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Wait what is this thread even about

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Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Lol, if she could afford it.

She's actually going down like a week after or something stupid.

I totally would btw.


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2008
Perth, Australia
We have a legitimate reason to think you're ****ing stupid. It's because you're ****ing stupid and think everything positive that happens to everything must be because of you. I'm just angry.
Wrong. I don't think that everything positive that happens is because of me, Corpse or 'Perth' and have never said or acted in any way that supports this claim. In fact, I challenge you to directly quote or paraphrase something I've said in the past or in this post that proves the contrary.

Here's what I 'think'. I think that whenever somebody from Perth makes a suggestion it is immediately met with hostility and abuse even if it turns out to be better than the current solution. Now put yourself in our shoes and think about how that makes us feel and then you say that you're angry? You're ANGRY? Imagine us. All we want is for our suggestions to be heard. That means we want people to read what our suggestion is, read about why we think it is better than the current solution, review any evidence we have supporting our claim and then criticize the suggestion in a logical manner. Sure, we may have never run a National tournament before but it shouldn't matter if the supporting evidence is conclusive enough to show that the new way is better than the old way. But this hasn't been happening. Certain people have been glossing over the suggestion, looking who posted it and/or where they're from and then immediately beginning their flaming. It's not right.

That's why when one of our suggestions in accepted and implemented by CAO we like to make a point of it. It's poetic justice to the n'th degree and is the same reason Corpse has 'CAOTIC: Corpsecreate wins Rocky' in his signature. It's only natural. You guys flame us for bringing a new idea to the table, and when that new idea is accepted by the TO we like to show you that we were right all along. Why? Because by doing so you hopefully have a more open mind to the next suggestion we make.

It is with overwhelming restraint that we try and do this without rubbing it in your faces as much as possible but sometimes the urge to prove you guys were wrong is just to much to bear. Just look at my first post in this thread. It could have been far more harsh than what it was, but I restrained myself enough to get the point across without insulting anyone. But we're human, and when we slip up and we can't restrain ourselves we appear arrogant. But you must understand that if the suggestion wasn't met with so much flaming and hate in the first place there would be no need to rub it in your faces after it gets accepted and implemented into the tournament.

If you think Perth people are the entire reason for Cao changing the bracket you're an idiot.
I'm not saying Perth people are the entire reason for CAO changing the bracket, but I do see how my previous post could have been interpreted that way. What I am saying though, is that it's because a Perth person (Corpse) raised the issue that M2K could literally not play any of his matches and still come 3rd (or 4th, I can't remember) that the (then current) bracket setup was in need of revision. Had it not been for Corpse, this very likely might otherwise not have happened. I say 'very likely' because the proposed bracket where the US players are inserted at the end was up for a long time before Corpse identified the problem, and up until that point nobody had noticed the issue. Furthermore, the thread you've linked to either wouldn't have existed and/or the poll result would've been entirely different if Corpse didn't identify the problem in the first place.

And just to be clear, I don't think I'm superior to you. I've done some dumb **** too like actually having to tell you why you're stupid.
We've all done dumb **** dude, myself included, but I'm not stupid and you're not stupid. Nobody is stupid, we just think somebody is because we misunderstand what somebody says or don't fully understand their reasoning for saying what they say.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
I just love how there are select easterners who love to hack into Perth as being 'all f*cking stupid' without legitimate reason.

I just want to remind you that it's because of Perth people that a problem was identified with inserting the Americans late into the bracket and was promptly fixed as a result. It's because of Perth people that we'll now have a 16 pool 32 man bracket, and it's because of Perth people that the mathematics was done to ensure it runs faster than a 12 pool 24 man bracket.

And I'm saying 'Perth people' and not Corpsecreate because, while Corpse has been doing the majority of the work, it's been the collective discussion of several Perth people (including myself) that have fully considered all aspects of each new proposal to ensure it's better than what's already in place before it's brought to the forums by Corpsecreate.

There are dozens of examples of Perth people suggesting ways to make the tournament run better, faster, more efficiently and getting hacked into by the same few 'superior' easterners who are doing nothing to make the tournament a better experience. And most of the suggestions made by Perth people are getting implemented by CAO.

So flame us on these forums all you like. At the end of the day it's our ideas that are helping make Robocop a better experience for everyone (including you ungrateful pricks) and if that makes us 'f*cking stupid' then so be it, but don't approach us with a handshake when you see us at the tournament next week because it'll be met with a warm and friendly F*CK YOU.

Sorry what?


Smash Master
Dec 27, 2008
Western Sydney
Even you're sucking Sam's ****? Great job Richard.

Sam wasn't the only one who had a problem with the bracket. Lots of people did. It wasn't just because Sam said anything that the poll was made. It was made because lots of people brought it up, including Sam.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2010
Cant we all just get along
It turned out to be a good idea after all.
Also we've established that proposing no music will go nowhere. It's a bit of a dead horse now. Though your opinions may remain the same i think its pointless to drag that argument out again. The response last time was pretty conclusive

edit: slow response is sloooooooow


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2008
Perth, Australia
Sam wasn't the only one who had a problem with the bracket. Lots of people did. It wasn't just because Sam said anything that the poll was made. It was made because lots of people brought it up, including Sam.
You're absolutely right, Sam wasn't the only one who had a problem with the bracket, but he was the first one who identified the innate problem with it and brought it to the attention of the community.


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
Bracket Probably wouldnt have stayed the way it was without Corpse tbh, because whilst Corpse brought it up, everyone else was starting to feel the same way, and ended up agreeing with Corpse.

It's just Corpse is amazing and therefore spoke up first.

@pwnsweet: from the moment this thread started, I knew Corpse would do some good and was actually surprised that people were telling him he was wasting his time. I'm pretty sure he had fun trying, even if he didn't succeed, so definitely not time wasting at all. I like almost all the Perth people, but the way you are acting in this thread, and almost hiding behind your brothers acheivements is pretty tiresome =/
You may get angry or just frustrated at the way a lot of people shut-down Corpse's ideas and whatever, but, and I don't know Corpse as well as you (derp), but he seems like the kinda guy who really does not give a **** about that, sticks with what he's trying to do until it succeeds, and has a laugh to himself about how he is amazing, or fails, and idk, has a laugh to himself coz he probably learnt something in the process. So you really don't need to make the posts your making, boasting about how your brother is correct and that Perth is not **** or whatever. Pretty sure no-one hates Corpse, and he's respected. Not many other people in Perth are hated, and pretty sure all of the Perthians coming to RC will be welcome (dunno about you anymore, sorry lol).

If Easteners choose to hate on Perth on the boards, they gonna hate on Perth regardless of what you say, but won't be sore losers when Perth/Corpse win or whatever, and honestly because you are far away we don't know you guys very well, but honestly EC does not hate WC. Your posts aren't actually making anyone like Perth/Corpse more, just giving them an actual reason to dislike someone in Perth instead of just ******* around. I didn't dislike anyone in Perth before, but now I think you are silly.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
I don't remember anyone having a beef before this whole music thing came up.


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2008
Perth, Australia
stuff (I read it)
Splice, I just want what everyone else in Perth wants, and that is to be respected. We might appear to shrug off all the insults and hate as meaningless forum chatter, but it does go deeper than that. What is said on here is not disjointed from real life and deep down we're all sick of the Perth hate. I understand that it's easier to hate on Perth because we don't see each other in real life and it's easy to forget that there's a real person behind that forum avatar that wants to be respected but we are people like you. Like you're smash community we all look out for each other and when somebody abuses on a Perth smasher we feel it too - even more so when that person is also your brother. There's been a lot of harsh words thrown around here directed to both myself and my brothers and it's not right.


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
Splice, I just want what everyone else in Perth wants, and that is to be respected. We might appear to shrug off all the insults and hate as meaningless forum chatter, but it does go deeper than that. What is said on here is not disjointed from real life and deep down we're all sick of the Perth hate.

We are people like you. Like you're smash community we all look our for each other and when somebody abuses on a Perth smasher we feel it too - even more so when that person is also your brother. There's been a lot of harsh words thrown around here directed to both myself and my brothers and it's not right.
nah real communities are all for themselves, man up or leave

****in tak what a ******

also i thought perth people were not part of australia?

isnt perth that other country down south on that island below australia?

you guys are getting here by boat right?


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2008
Perth, Australia
I don't remember anyone having a beef before this whole music thing came up.
Look, regarding the music thing. It was just another suggestion. Another suggestion that we wanted to be heard. We presented the advantages to having music off and then laid it out on the table to be discussed. The problem was it wasn't discussed properly and the whole thing became a huge flame war.

I am convinced that the advantages to having music off outweigh the disadvantages (and yes, I did read all the comments in that thread and I am aware of all the points made during the counter arguments for having music off). Ultimately though, it's not my decision to make.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
People don't respect perth because you only have one good player (in brawl). Get better at stuff and you will be recognized as a whole instead of just one person.

*sigh* pwnsweet is clearly the atlas of Melbourne.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2010
People don't respect perth because you only have one good player (in brawl). Get better at stuff and you will be recognized as a whole instead of just one person.

*sigh* pwnsweet is clearly the atlas of Melbourne.
we had 3 top 8 players in squat, none of them were samuel.
at tempest our 5th pr'd player (perths only entrant) came 5th.

clearly we're not THAT bad


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Ughhhhhh it was in Qld.....'nuff said.

Though Nash is cool.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Australia, Perth
thats because I dont care :p I knew what I was doing wasnt a waste of time from the start so it didnt really matter if some people thought differently because it wasnt a matter of opinion. it was a good idea, regardless of who mentioned it.

And yes, Corpse = Sam :p


Smash Apprentice
Aug 12, 2010
Ughhhhhh it was in Qld.....'nuff said.

Though Nash is cool.
OOS attendance was pretty good at that tournament.
You cant say it counts for nothing just because you werent there.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Tibs is right Qld is well sigh...
We only have half the amount of good players compared to NSW, VIC.
Buuut Nash is pretty legit and after versing him i think he would place quite well in NSW and VIC top 10 at least.
That goes for Ric as well, both cool dudes anyhow.

Fuzz - No VIC attendance is NOT 'pretty good attendance'.
NSW attendance was ok but nothing else.

Wait what is this thread even about :S


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Dude at tempest, I think it was just Ted and EA (who isn't pr'ed?) that went from the south.

K look at this, at thriller Ted came 4 or 5th or something, at tempest he didn't even drop a game. Come to a tourny in Sydney or Melbourne, place well and then talk.


Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
People don't respect perth because you only have one good player (in brawl). Get better at stuff and you will be recognized as a whole instead of just one person.

*sigh* pwnsweet is clearly the atlas of Melbourne.
Don't you mean atlas of perth?

**** youre a ****in idiot you **** **** *** ****er tibs god ur ****


Banned via Warnings
Nov 24, 2008
Adelaide, Australia
Tibs, by that logic SA tourneys are more difficult than QLD's, lol.
ONLY because of OoS attendance, though.
We're terrible, sigh.


Smash Cadet
Apr 23, 2008
Perth, Australia
People don't respect perth because you only have one good player (in brawl).
When I said 'I want what all other Perth players want, respect' I wasn't talking about respect as a Brawl player, I was talking about respect as individuals. If I wanted respect as a Brawl player I would just link you to the thread of our last Perth tourny where I beat Gnasch 2-0. A lot of the hate and abuse that's directed at Perth is in the form of personal attacks. The respect we get based on how good we are at Brawl should take a backseat to the respect due to us as fellow gamers.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
Nova I don't understand how you got that :(

respect as a fellow gamer....mmm well we don't know you guys irl which makes it hard to respect someone straight from the some forum. Does that make sense? I'm not even sure lol.


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
Respect for being good at the game:

It's pretty hard to get respect even if you aren't from Perth lol...
Don't think it's just coz your from Perth...

It's coz we can't rate how you do in Perth for a start coz all we know from that is Corpse is the best and consistant at being the best.

And when you came to Tempest, you did ok, but the people you beat didn't necessarily get respect either.

Respect for being good at Brawl/Melee can be pretty hard even if you win a tourney sometimes lol.

Respect as a fellow gamer:
Didn't realise so many Perth people feel offended pwnsweet, I thought that on the occasions you guys have come out of state, we got on pretty well with you guys, and you understand that when people arent actually arguing over something due to conflicting opinions(like at the start of this thread...), that it's mostly jokes and there arent actual negative opinions (lack of a better word) towards you.

Can't talk more, gotta go to work O_O !!!!!!
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