ok so I didnt watch the vid because I cant at work so if what I'm saying is wrong ignore me or call me a ****** or whatever but here goes...
what your describing tibs, sounds just like how ted's wario plays, and I really hope I'm wrong because that shouldnt be banned and sounds like an easy way out when you could just learn how to combat it.
lets have a look at what air camping/stalling really is...
scenario 1, diddy V jiggs, jiggs gets a percentage lead on diddy and then starts using inifite rising pounds to stay out of the top of the screen or at least further away then diddy can jump, and times the match out. Now this is whats called "air stalling" which is "being in a place that is unreachable or untouchable" and is banned. A similar scenario would be with MK's Infinite cape glitch.
verdict: banned
Scenario 2, Wario V snake, ok I'm sure you guys remember my match against DMG no? pretty much all he did was jump around and use bike to avoid me and I couldnt hit him, however was he at any point out of my range or unreachable? NO, was he at any point untouchable? NO.
its just dodging around someone at close range and moving around them and what not, its A hard tactic to beat, and it can be a little cheap, but its not broken and its not ban worthy.
Verdict: not banned.
"@dekar: yeah if you heard about genesis. forget who played though it was a GnW vs falco and all the GnW did was jump up and down, up and down and i think the decision was firstly made to dq him but it was reversed after further review, shaya will tell you bout it."
theres a reason why that decision was reversed, and I think it was the falco that just laser camped, not the GnW, but I really cant remember...
staying in the air to avoid diddy's banana game is one way to fight diddy (theres more then one way) and just because m2k doesnt do it, doesnt mean its wrong.
planking is an entirly different thing altogether, and if thats what you were talking about then I appologize for misunderstanding, but planking and air camping are different.
oh and trying to ban jumping from platform to platform is stupid