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Volt Tackle Videos: Replay Archive + Critique Thread


Smash Ace
May 11, 2007
The Sticks, Nova Scotia, Canada
From "Bring Ya Kids, Bring Ya Wife"

Pool Matches:
Vs Atila :popo: :dk: R1 R2
Vs Drast :kirby: R1 R2
Vs Raziek :marth: R1 R2 (Peach is used here.)

Winners Round 2:
Vs Croi :wario: R1 R2 R3

Winners Finals:
Vs Raziek :marth: R1 R2 R3 R4
(The winners finals are in the correct order as I have labelled them here. They were not labelled correctly when they were uploaded to youtube. I wouldn't have CP'd PS2, lol. Although it seems like it worked out okay.)

Grand Finals:
Set 1:
Vs Raziek :marth: R1 R2 R3 R4

Set 2:
Vs Raziek :marth: R1 R2 R3 R4


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Syko, after watching you vs Raziek:

Good job! Your play vs Marth is reminiscent of mine a few months ago. You have those F-smashes down pat, but you should also mix up some U-smashes when he is landing.

You have a nasty roll habit...stop that. Pikachu's roll isn't even good. You also throw out a lot of random thunders that don't even do anything. He would have to go out of his way to go into it, which is never going to happen. A good use for thunder is after you get hit, you uair and thunder to give you a wall so that you can't get followed up.

Good **** though, your play is very solid. Get better on Norfair. The center is the most important. If you control the center, you win, especially with Marth's ****ty aerial approaches.

A little tip for you vs Wario. When you get him in the air and he is landing somewhere near you (Like falling with a nair/dair) Boost pivot grab. It is amazing vs Wario and I definitely got a good 6-7 grabs in my set vs CO18 by going like D-throw nair, move forward and fastfall, boost pivot grab since he tried to attack. It is really REALLY good.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2007
The Sticks, Nova Scotia, Canada
Syko, after watching you vs Raziek:

Good job! Your play vs Marth is reminiscent of mine a few months ago. You have those F-smashes down pat, but you should also mix up some U-smashes when he is landing.

You have a nasty roll habit...stop that. Pikachu's roll isn't even good. You also throw out a lot of random thunders that don't even do anything. He would have to go out of his way to go into it, which is never going to happen. A good use for thunder is after you get hit, you uair and thunder to give you a wall so that you can't get followed up.

Good **** though, your play is very solid. Get better on Norfair. The center is the most important. If you control the center, you win, especially with Marth's ****ty aerial approaches.

A little tip for you vs Wario. When you get him in the air and he is landing somewhere near you (Like falling with a nair/dair) Boost pivot grab. It is amazing vs Wario and I definitely got a good 6-7 grabs in my set vs CO18 by going like D-throw nair, move forward and fastfall, boost pivot grab since he tried to attack. It is really REALLY good.
What's the advantage to using upsmash over Fsmash when they are landing?

I've never seen anyone successfully using a boost pivot grab. Do you mean you run past the wario and do that? (While he's falling). And if you fast fall a nair, you get the ending lag on it. That's not faster than just waiting for the landing, is it?

Center platform on Norfair makes sense.

Thanks for the helpful comments!


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Well So you don't stale your U-smash/you can get more reads.

yes that is what I mean with the wario grab, it is so good. I should have a video of me vs CO18 where I do it a lot (I think I saved it) uploaded today or tomorrow.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
The one good use for pikas pivot grab I've seen you use, ESAM was vs some Wario on the platform on BF. Setting up the CG. I have since been using it. I think the video is relatively old though. I forget who the wario was. Might have been Seibrik or something.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Probably Seibrik. I've been using Pivot grabs more, they are pretty good. It can help you get the dumb CG on MK on the very edge of things.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Vs MK.

You T-jolt when he is too close to you. You grabbed him at 22% and B-threw him. YOu should've D-throw d-throw naired him. You missed a u-smash punish when d-throw nair still would've worked. SImple punishes, they don't all have to be smash attacks. You threw out a completely unnecessary thunder and you got SL'd for it. Again, watch the T-jolts. You QA quite predictably, the MK didn't even pressure you and you went right in front of him. When you are in the corner, don't Skull Bash since it moves you up, It killed you first stock. If you barely have time for a punish behind you, u-tilt. It is faster than D-smash (5 to 6 I think). It also does more damage unless all D-smash hits, and it puts them in a better position for you. So...when you are far away you don't jolt, but when you are in a dash distance you jolt...I don't get it. Stop going off level with Dairs. It isn't safe and it isn't even good. Don't aggressively edgeguard MK, just shoot jolts and b-reverse thunders. The bigger part of hitting MK when he is hit off the level is ledge pressuring, not edgeguarding. Again, super predictable QA on his shield.

That was first 3 minutes and then I remembered why I hate critiquing. It is hard to critique people when I see (no offense) a lot of things going wrong. I don't know what to comment on or say "Get better at X".


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2006
Jacksonville, NC
But Esam, isn't that how you get better? Are you saying that it is hard to critique people because there is so much for them to improve on or because you think they may not be able to fix or understand what you're telling them about? Looking at your above paragraph, it seems that you've already written some useful information and habits that other pikas can watch for.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
But I mean his playstyle in general was wrong, in my opinion. He wasn't doing a lot of things I would....so I'm critiquing him on his wrong options with his wrong playstyle? It becomes...tedious and it doesn't ultimately help. So he plays better bad style, which is still bad.


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
then what about my playstyle itself is bad if it is bad? thanks for critiquing though i didnt expect you to do so LOL
-You don't camp properly (aka knowing when t jolt is safe/smart to use)

-You don't punish with tilts (for instance at the beginning you didn't punish him out of nado lag with d tilt which couldve led to a grab/cg but instead d smashed).

-You don't use guaranteed % (aka f throw-> up smash or the d throw cg-> Nair)

-You use the wrong attack.... a lot. For instance you'll try to t jolt him when he's Dair camping higher than your full hop height. Use Uair instead. That's just one example, there's plenty others throughout.

-Your recovery choices are mediocre. You lost your first stock because you wanted to get back on stage so bad that you ignored the fact that a single straight quick attack would have let you grab the ledge. Focus more on avoiding mk and his hitboxes when recovering, you don't want to eat a shuttle loop or Dair.

-You throw out a lot of unsafe attacks as ESAM pointed out, specifically fast fall Dairing off stage.

-You overestimate buffered dash-> up smash's range and fall short a lot

-You overestimate quick attack in general and quick attack through him way too much. It's not an approach, it's a surprise tactic and I'm surprised he didn't punish it more.

-You don't thunder properly when he's off stage. Either learn to wavebounce it (it takes like a day or two of practice but it's really not that hard) or double jump so that you get back on stage

-You need to think quicker. He down B'd right next to you (his mistake) and not only did you not shield but you punished it with d smash when f smash would've gotten you the kill (hell even up smash ->thunder wouldve gotten you the kill).

-Down smash in general seems to be your panic move (and you panic quite frequently based on this match). It's really easy to punish when they see it coming

-You always try to QA back on stage.... always. Stop that. Mix it up and actually pay attention to what he is doing.

-You don't know when to use QA or skull bash when recoverying

VM/PM me if you want anything more detailed. I hope I didn't come off as mean or anything, I just wanna help xD

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
thank you guys. ill try to hit you up on aim sometime esam

also i never take offense at harsh critiques because im frankly an upper mid level player and i have a lot to improve on, so have at it :O


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Metatitan basically covered it.

You need to SH dair more. **** is so good.

Writing MU **** takes so long @_@


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2008
Six Feet Under
SH Dair is your best tool to counter down tilt (and the first swing of forward tilt) when you predict it. It's also a good hitbox to have out since it lasts awhile, you have good control over pikachu's positioning when it ends, and it can't be SDI'd like Fair. It's also pretty good OoS since it eats up spotdodges.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Almost anything can be SDI'd, including dair. It's not only for multihit moves. =X But I get what you're saying.


Smarter than your average wabbit.
Dec 9, 2008
Philadelphia, PA
Hehe yeah, I knew that's what you meant, but the Labbie in me couldn't let it slide. ;____; Carry on~


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Hellow !
I've got some matches of my last tournament in France '_'

Pika vs Falco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnbv_K2qqOI
Pika vs Jiggs '_' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5x2jyooU8o
Could you guys critique these? This will be nice :D
(sorry for poor english o: )
You do realize you can down throw chaingrab falco to ~100% WITH a nair followup right? It works starting at 19%, which you can forward throw him twice to reach. It makes the Falco matchup WAY easier. You grab him multiple times and just fthrow him to the edge of the stage. I'll critique more later. But really that's HUGE and if you utilize that you should be fine vs Falco since you didn't seem that bad otherwise. Nice read on the airdodge for the skullbash on lylat by the way.

I avoided abbreviations, as I assume your english isn't so great if you were worried about it. (It seems fine by me though)

EDIT: MAKE SURE YOU BUFFER THE DOWN THROWS! Ask if you are unsure as to how to do that.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Hinesville, Georgia
You do realize you can down throw chaingrab falco to ~100% WITH a nair followup right? It works starting at 19%, which you can forward throw him twice to reach. It makes the Falco matchup WAY easier. You grab him multiple times and just fthrow him to the edge of the stage. I'll critique more later. But really that's HUGE and if you utilize that you should be fine vs Falco since you didn't seem that bad otherwise. Nice read on the airdodge for the skullbash on lylat by the way.

I avoided abbreviations, as I assume your english isn't so great if you were worried about it. (It seems fine by me though)

EDIT: MAKE SURE YOU BUFFER THE DOWN THROWS! Ask if you are unsure as to how to do that.
Actually from the looks of it what he did at the beginning with grab could have gimped falco but nair was too late I would critique but its not the weekened.


Smash Legend
Mar 21, 2008
Just follow the grime...
Actually from the looks of it what he did at the beginning with grab could have gimped falco but nair was too late I would critique but its not the weekened.

the first grab he couldn't have CG'd that high, I'm aware of that. Keep watching the vid though... He gets plenty of grabs at CG'able percents.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Hinesville, Georgia
Hellow !
I've got some matches of my last tournament in France '_'

Pika vs Falco http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnbv_K2qqOI
Pika vs Jiggs '_' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U5x2jyooU8o
Could you guys critique these? This will be nice :D
(sorry for poor english o: )
Some of your nairs were not needed. Why not use bair for some of your followups to keep nair fresh at mid high or higher percents?

Yea roller right you should just go for the cg to a 100%. You were able to do it it like in all your grabs. Most were in the right place and falco's percentage was in the 20s...but i like the fthrow to skull bash i lold.

Don't use thunder so much vs falco unless its the usual utilt/usmash<thunder.

You have no clue when to use dsmash do you?

Work on buffering. Your messing up a couple of followups. Give the cpu a reunion once in awhile if you cant play any1 atm.

Alot of tjolts were messed up...

You can't just run up and usmash lol

Yea...although you can crouch-walk his laers you still need to be careful.

Your trying too hard for the grab. Like the other pikas have said in many critiques it should come naturally.

Don't use qac so much. A laser or bair or fsmash could easily get you.

Make sure you react quickly to jab trips.

If you ever fin yourself tech chasing its better to trust your instinct instead of waiting to see what hes gonna do.

Anything after uair that isnt nair at low percents on falco WILL NOT WORK.

Sorry I wouldn't critique you against jiggz sense I haven't really played a jiggz before.


Smash Legend
Feb 17, 2008
Hey, you won with what you did so if you don't wanna change that is fine by me.

Also, me vs CO18 was apparently not saved...which sucks.


Captain L

Smash Champion
Aug 15, 2009
Sorry for the double post but I have some old-yet-recently-uploaded doubles videos for you all! This is from the tournament I teamed with Alphicans.

with Alphicans :gw: / :metaknight: vs Blue Yoshi :gw: and Karupin :metaknight: / :kirby2:
R1+R2+R3 $$$

with Alphicans :gw: / :metaknight: vs Asa :olimar: + Cheezeman :zerosuitsamus:
R1+R2+R3 $$$

Apparently the end of game three was the "Saltiest footstool ever" I think. Or maybe that came later in the tournament, but there was definitely a salty footstool.

In other news, Pikachu almost has a wall of pain.

with Alphicans :gw: vs Firefly :yoshi2: + Breez :metaknight:
R1+R2+R3 $$$

This was winners finals, I think it went to game 5 but 2 weren't recorded. I know our last loss was on delfino. Grand finals were also saved but haven't quite been recorded yet, I'll edit them in once they're up.

I think the name for the combo at the end of match one is officially "Pikachu gave head until Game&Watch came buckets!" named by KillLock

Also, here's some friendlies where I teamed with Asa.

with Asa :olimar: vs Crimson Feint :diddy: + Deap :metaknight:

Also I don't really want a critique on these, but if somebody is willing to give me doubles advice I won't turn it down. I'd just rather have the singles matches critiqued. :)


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Hinesville, Georgia
Sry for not critiquing before...war between brick n rizk threw off people I guess...

Still if you want it here it comes.

Yea... just dsashing up to some n usmashin doesnt really work.

Cg starts at 10% and edgeguarding mk will not happen.

You messed up recovering a few times. Be unpredictable also.

You spotdodge too much n your pshields have been spotdodge instead of instant punish.

Beware of following behind mk's glide or up b! BEWARE!...

Soooooo many up bs by that mk PUNISH!

Some moves were not to be used such as some fsmash n nairs.

Work on punishing n reading mk's attacks.:glare:

Nado...check out ESAM's new thread!

Your fishing for grabs l8r on in the set.

Those fsmashes! lol

You stayed on floor too long...

You mess up on your buffers too.

Sorry never won in my life against yoshi not even against a cpu.=(


Smash Ace
May 11, 2007
The Sticks, Nova Scotia, Canada
Sorry for the double post but I have some old-yet-recently-uploaded doubles videos for you all! This is from the tournament I teamed with Alphicans.

with Alphicans :gw: / :metaknight: vs Blue Yoshi :gw: and Karupin :metaknight: / :kirby2:
R1+R2+R3 $$$

with Alphicans :gw: / :metaknight: vs Asa :olimar: + Cheezeman :zerosuitsamus:
R1+R2+R3 $$$

Apparently the end of game three was the "Saltiest footstool ever" I think. Or maybe that came later in the tournament, but there was definitely a salty footstool.

In other news, Pikachu almost has a wall of pain.

with Alphicans :gw: vs Firefly :yoshi2: + Breez :metaknight:
R1+R2+R3 $$$

This was winners finals, I think it went to game 5 but 2 weren't recorded. I know our last loss was on delfino. Grand finals were also saved but haven't quite been recorded yet, I'll edit them in once they're up.

I think the name for the combo at the end of match one is officially "Pikachu gave head until Game&Watch came buckets!" named by KillLock

Also, here's some friendlies where I teamed with Asa.

with Asa :olimar: vs Crimson Feint :diddy: + Deap :metaknight:

Also I don't really want a critique on these, but if somebody is willing to give me doubles advice I won't turn it down. I'd just rather have the singles matches critiqued. :)
Anytime you see G&W fly way up above, if he survives, it would be a good idea to have him just hold the bucket out for you to get one thunder in. Unless of course you're at killing % from an air move like wario's stupid upair.

vs Breez :metaknight:


my two losses weren't recorded... it was a best of 5 with frigate being game 5. I wouldn't mind a critique.

Two things I like about the smashville game. 1, I platform canceled a lot. 2, the music randomly interrupts right when I got footstooled out of the chain grab.
D-throw chain shouldn't work on mk at 0%. Usually you wanna F-throw to upsmash at 0%. Then that puts him at about the proper % for a D-throw chain. You can keep regrabing until he gets to about 42%. Anywhere above that and you should follow up with a nair.

First video @7:04 Every time MK is gliding, use awkward bair. That thing is great. It should always clash, and then usually they'll get hit if you're aiming properly.

First video @8:10 Thunder

The F-smashes on his tornado were nice. F-smash on MK's shield doesn't work though. If he doesn't slip off an edge, he can dash grab you.

Use more dtilt at low %s. It's really nice for spacing, and it's pretty quick. I like to use it after I miss a sh'd fair. Plus, at low %s you can usually get a grab from it.
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