Hey! that was me! Unfortunately I do most of my smash in Wii U now. But I am glad we had fun. If you ever see me now I go by Metalman just like my username here. I do try my best but ocassionally go silly, especially if an accidental ditto occurs.
Hello, I usually main Fox but I am trying to improve my Little Mac GG to you.
Also, I found a PANDA with a wii fit trainer that completely desstroyed me but I could not add them and forgot to save a replay.
Nice! The first time I fought a fellow Smashboards member. GGs!
Met a whole pack of Japanese players. Wonder if any of them is here? Since I don't know how to write Kanji, Hiragana or Katakana I will label them by characters, in English and Japanese.
Donkey Kong/ ドンキーコング: Good game! You play very well. Try to rely more on grabs!
Toon Link/ トゥーンリンク: Welp, I was winning, and when we both have 1-stock you suicide...? A free win! Thanks.
Zelda/ ゼルダ: Pretty solid player. The first Zelda I meet that does not camp neither abuse Farore's Wind. Show me your moves!
Duck Hunt, Lucario, Lucina, Ike/ ダックハント, ルキナ, ルカリオ, アイク: I have the feeling that you had fun, but I was quite salty with your total campiness; The Jigglypuff combo on you was so satisfying

Good games, anyway.
But, on the other hand, I've did find non-japanese players.
SomethingMgr: Don't remember your whole name other than the Mgr, sorry, Mexican guy. Man, you're the best and most agressive Link I've ever fought. Hope you've saved the replay!
Rematch, please.
LONEWOLF: The Kirby vs. DDD matchup is pretty nice. You were camping with Gordos (Useless info: Gordo means "fat" in Portuguese), but you've ended up being more agressive later and at the Sheik battle. GGs!