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Whats with all the recent Cash Mooney hate

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C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
I used to be able to stand the ammounts of hate I recived from time to time. Be it Renth posting videos of me not being able to jump a fence, to some other supposedly hurtful remark. Recently though, I've been reciving a lot more disrespect then I think I deserve. Infact, I don't see why people constantly mock me, or disrespect me still. I've changed from what I used to be. My posts are becoming better. I'm not nearly as annoying as I used to be. I'm more of an intelligent person. And I'm no longer and ******* to people(unless I don't like you, which is not possible because I can't be a mean person). I've even gotten better at smash by a **** load. Not that that matters any.

So really, why do you guys feel its necessary to mock me and disrespect me so much still? I'm curious.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
lol, yeah cause the fence thing is recent.

To be honest picking on you is like a Florida pass time. Most of the remarks I don't think are being serious, you are mad easy to pick on son. Face it, some people just clearly don't like you. Can't be liked by everyone,, think about it you can give a ton of money to charity, be famous, and popular but it doesn't matter. Whether people are envious or are just *******s deal with it and get over it.

You want to fix your reputation? you got a long way to go. also, threads like this only make people see you as a ***** who can't take a joke.


also, adding reasons why people should like you more, is more reason to like you less. Claiming to be smarter and stuff is just annoying to read.


Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2005
Florida, Ocala
I don't hate you Mooney, in fact you're kinda cute.. ;)
No but seriously you're alright, sometimes you get annoying though in conversations thats all in my opinion


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
Just ignore it playa, u seem ok to me, but like renth said some people don't like you, but thats with everybody, for every person that don't like you, there's someone who do. And the ones who hate on you. Let the haters do there job and thats hate on people, if its wasn't for haters alot of people wouldn't be at where they are today.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
I always thought you were cool (then again I don't know you in persong to) until you said FL is bad, which I heavily disagrees with.

But regardless I'm not going to hold your opinion against you. I got nothing against you.



Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
I do think FL is worse than other states

Lol i noticed that even random *** noobs make fun of mooney

its one of those well everyone else is doing it so ill do it too kind of thing
**** them dude just ignore it. Most of the people in FL have already gotten used to you, may not like you but at least they aint talkin smack like before. Like i used to make fun of you just because of the things you said but since you dont anymore i cant really joke about anything.


Smash Lord
Feb 1, 2005
On ya shield 20-fo-7
lol, yeah cause the fence thing is recent.

To be honest picking on you is like a Florida pass time. Most of the remarks I don't think are being serious, you are mad easy to pick on son. Face it, some people just clearly don't like you. Can't be liked by everyone,, think about it you can give a ton of money to charity, be famous, and popular but it doesn't matter. Whether people are envious or are just *******s deal with it and get over it.

You want to fix your reputation? you got a long way to go. also, threads like this only make people see you as a ***** who can't take a joke.

also, adding reasons why people should like you more, is more reason to like you less. Claiming to be smarter and stuff is just annoying to read.


Smash Ace
May 7, 2007
Planet Earth
First impressions are hard for people to overcome. Thats why reputations are hard to clear up.
Looking for confirmation from other people only shows a lack of confidence. Who cares what anybody else thinks?


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Renth pretty much hit it right on the nose. Exactly.

People make fun of you based on the reasons you give them. Everyone, no matter how close to you, is going to say something about you behind your back. It's call backstage behavior and everyone does it.

But the way you've set yourself up is by asking obvious questions, making yourself out to look like a douche, and then saying things like 'I've got a sh*tload better at Melee' when the most recent thing I've heard about you playing Melee was someone's Luigi four stocked you. Not exactly reputable.

The easiest way to gain respect is to just win. Whether you maintain the capabilities to actually do so remains to be seen, and that, simply, is why so many people have dogged on you so hard. That, and first impressions are a b*tch. Digging yourself out of a hole is much harder than anything for a reputation, and first few things I heard about you before I knew you were less than flattering. Case and point?

You did this to yourself. It's your fault, no one else's. The sooner you start accepting that, the sooner it gets better. Why? Because acknowledging the need to improve yourself is sometimes one of the hardest things ever.

-Want to do something about your appearance? Work out.
-Want to be able to jump that fence? Lose some weight.
-Want to take control of your own life? Well, sir, that takes sacrifice. So get off your *** and start putting a little effort into bettering yourself. That's all it takes.

You could go two directions with this, and which one you choose determines your personality type.

1. Be a *****. Give up and stop trying. That's the way most people respond to negative criticism. It's a pretty weak minded thing to do.


2. Work harder than ever in an attempt to prove everything wrong. This is where you separate yourself from the rest of the world and prove you have what it takes to stop sucking.

I've always thought you were an okay guy. And never really gave you a hard time because that's not typically my style. But you need to realize that before you even asked that question you knew the answer. It's easier to pick on the fat kid, it's even easier to pick on the one asking dumb questions. And then sometimes people just need someone to pick on. You made yourself a target for this stuff, only you can get yourself out. Ignore the BS. What people have to say is nothing to spedn your life worrying about, it's something you should use to motivate yourself in ONLY the direction you want to go. Positive feed back motivating you positively, and negative feedback motivating you positively. Proving all the motherf*ckers wrong. Get on yo job, son.


Smash Champion
Apr 1, 2008
Passion Central
Yea, this wasn't a good idea. Just ignore what everyone says but keep ya head up.

I dont remember the last time i really cared what people has said about me...unless its behind my back. THen I throw down xD

Dude, Melee nation is....alive!!!!!!xD


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2007
orlando, near Kissime. Vistas
Insecurity is anoying.

But what does it matter, as renth said your problem is you're too vulnerable. Posts like this will get you sympathy from a select few, but the rest of the community will ignore it. What you are looking for is for a way to act that will secure people liking you or at least not making fun of you as much, problem is that there isn't a definate way to act in which everyone will like you. Try to please all and you will please none. Try to please some and you have a group you belong to.

You are not doing what everyone else is doing to you and judging people, which is a good thing. But you are letting yourself be judged which is a bad thing, and worse, you're letting it affect you.

Overall lesson, lose the insecurity, don't associate with people who annoy you or belittle you, and stand up for yourself, rather than asking for sympathy. Don't put up with people's ****.

Edit: Though I might tell a story about a friend that was like a brother to me and Hungry. He was fat and people made fun of it sometimes, like those jokes about fatness juan made the day before the tourney is a prime example. Miguel would have laughed not because he wanted to fit in, but because he was completely fine with himself. The kid was completely outrageous sometimes, said the randomest things, but he was so fine with himself he could care less if half the school didn't like him. He would make fat jokes about himself and honestly laugh at them. Even now me and juan reminisce about him and can't help but laugh at how funny he was sometimes.

People are dumb they judge without knowing and flame things they don't understand or thing that are not like them. If you let what people say affect you it's like you saying that whoever said that is superior to you, that they have a right to judge you and affect you.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
next tournament mooney... you find the biggest, baddest mofo there.... (excluding me.) and beat the piss outta him... only then will ppl respect you.

become a hero mooney.... become a hero.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2005
Naples, FL.
I respect people for being people. That's pretty much it. I treat others how I would like to be treated, unless they show me otherwise. So just treat everyone how you'd like to be treated. Also what chaddd said about affirming yourself and building self-confidence works too. It's easier to say stfu to nubs who pick on you when you feel good enough about yourself to realize what they say doesn't matter than when you feel like you suck.

Another thing to realize is that people only pick on others half of the time when they lack self-confidence themselves. In all honesty Ian, I wouldn't care. Don't let it phase you. When people see that you've stopped caring they will no longer get the reaction they like of your getting upset from you (douche bags like seeing others upset, I know it's gay).


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2007
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL
Mooney, a lot of people have already touched on the reasons why you catch some much **** from the community, but I'll give my personal thoughts about you...

I don't really have that much of a problem with you. You're alright. However, it's annoying to read your posts that claim things like that FL is bad when this is probably the opposite. Even if it were true, that's really gay of you to say. It's just kinda like, "Who is you?" to be saying things like that when you don't place high at tournaments or even go to a majority of them. Then at LoBo's, I was being a ****, but it was all in a fun manner; I expected you to play along and joke around. During our MM in Brawl, you paused the game to tell me I'm sandbagging because I'm not playing like Forte. *****, I'm Gmoney not Forte (props to Forte)! I've got a mad different style and it works. After that MM, you challenge me in Melee like you're some kind of god in it and tell me all this crap like I can't spam moves in Melee. I 3stocked you twice in that and I shffl'd a knee on your shield until it poked. You can be annoying sometimes, but you're alright. Just do what the other people are saying (Renth, Chaddd and SmashMac) and you'll be alright.

By the way, you aren't the only one that gets made fun of. Everyone is always constantly cracking jokes about everyone else. You just take the most offense to it. If I were to get mad at everytime someone said I have a "gay" style. I'd be a really angry person. I laugh and shake it off. Oh, and I beat them, so I don't care. I ain't scured! :laugh:


Smash Ace
Jun 22, 2004
Miami, Florida
BEHR has made the best point all thread.

But yea, I didn't even know anything about Mooney until Gigs. I figured he was just another ESAM, catching crap from everyone for the hell of it. But then you made a pretty bad first impression by coming up behind Seibrik's friendly and started talking about his match like you were the authority on brawl. You got into a big argument with both people playing on how DDD's infinite on DK was banned even though BOTH people playing were telling you the opposite. It just seemed ********. Iunno, you just came off really annoying for a first impression.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
To the community:
Jumping the fence wasn't recent, Mooney was using it as an example of the hate he used to be able to stand. It's clear that's what he means in his first post.

Honestly I'll vouch for his getting better at Melee. He has gotten a lot better, it's just that as a community we tend to focus on his failures rather than his improvements. There is also, from what I have seen, no aspect of his game which is flat out laughable. At least a couple top players in Florida have things they do only slightly better than average noobs.

I hate this next sentence cause it sound worse for the other person than it sounds good for Mooney, but Mooney did better in Atlanta (TGMTSBCO) than at least one person on the Florida rankings. No hate on the other guy.
/section of post where I rip on Florida's top players x.x

Regardless of all of this Mooney was extremely helpful to me while going to the Atlanta tournament. He helped me stay awake on the ride back even though he's never driven himself (so he doesn't know how hard that can be) and even though he hadn't slept in a couple of days. He did something very difficult to help me, and I am very appreciative of it, Colin and Juan better be too.

Plus even though he hasn't had the largest amount of improvement he keeps coming back to tournaments. He's got an amazing amount of perseverance. And he's more than willing to keep working at melee (as well as brawl) even though I am all too familiar with other brawl players complaining there's no use trying to learn melee cause they'll never catch up. Mooney's never made that excuse.

Also to get a little history straight here:
Also y'all may not be aware of what was a long standing hatred between Husband and Florida. Florida did suck because we never went out of state. Only recently has the SFL (and even more recently CFL) community gotten large enough and good enough to maintain with the top smashers elsewhere.

Obviously the same thought process was used to say that FL Brawl sucks too. We're not going out of state and seemingly losing to nooby tactics. And whether you like it or not, an isolated community can progress at a slower rate than larger ones. However I think FL's brawl section is too big to get left very far behind.
To Ian:
I do have to agree that this thread wasn't the greatest idea, but it's actually gotten decent responses. It should show you people's opinions are changing. Mark does it still cause he's up in PA and is losing touch and should obviously come back. Otherwise I didn't notice it too much myself, it's not nearly as blatant or frequent as it used to be. Just keep shrugging it off.
Dammit I'm so long winded. I wish I could post more like Afro sometimes.
<3 Afro


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
your problem is you care too much about these stupid forums, why would I care about the things these people say when i dont even know them/see them once a month at random tourneys... just be whatever about it


Smash Legend
May 28, 2007
Orlando, FL (walking distance from the Loop)
I always house cash because he should get it.

If i hae the opportunity to go to a tournament why can't he?

The only thing about you that grinds my gears is your complaining. For no reason.

Like at my tournament when you said everyone should get their own pizza for $5 apiece.

Even you don't eat that much pizza, Mooney. I don't eat that much either. I needed some of the housing fee for profit.

And when I am housing you and you really start to complain. Just deal with it and we'll be cool.

But mad props to you at the GA tournament - you really helped me do good along with colin when you guys were by my side when i played xelic and chu and unknown.

You did keep exarch awake.

I would have kept him awake, but i am not very fond in energy drinks/i was hboxing with colin and winning MM's at it all night.

I hate Laijin's posts they make me vomit.



A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
I figured he was just another ESAM, catching crap from everyone for the hell of it.

Mooney, you're lucky you're not ESAM.

People make fun of you to your face because it's funny to hear your response.

People make fun of ESAM behind his back because it's funny to see who can imitate his voice the best.




Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
woa there mooney! relax esse...your too cool to be hated...maybe is one of those "love to hate" people kind of thing..

Your too cool and awesome, you got better at smash so you got a lot of respect from me gah.

take it from me...kyon been saying that my lucas is 100 percent garbage for the past two or so weeks...does it hurt me? nope. Hiroshi had this whole *HA! I BEAT YOUR LUCAS!! YOU SUCK LAWLZ* during school...it didn't bother me either because i have to congrats him on getting better :p. last week, hungry told me that I was complete garbage, I got angry but ignored it at the same time. Sprinkles decided not to team with me because I suck... so I let that go too >_>; but bleh. Because one day, I'll be a pro someday and own a lot of people...and become the best lucas in florida...watch! muahahah...anyways that not my point. Words are like bullet (Yes, I pulled a South Park) just avoid it and relax...if is true..then don't defend it ^^: but seriously Mooney, ignore it <=P.

I called Gmoney, Gmooney...because my speech sucks...do I sense a speach combo vid 2? not going to happen :p Sorry if call ya that recent time Gmoney.

So far, the only three people that think I am pro is Vericz, zoro, Gmoney and probably Galeon. I call them B@stard Supporters :D.


peace folks

PS: I'll admit that I was mocking you a few time but you're really cool guy at the same time. Hope you don't take it personally either <=P.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
To the community:
Jumping the fence wasn't recent, Mooney was using it as an example of the hate he used to be able to stand. It's clear that's what he means in his first post.

Honestly I'll vouch for his getting better at Melee. He has gotten a lot better, it's just that as a community we tend to focus on his failures rather than his improvements. There is also, from what I have seen, no aspect of his game which is flat out laughable. At least a couple top players in Florida have things they do only slightly better than average noobs.

I hate this next sentence cause it sound worse for the other person than it sounds good for Mooney, but Mooney did better in Atlanta (TGMTSBCO) than at least one person on the Florida rankings. No hate on the other guy.
/section of post where I rip on Florida's top players x.x

Regardless of all of this Mooney was extremely helpful to me while going to the Atlanta tournament. He helped me stay awake on the ride back even though he's never driven himself (so he doesn't know how hard that can be) and even though he hadn't slept in a couple of days. He did something very difficult to help me, and I am very appreciative of it, Colin and Juan better be too.

Plus even though he hasn't had the largest amount of improvement he keeps coming back to tournaments. He's got an amazing amount of perseverance. And he's more than willing to keep working at melee (as well as brawl) even though I am all too familiar with other brawl players complaining there's no use trying to learn melee cause they'll never catch up. Mooney's never made that excuse.

Also to get a little history straight here:
Also y'all may not be aware of what was a long standing hatred between Husband and Florida. Florida did suck because we never went out of state. Only recently has the SFL (and even more recently CFL) community gotten large enough and good enough to maintain with the top smashers elsewhere.

Obviously the same thought process was used to say that FL Brawl sucks too. We're not going out of state and seemingly losing to nooby tactics. And whether you like it or not, an isolated community can progress at a slower rate than larger ones. However I think FL's brawl section is too big to get left very far behind.
To Ian:
I do have to agree that this thread wasn't the greatest idea, but it's actually gotten decent responses. It should show you people's opinions are changing. Mark does it still cause he's up in PA and is losing touch and should obviously come back. Otherwise I didn't notice it too much myself, it's not nearly as blatant or frequent as it used to be. Just keep shrugging it off.
Dammit I'm so long winded. I wish I could post more like Afro sometimes.<3 Afro
you goin to fast right?


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Mooney, a lot of people have already touched on the reasons why you catch some much **** from the community, but I'll give my personal thoughts about you...

I don't really have that much of a problem with you. You're alright. However, it's annoying to read your posts that claim things like that FL is bad when this is probably the opposite. Even if it were true, that's really gay of you to say. It's just kinda like, "Who is you?" to be saying things like that when you don't place high at tournaments or even go to a majority of them. Then at LoBo's, I was being a ****, but it was all in a fun manner; I expected you to play along and joke around. During our MM in Brawl, you paused the game to tell me I'm sandbagging because I'm not playing like Forte. *****, I'm Gmoney not Forte (props to Forte)! I've got a mad different style and it works. After that MM, you challenge me in Melee like you're some kind of god in it and tell me all this crap like I can't spam moves in Melee. I 3stocked you twice in that and I shffl'd a knee on your shield until it poked. You can be annoying sometimes, but you're alright. Just do what the other people are saying (Renth, Chaddd and SmashMac) and you'll be alright.

By the way, you aren't the only one that gets made fun of. Everyone is always constantly cracking jokes about everyone else. You just take the most offense to it. If I were to get mad at everytime someone said I have a "gay" style. I'd be a really angry person. I laugh and shake it off. Oh, and I beat them, so I don't care. I ain't scured! :laugh:

Thats my reason for mooney hate, florida isnt behind.


Smash Lord
Sep 16, 2006
your problem is you care too much about these stupid forums, why would I care about the things these people say when i dont even know them/see them once a month at random tourneys... just be whatever about it
That makes alot of sense. BUt I can say that FL is one of the best in the south in smash compared to most, at least of the states know you guys are. Alabama suck so bad(in melee in don't know bout brawl), i think some people think we aren't even part of the US.


Jan 3, 2006

Mooney, you're lucky you're not ESAM.

People make fun of you to your face because it's funny to hear your response.

People make fun of ESAM behind his back because it's funny to see who can imitate his voice the best.


Difference is, ESAM is so used to it that he would merely join in and repeat it until somebody got it right.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2005
Honestly Cash, the only thing you've said recently that urked me was saying that Florida as a whole sucks at brawl. Otherwise, you're cool
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