Smash Hero
Based on the paper results you'd think there is a very far gab but honestly I think the gap is shrinking little by little. Many of the people I mentioned in places 6-10 have taken games, nearly beat, or beaten the top 1-5 at some point.This is very accurate right now.
The bigger question is, why is there such a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge gap in skill between the world's top 5 and the next tier of players? Why are there only 5 top level players that consistently place really well and above everyone else? What are they doing right that the rest of us are doing wrong?
KirbyKaze for example has beat PP and Hbox before. Shroomed has had close sets with all of them at some point and Beat PP before in a set(sick johns but it happened). Recently I watched a Set between Armada and Ice's Fox that was pretty good. If it was NTSC fox might have been even closer. My point time goes on if the pattern continues some of the current top 5 caught or even passed. Yesterday the top 10 was Chu, PC, Shiz, M2K, Darkrain, Chillen, Drephen, Forward, KDJ. Even then these spots could've been argued past the top 4 or 5.
That's another great thing about this game I guess. The changing faces of Melee. Someone who didn't make it out of pools today could be the number 1 player in the world tomorrow.