Faora Meridian
Smash Apprentice
Hello, Smashers! Faora here!
Find yourself playing in For Glory against some random person, and they're just pretty dang awesome? Or someone who challenges you in just the right way that you're not used to from the general scrubs and pros you keep coming across? Gee, it sure would be nice to have a chance to find them, so you could battle them again...
Wait no more! For this is the Player-Finder Thread! Here, post the names of the people you played in the hopes of finding them amongst the SmashBoards community! No more hoping! No more vain searching! With this thread, everything you could ever need* is right here!
So come on! Find those people who kicked your butt/got their butt kicked by you! Don't be shy!
And to kick it off, I'm wondering if there's someone here who went by what I could only see as 'MomoJig' on my screen. You were an awesome opponent, and I hope I get to play you again sometime. I was that annoying, annoying Samus player you ran into in For Glory!
* - ensure you continue to intake vital fluids, food and oxygen to continue existing while fulfilling your other needs through this thread.
Moderator Edit: First off, there is 0 tolerance in terms of trolling and flaming in this thread. If you don't have anything good to say about a player you came across online or a user who posts here that in no way is constructive; then just don't say it. Tagging users deliberately to mock, insult, bash, trash, ridicule, or anything of that sort will result in warnings or infractions depending on past warning history. You can give constructive negative criticism without being an *** about it. If myself or a staff sees a user tagging someone just to troll them or calling out players because "You are unfair and cheap! **** YOU!" will result in warnings and/or infractions.
Secondly, this isn't a "For Glory Whine Fest". If you have criticism that in know way is productive for this thread, please use the Disappointments Thread ( http://smashboards.com/threads/ssb3d-disappointments-thread.367870/page-24 ). This thread also isn't for voicing disappointment for the game in general. This thread is not for you to complain, rage, and hurl insults at players you fought on For Glory. Doing so will result in warnings/infractions for spam. If you want to have a constructive discourse on problems with the "For Glory" mode, that is alright but posting a rant that it tantamount to a "rage fest" will be considered off-topic. Basically, keep it civil.
Lastly, please keep discussion on-topic. Character discussion and match ups are fine and dandy but keep the brunt of that discussion for the Character sub-categories. There are MU threads set up for the very purpose of discussing MU's.
- Venus
OP Edit: Thanks Venus for your wise words and warnings! This is a helpful thread looking to reunite people with their rivals, and not a place for raging and flaming. Be the better people, people, and love the game!
Find yourself playing in For Glory against some random person, and they're just pretty dang awesome? Or someone who challenges you in just the right way that you're not used to from the general scrubs and pros you keep coming across? Gee, it sure would be nice to have a chance to find them, so you could battle them again...
Wait no more! For this is the Player-Finder Thread! Here, post the names of the people you played in the hopes of finding them amongst the SmashBoards community! No more hoping! No more vain searching! With this thread, everything you could ever need* is right here!
So come on! Find those people who kicked your butt/got their butt kicked by you! Don't be shy!
And to kick it off, I'm wondering if there's someone here who went by what I could only see as 'MomoJig' on my screen. You were an awesome opponent, and I hope I get to play you again sometime. I was that annoying, annoying Samus player you ran into in For Glory!
* - ensure you continue to intake vital fluids, food and oxygen to continue existing while fulfilling your other needs through this thread.
Moderator Edit: First off, there is 0 tolerance in terms of trolling and flaming in this thread. If you don't have anything good to say about a player you came across online or a user who posts here that in no way is constructive; then just don't say it. Tagging users deliberately to mock, insult, bash, trash, ridicule, or anything of that sort will result in warnings or infractions depending on past warning history. You can give constructive negative criticism without being an *** about it. If myself or a staff sees a user tagging someone just to troll them or calling out players because "You are unfair and cheap! **** YOU!" will result in warnings and/or infractions.
Secondly, this isn't a "For Glory Whine Fest". If you have criticism that in know way is productive for this thread, please use the Disappointments Thread ( http://smashboards.com/threads/ssb3d-disappointments-thread.367870/page-24 ). This thread also isn't for voicing disappointment for the game in general. This thread is not for you to complain, rage, and hurl insults at players you fought on For Glory. Doing so will result in warnings/infractions for spam. If you want to have a constructive discourse on problems with the "For Glory" mode, that is alright but posting a rant that it tantamount to a "rage fest" will be considered off-topic. Basically, keep it civil.
Lastly, please keep discussion on-topic. Character discussion and match ups are fine and dandy but keep the brunt of that discussion for the Character sub-categories. There are MU threads set up for the very purpose of discussing MU's.
- Venus
OP Edit: Thanks Venus for your wise words and warnings! This is a helpful thread looking to reunite people with their rivals, and not a place for raging and flaming. Be the better people, people, and love the game!
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