SHOUTOUTS (to pracrastinate study

1: Corpsecreate - Again, proving too good for the rest

I was glad to hear that the new guys were as overwhelmed as I was about your skill

2: Ric ($31.50) - Good to see you get back into brawl so quickly

I lol'd at you playing Pit - couldn't believe it XD
3: Alzi ($10.50) - Nice work on the placing man!!! Really got that Toon Link rolling eh

Just make sure to keep it down during tourney matches - you were disturbing the other matches playing around you...
4: Quetz - Quetz, my hero - rep that tier!!! Awesomely close matches today (even friendlies)... Seems you have adjusted to the pace of Brawl now... I'll have my revenge on you next tourney :D
5: Hitler's Butler - Seems like you got a lot of good Tempest practice in... Gotta thank you for all the MU knowledge during this week as well man, really helped me today

5: Trill - "You won't 3-stock me" kinda came back to bite me in the arse huh

??? **** Lucas and his gimpability XD Still, next time I won't bother with the Lucas against you ^^ Props for being first one there btw XD
7: MT - Man, Lucas = awesome... Never change!!!
7: Hobobloke - DOU****A TORABU!!?!?!?!? The bottom half of the bracket was pretty **** so a bit unlucky there, but otherwise seems you did well

9: Myxamatosis - I'm still suspicious of you... half filled cup >.<
9: Master - **** Wolf :D Definitely underestimated you man, but you proved me wrong ^^ Stick with it, you'll be the new Sam XD
9: Muzga - Good games today man; had a bit of unfortunately mindlapse in the first game on Yoshi's Island... I saw you trying to play a bit more defensively in the first game which was a good change, you just gotta work a bit more on your defensive play...
9: Hoshikage - Good games in doubles man ^^ Caught you out a bit with the Diddy but you picked up the general tactic really quickly (unfortunately it was just a bit too late to do anything about it before the match was over

) Will definitely see you at future tournaments!!!
13: Baconfingers - Hilarious chats as always man, but you really gotta stop doing things to freak me out

13: Marteh - Sorry, I gotta say it: you got own'd hard in singles today... Doubles though, we freaking rawked it ^^ Loved the PKT madness, and back-throw to fair in Japes :D Practice more ^^
13: Niven - nice to finally meet you man! I didn't see you play but I heard you had some good matches against Trill... Hope you enjoyed your first tourney in a while, and hope to see you at future ones

13: Josh3 - omgwehadsomeawesomedoublesmatchestodaygoodonyouforstickingwithg-dubunfortunatelydiddyisalittleprickofamonkeythatisrelentlessagainsttwo-dimensionalfiguresbutotherwisewelldoneandihopetoseeyouatthenextone *breathe* stay game and watch, he's probably your best char IMO...
17: Mic_128 - FOURTEEN STOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!! Crew-battle MASTER!!!! I saw you play Pete - very close matches there so good on you for that ^^ See you at Supernova!!!
17: d'arty - Nice to meet you man, you got some good **** going on with Sonic ^^ Hope you weren't too overwhelmed by Sam's apparent godliness

Hope you guys stick with it and come along to future tourneys!!!
17: Bsrk_ - Bob, unlucky today man, just wasn't your day... Sorry for making you play Andre second round as well - was rough...
17: Soulphyr - Again, nice to meet you man - hope you got some good pokemon games going ^^ I didn't get to see your games but hopefully next tournament I'll get to - Kirby is pretty awesome XD
17: Gray Fox - Amazed at how well you played today as well, just like your brothers... Hopefully you'll stick with it and progress - I'm sure everyone wants to see just how good you'll become after a few tournaments ^^ (Marth's forward air attack is awesome!

EDIT: Also, Jesse actually dropped a game, while I won 2-0. So why not say 'Jesse: hahahaha master hahahahah.'?
Becauuuuuse I don't get baited that easily???