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***What's going on with Smashbros.com?***

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Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
By some people's logic, that can't be Din because Link is in his TP outfit. Din herself wasn't mentioned in TP; they just named a light spirit after her (kinda...).
Well, maybe...but just because we never actually saw the 3 goddesses in TP, doesn't mean they can't be shown like they were in OoT


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Is it me or is that Din in the last screenshot??
Now that you mention it. One of the screenshots has Link in a green aura. Also I missed the last screenshot where Link is on fire. So Link has a green, blue and a red aura. Those are 3 colors of the goddesses who made the triforce.

As for that strange figure in the last screenshot, I don't know. It could be.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Yea, that makes sense, because Link holds the triforce of wisdom (green), and if you look closely, you can see in the last screenshot behind (supposedly Din), a streak of blue which kinda looks like Nayru just flew by.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
Then the "Shiek wasn't in TP, so she can't be in Brawl" argument doesn't work. This has been an argument since the first trailer.
True, but Sheik was only in one game, at least one of the goddesses has been featured or mentioned in at least 3 games for sure, if not more. Plus the 3 goddesses are a permanent part of the Zelda universe, Sheik is only part of the OoT game story line

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Yea, that makes sense, because Link holds the triforce of wisdom (green), and if you look closely, you can see in the last screenshot behind (supposedly Din), a streak of blue which kinda looks like Nayru just flew by.
Link holds the Triforce of Courage, boss. Zelda holds the Triforce of Wisdom and Ganon holds the Triforce of Power.

As for this mysterious figure at the end of the screenshots---I can't really seem to find it.


Smash Master
May 31, 2006
The Moon, with the Fierce Deity Mask in hand
Switch FC
what mysterious figure? that streak is probably Link's last slash.

loved today's update. it's cool that Link glows green instead of red, and it looks like this move won't be a cutscene, like some have speculated

Smooth Criminal

Da Cheef
Oct 18, 2006
Hinckley, Minnesota
Oops, my bad.
>.>; It's straight, man. That fact didn't quite dawn on me for quite some time, either.

And yeah, I just double-checked the site. I didn't see a weird figure---just Link's final slash sending Wario to hell.

This was a good update, all-in-all. Since they've introduced all of veteran characters that have appeared in the trailer, do ya'll think they're gonna start introducing the newcomers and then beyond?


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
New York
And yeah, I just double-checked the site. I didn't see a weird figure---just Link's final slash sending Wario to hell.
You know what, you're probably right because it just dawned on me that if Link's final smash involved the 3 goddesses in the final strike, Sakurai probably would've said so in the post, there's really no reason to keep that a secret.

....or IS THERE!?


Smash Rookie
Mar 20, 2007
Is anybody else just annoyed at the website? They keep making singular updates on most of the things we already know or have seen before. It just makes me so mad!



Sep 21, 2001
Viridian City
So, Link and Kirby's final smash hits a single opponet while Mario's consumes the entire screen?

I smell bias.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Mario's is still avoidable though, and only seems to rack up damage while Link's seems to rack up damage and send the opponent flying at the end. It may turn out that Link does more overall damage than Mario.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2005
Upstate New York
So, Link and Kirby's final smash hits a single opponet while Mario's consumes the entire screen?

I smell bias.
I just assumed that they would all vary, and smaller area = bigger punch. Link's smash sounds more devestating what with the "strike solid ground, you just might be saved" bit.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Yeah, I would imagine that they will probably be similar to Pokemon, in the way that some of them will do a decent amount of damage to all players, while others will be almost a certain kill on just a single player.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
I imagine there are advantages and disadvantages to two different kinds of Final Smash.
Mario's spreads across the whole field, but doesn't yield as much damage or knockback as Link's.
At this point Mario looks to have the best final smash.
But Kirby's is the funniest.
I mean, cooking your enemies in a pot? GENIUS!


Smash Master
May 17, 2002
Is anybody else just annoyed at the website? They keep making singular updates on most of the things we already know or have seen before. It just makes me so mad!

Wait till E-3 and we'll get something worth waiting. I predict Ridley for Brawl.


Smash Ace
Jun 9, 2006
Lancaster, PA
All I know for sure is...

SKRAAAAH! > Bam! Bam! BambambambamBAM!

I like the update, even if it's something we already knew... I kind of knew it had to happen at one point or another so it wasn't very disappointing or anything. Plus I enjoy the little details of seeing how the move ends and that Link gets a different aura (which he didn't in the first trailer), which adds a lot of character to the various finals I think.

Kind of shoots my GAW pic to hell though...:


Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2007
So, Link and Kirby's final smash hits a single opponet while Mario's consumes the entire screen?

I smell bias.
I think we'll see some huge variations in Final Smashes as more are revealed, some may do damage to all characters in a set radius (like Mario), others may focus on one character in particular (like Link). This is probably just the tip of the iceberg as far as final smashes are concerned.

As for the point about how Marios Smash seems more powerful, well it does, but it also has a fatal flaw. Mario only fires in one direction, get behind him and not only are you safe, but he is a sitting duck. Mario players will have to be on the arena edge facing inwards for the attack to be most effective. Link players will just let the attack fly, but by focusing in on one character in particular may leave him open to attacks from others.

I personally think we could see some very interesting final smash strategies emerge as time wears on.


Smash Journeyman
May 20, 2007
who's to say mario's attack is more powerful? Mario may have medium damage and doesnt knock opponents that far back, but targets all opponents. While Link may have massive damage and knocks the opponent back quite far, but only targets a single opponent. We just don't know.

However, i'm sure Sakurai will make all the final smashes balanced. :)


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2006
Alright. Here is my theory on the Zamus/ Samus issue.

I am pretty sure that they will be separate characters with their own selection box.

Some people claim that this will take up space on the roster.

I am not sure if people understand that Zamus is going to take the same amount of time to make if she is tacked onto Samus or her separate character. Yes, she will need her own box. But there are infinite layouts possible to contain all the characters and still look presentable. I do not think they would scrap a character because they designed a five by five grid and had 26 characters, thus cutting one so there would only be 25 boxes.

Other people qupte the old website saying that "under certain conditions Samus will take off her suit."

First, you have to take the sentence in context. Sakurai is Japanese. The post is in English. Languages do not translate by a word to word basis. There are words that have no real equivalent from language to language. All of Sakurai's posts on the current website are a little strange in their translation. So you cannot interpret the sentence just based on the most common English way of breaking it down.

So, did that paragraph have a point? Yes. Under certain conditions can mean being unlocked. Lets pretend this old website contained Doctor Mario. It could say "under certain conditions" Mario puts on his labcoat. And it would be true. If you beat classic mode with Mario you will fullfill the CONDITIONS and Mario will have a labcoat. BUT you can still play as Mario. And guess what? Sakurai said after that sentence," Don't worry, you can still play as Samus." Just think about it.

The most common reason for people linking the quote with the theory that Samus will transform into Zamus during battle is because the video also contained final smashes.

BUT the scene where Samus blasts off her suit does not come immediately after the finale smashes. It is a way of introducing the character.

BECAUSE people watching the video who did not know who was under the suit would understand that there is a hot broad under there.

That is where the confusion comes in.

Plus lets think about it this way. If Samus turns into Zamus only if she uses a Smash finale, the percentage would be low in getting her (unless finales were turned on high; and then you are not really smashing, you are racing). You would need Samus on the stage. Items would have to be on. A smash orb would have to appear. And Samus (slow) would have to get it. And then use it before dying. Alot of steps in getting a character that the development team worked on as much as the other characters. So basically a wasted character and wasted time.

And having Samus start with a super plasma ball is unfair. Why should she start with her Smash finale, especially if items are turned off.

Plus Samus is well balanced. If she has two forms then she would have to be nerfed how she is.

And now I am gonna offer a counter point with another theory (so this point is easier to ignore). I am almost certain that Zamus is a Sheik replacement for three reasons.

1. The morph mechanic was good in theory just like communism. But it turns out it ain't so hot. Because many people find their niche in a character. They like the heavy hitters, or the speed characters, or the all around guys. Switching goes back and forth between these niches. THUS one character might just be chosen over the other. Yes, the mechanic was not executed properly, but even if it was I do not think many people would really like play with that character.

2. Zamus seems to have stolen Sheik's archetype. Fast, ninja looking girl with a whip and similar moves. Trades stamina and strength for agility and speed. EVen the clothing is similar to Sheik. Now this point can be countered with the Jiggs/Kirby comparison. BUT Sheik seemed like a one shot character. A small cameo in one game. The Zelda series has moved on and Zelda had two different roles since then. Both excluding Sheik.

3. Sakurai said he wanted female characters. So if Sheik is out, the female percentage drops. What is the solution. Zamus! Same build and armed to the teeth with fighting knowledge.

So if Zamus is a Sheik archtype replacement and the morph mechanic was not that popular, then it would make more sense if Zamus was her own character as fan service. And as Sakurai said to further rep the Metroid series.
I believe that is the SMARTEST post in the whole Zamus/Samus debate... much props to you


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
Light shoots out from the Triforce on the back of Link’s hand, striking his opponentS!

That's what it says under the first picture. It might be that he can still hit several ones. Also, why would Mario have the stronger one, I play one on one quite often and then the hitting all opponents wouldn't add into it. Mario his final smash also mentions it's best preformed on slightly elevated ground and seeing as how it's shown in the E3 trailer, I really think you could be able to fly over or even double jump + up B to avoid a part of the damage. Also, not all fireballs will hit you, so even if Mario does twice the total damage on his attack, I can think of many scenarios in which Link his move might be better. Certainly with two of the newcomers having a little bit of flying among there moves.

As to Samus/Zamus seperate or as one, I would rather see them as one, I don't play Samus too much in SSBM anymore cause she is a little too one-sided and her down+B move is a total waste of buttons. If down+b would allow you to transform to Zamus, even if you couldn't change back, it would still seem like quite a boost in the character. Although, I must really go against speculations of Samus going to Zamus as a final smash, as it would mean that on tournaments you couldn't use Zamus, cause they play without items and I myself wouldn't really be a big fan of this sort of final smash.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 12, 2007
who's to say mario's attack is more powerful? Mario may have medium damage and doesnt knock opponents that far back, but targets all opponents. While Link may have massive damage and knocks the opponent back quite far, but only targets a single opponent. We just don't know.

However, i'm sure Sakurai will make all the final smashes balanced. :)
Yeah I agree, I guess I didn't word my argument properly.
The damage will probably balance itself out evenly, the point I was trying to make was that some people saw it as being unfair that Mario could hurt everyone on the field whereas Link only one. Not only would Link probably do more damage to that one person, but Marios only targets one direction, not the entire field, so if someone is behind him they are safe. Its these little differences that will make each characters final Smash so unique (hopefully).

And anyway who's to say that Link will only target one character? Maybe if there's more than one character in his way when the smash is activated they all get scooped up.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
I don't play Samus too much in SSBM anymore cause she is a little too one-sided and her down+B move is a total waste of buttons. If down+b would allow you to transform to Zamus, even if you couldn't change back, it would still seem like quite a boost in the character.
B+down a waste? One of the most versatile B moves for air maneuverability (mindgames, recovery, defence) in the game?


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Empy, I think you made it kind of obvious that you don't play Samus at all. Her down B is definitely not a waste in the least, and the move is as much a part of Samus' character as her charge beam and arguably more so than her Screw attack and missiles.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 21, 2006
I believe that is the SMARTEST post in the whole Zamus/Samus debate... much props to you
I've been trying to explain this to my friends for sometime now. I'm sorry to say it, but it'd just be akward if Twilight Princess Zelda turned into Shiek...it just would. "How are you so sure it will be Zelda from TP?"...because it'd be akward having Link in TP and Zelda not.

Shiek became super popular after melee came out but in all reality she doesnt play a HUGE role in Ocarina of Time for THAT many people(like today) like her/him. Shakurai maybe saw it that they just enjoyed her playstyle and taking Shiek from the game would be devistating for some fighters so they added Zamus in. I mean this in no offense to Sheik players of course. I love playing Peach but by all means if Peach's playstyle was taken away and given to a character called "HomoMan" and he threw sculptures of boners instead of turnips, I'd use him without hesitation.

In my opinion(just like this whole post in general), I see Zamus using some Shiek'esk tilts and smashes in all the trailers and pics I've seen too.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 6, 2007
I dont see how anyone could possibly think samus's b-down is a waste, as its probably her most important B attack. samus and zamus both look so good though that combining them would easily make the character unbalanced. atleast in zelda sheik, zelda was low tier. heres why they can't transform... zelda/sheik is magical, and can transform with some magic swirl.... now for samus to transform into zamus, the armor could just fall off in pieces, but how would zamus transform back into samus? armor cant magically fly onto you like that. and considering the importance of all of samus's b moves, unless they implemented a mode change button to a dpad down or something on the cube controller that would change things like zamus gun-lightsaber, pit sword(bow)-two daggers, or transformations, it couldn't be done. as it is, zamus already sort of has a transformation with siwtching her primary weapon. i dont see how they can make a transformable person transform her weapon... zamus would be too varied and probably be able to counter almost any character.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2007
Zoetermeer, The Netherlands (it ain't much, if it
Yeah, yeah I know, my friend plays Samus all the time and he actually uses just that one move, I was trying to make a joke their but I edited/retyped that post a few thousand times (for my feeling), before hitting submit reply, something went a little strange with the registering, it was my first post and I messed up.

Anyway, I'll read my replies through from now on, anyway, I think the point on the final smashes was clear enough and well, to make up and contribute a little to the seperate/one discussion, Sakurai said he would try to make SSBB a very balanced game, I think when they would appear as one character they would be quite overpowered right? I mean Samus is a rather powerful long ranged character and Zero seems to be fast and agile, with a whip to support close combat and a gun that (if it works like the one from Falco) might help escaping from danger to return as Samus on distances.

Anyway, speculation, speculation, I'll just play some more SSBM for now and prove that Zelda/Sheik is THE female warrior in Melee.

Anyway, I should stop using that word <<.


Smash Apprentice
May 15, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Idiotic points about Samus people are making:

How would you put the armor back on if it braked off???////

Who the hell said she transforms BACK into Samus?

Sakurai is Japanese. People can make errors in the translation and we shouldn't take it seriously.


Final Smash REALLY could mean INITIAL SMASH!!!11 and Crates could REALLY mean CREPES!!!111111oneeleven

Because Nintendo is that poor and unknown, that they must have the ****tiest translators, for such an anticipated game too. Especially for one website that is the single source of ALL the info. Who the hell wants english speaking people to know anything? We don't live in 1986 anymore, people.

OMFG it says "UNDER CERTAIN CONDTIONS"!! dat could mean dat she has to be unlocked noob!

YA, AN DEN DER IS A SENTANCE DAT SAYS "SAMUS WILL (LOOK HERE!!)------------------------------->>>>>>>> REMOVE <<<<<<<-------------------------(LOOK HERE!!) HER POWERSUIT"

Samus is imba as it is! If she had TWO forms she'd be GOD.
Samus is not imba, you just suck ***. Samus is slow, and way too floaty. Her ariels are also questionable. People have complained about this in the past, and I believe that Sakurai is fixing the problem by allowing us an option to transform into a quicker more melee heavy version of her depending on who you're fighting. Oh, and if her suit falls off, I don't think you'll be able to switch back and forth, so live with the choice you make.

Do not believe the trailer.
Totally, because so far the trailer has been PROVEN wrong about:



No one knows for sure yet what she'll do.
But we have a good idea that she transforms, since it's been shown, and stated. Again, the argument that she does NOT transform is based on..... what? NOTHING? Yes. There is seriously NOTHING that has been officially pointed out by ANYONE that is officially part of the project that points to the fact that she does not transform except stupid brains and eager hands typing. At least when I say she will transform, I can say "Well, just look at the info so far, and look at the trailer..." Instead of being a **** head and saying "I DUN TINK SHE WILL TRANSFORM CUZ I DUN NEED TO READ WAT DA SITE HAS SAID LOLOLOL"


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Sneak... weren't you complaining about people being immature? =/

For one, it's a fact that things get lost in translation. OF COURSE mundane **** like "crates" is easily translated, but this guy is juggling with words to hint at stuff and not give away valuable information. He's being VAGUE! And I can read at least one other language Smashbros.com is being translated into, and even those translations differ a lot. The translators seem to be taking some freedoms and interpreting things slightly differently.
There are words that have different connotations and mean different things and whatnot. And you seem to have no idea how Japanese works. It has a COMPLETELY different structure from English.

Don't try being a wise guy about things you don't understand.


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2005
Samus is imba as it is! If she had TWO forms she'd be GOD.
Samus is not imba, you just suck ***. Samus is slow, and way too floaty. Her ariels are also questionable. People have complained about this in the past, and I believe that Sakurai is fixing the problem by allowing us an option to transform into a quicker more melee heavy version of her depending on who you're fighting. Oh, and if her suit falls off, I don't think you'll be able to switch back and forth, so live with the choice you make.
Samus is one of the best characters in Melee, you sure are underrating her to justify the transformation.

No Samus player would complain about her floatiness, which saves her along with the weight and awesome recovery, or allows air movement to evade combos and such. And his aerials (like the sex kick) have high priority.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Honestly, there has been just about as much evidence for ZS Samus being a transformation as there has been for her to be a separate character. It's not so much that the translation is iffy (which is unavoidable, some phrases don't translate well into other languages no matter how good the translator is) as much as the fact that it's just vague in general. The trailer doesn't suggest there's a transformation either, as it's really the best and only way to introduce Zero Suit Samus, so that people would actually realize that she is actually Samus.

The fact is that Samus is fine the way she is, and while I'd be fine if you can somehow change into ZS Samus that doesn't take away from Samus in any way, I just don't see the problem with just having ZS Samus take up her own slot so you can just play her from the start.

I'd also like to point out that before the site opened, Fox was shown as holding his gun at all times, which had been much more conclusive than ZS Samus being a transformation. Yet since the site opened, it appears as though the gun has stayed in it's holster, and whatever changes it may have had on his moveset people speculated have gone out the window. What 'm trying to say is, even if Sakurai originally intended to have Samus transform to ZS Samus, he could easily change his mind on the matter, especially seeing as there was no concrete proof beforehand.


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
I mean this in no offense to Sheik players of course. I love playing Peach but by all means if Peach's playstyle was taken away and given to a character called "HomoMan" and he threw sculptures of boners instead of turnips, I'd use him without hesitation.
haha. Im pretty sure that HomoMan is set to be in SSBB. He actually has a move set that resembles Wario. His final smash will be him inserting multiple "sculptures" in his ***, and then he will fart them out at all opponents.

On another note, thanks GenG for setting those kids straight about Samus. Down b a waste of buttons? Thats one of the dumber comments ever, I mean seriously, have you ever even SEEN someone decent with Samus???? And once you continuously eat super missiles from spamus in a match, you will no longer think that she needs to transform into a quicker, not as "floaty" character.


Smash Ace
Sep 7, 2006
I can't wait to see whether or not Samus transforms or has a completely seperate character.

Not because I care which one it is... I can't wait, because the day that happens, half of the posters here are going to feel dumb.

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