Few updates;
1. Ill be running monthlies on the last friday of each month. These, in my head, will be Midland Monthlies (as the east midlands is really just the odd smashfest now) and will be completely open invite. In terms of anyone welcome and anygame welcome. Ill set up alot of tvs in my house. If we get alot of interest im going to speak to the pub round the corner and see if we can use their function room monthly. May do this anyway for end of Oct.
Ill run actual tournaments aswell if wanted.
Also, I am now a backroom member of Project M and have access to the game. Thus, will run mini tournaments in it at these to get feedback from you guys to feed back to the pm:br. Plus, vids.
2. Ill probs be happy to run weekly smashfests at mine. These will be more limited and, to be frank, based on who I would enjoy having round. I will be running one of these this friday.
I belive that Yeniths, Smo are coming round. Hao you are cool to. LC?