I have Uni, so won't be coming to Glenn's tournament... Sorry bro T.T
SHOOTOOTS!!!!!! (Also anyone know how to put Game and Watch's little icon thing in??? I've tried lots of stuff and can't seem to find the right one...)
1: Trill - Congrats on the win, even though you *****ed about your pool
Y'see, that's what I was doin' y'know, giving you a tough pool so you can get your game up to scratch for when the elimination phase comes along; you can thank me later ^^ Seriously though, WD and good luck for PR success!!!
2: Viral (a.k.a. Hobobloke) - **** DOUBLE BLINDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good work on second man ^^ Thanks for the help you gave with the TVs and advice on TO-ing, was really helpful ^^
3: Nasch ($8.00) - Obviously you weren't shaken enough by my psychological ploy to put you off your guard
GW on third, was actually gunning for you to win the tournament, so better luck next time ^^
4: Quetz - Peach getting fourth means I am happy with how the tournament panned out :D Well done, and thanks for the friendlies
I apologise for being so crap in doubles - I'm really not a doubles player unfortunately T.T
5: Pete278 - 5th...? FIFTH!!!!??? This could be the sign of the apocalypse, but I welcome it
Hopefully your success can be consistent so that I can draw some hope from it
5: Muzga - Didn't really get to see you play today in singles man, but I did hear you beats, and as distracting as they were it seemed like you were busting them in some sort of phat manner :D GW for dubs :D
7: Chewe - Epic end to our pools set - I tried to DI up to get a star KO as well but it didn't work xD Hope to play you more in future, our games so far have all been pretty fun
7: Bsrk_ - Nice friendlies eh, seems like you're getting a hang of the Lucas MU :D Respect to you guys for being first to the tournament after coming from Rockingham, much appreciated :D And 7th is a pretty good results, so well done on that :D
9: Bringer - I forgot how Yoshi's head could grow twice its size during smash attacks :D Nice work bringing back the dinosaur, hopefully you can get it up and shame some of the tier whores with us :D
9: Josh3 - Aaaaaand breathe :D You don't read the forums -.-"
9: Bible Basher (a.k.a. Baconfingers) - You did so well in pools man!!! WUT HAPPEN!?!?!
13: Dib (a.k.a. Dean) - You don't read the forums either
13: LuigiV - Ditto
13: Dead Thumb (a.k.a. Mic_128) - Didn't get to see you play today either man, but AFAIK Japanese brawl was yours, so domo arigato mr. micato :D
13: Kittan (a.k.a. Marteh) - Hope you enjoyed your birthday, and the chicken sandwich :D It's odd because you aren't a bad player, you just keep getting ***** in the brackets T.T You'll do better next time man!!!
To Sean, Adam, Jon and Tom - You guys suck.
Bracket Images: