Marteh i would also like these files that allow such things_ Also need to show me how to exhange music files between stages_ Just recently made the effort to listen to the tracks in brawl and i have some ideas about some tracks that are missing the limelight_
I was going to say "Get NTSC Brawl" then I remember who gave me it lol :/
Anyway basically you need to get the "File Replacement Code 3.5.1", compile that with whatever other codes you want (suggest unrestricted camera, unlimited replay, tags in replay) then put that .Gct (It's what you just made) in your SD card under
As for music you can either download them or compile them yourself (I use BSCM-GUI...I think)
Once that put them under
then just name whatever you want to replace, find a list on the net such as if you want to replace the Final Destination music it would be
And as for buff use Code Manager to compile these codes
Unlimited Replay Recording Time
040ED354 60000000
Unrestricted pause camera [original Y.S., ported by Link]
040A9424 4E800020
0410B4E0 38800001
Yeah... lol