone fighters and to be added in as pokemon in the pokeballs. Garchomp and Onix were going to be added as pokeballs but they got shafted. It happen in Melee Hitomlee got replaced for Scizor and Beedrill got replaced for Unknown.
When you give it some thought, there really aren't THAT many Pokemon to choose from that people would deem agreeable. The only ones that I can think off the top of my head are Blaziken, Meowth, Deoxys, Darkrai and... Mewtwo. Possibly even Raichu. But yes, there were already a lot of Pokeball Pokemon (half of which are so overly powered or useless that it doesn't even matter [AKA one-hit KO Suicune, godly Bonsly, useless Munchlax, delayed Piplup, etc.]).

TBH..Mewtwo was the LAST person who I thought would be replace seeing how I wouldn't mind him back if they improved him alot. We do need a good Psychc pokemon as a rep and Metwo fits perfectly...but I really REALLY doubt he'll return.
I hear that, with Mewtwo being the LAST one I would've expected as well (perhaps that's why I'm so disappointed that he's gone; I expected Doc, Pichu, Young Link, maybe even Roy... but MEWTWO?). As for being doubtful he'll return... look at Meowth as a Pokeball. If he could return as a Pokeball after "unfortunately missing out in the previous game," who's to say Sakurai can't pull the same excuse for a fighter if the demand is high enough? ;) (Just trying to pass on the hope.)
Bold'd responses. :>


Smash Cadet
Aug 26, 2008
@ Steelia

There is hope but it's slim..I agree and aware that there is a fanbase out there for every character but it never stop Sakurai for cutting them. Doc was one of my favorite characters but he got the boot sadly... :(. Mewtwo isn't exactly "Heartless" or "Evil" it was only in the anime movie..and he turn sissy at the end. Only evil characters were the Rockets and co. But I think they'll be either events or boss battles next game. I'm just skeptical if a petition will even work since they rarely ever do even with large amount of people. Even of the American fanbase wants Mewtwo back, Sakurai also has to consider Japan first and I haven't heard about him being hugely popular over there. We will see what happen during the years.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2008
Who knows. Maybe GameFreak will have a stroke of genius and "revive" Mewtwo with a new movie, thus bringing in the little kiddies AND the old fans...

I think it would be rather cool if they just made a Pokemon movie with ALL the legendaries...

True Fool

Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2007
Roy & Mewtwo>Ike & Lucario>Snake & Sonic(spot usurpers! you're welcome if no returning characters can use these spaces, which they could have).
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