Dekar: I did as much work in running the brackets as you did =P. Good tourney though, it was more relaxed then the ranbats which was a unique change
Cao: Wubs <3 You're pretty much the best type of warm up opponent before a tourney, starts off really relaxed and fun but gets slightly more serious after each match lol
Unlucky: Good to hang out with you again, I guess you won't be coming to play smash much anymore hey due to moving, anyway have fun in the middle of nowhere =/
Joey: Easily one of the best people to hang out with considering you do such funny **** rofl. Come on IRC mannnnnnnn =D
Toshi: Good matches =) Man your fox is too fast and I can't keep up, need to learn to not think when I play and just do stuff like you.
Ted: Cool guy, I was glad you didn't judge me by my posts at least. That one melee match with you was fun, I want to play you more at RC for sure =) As for Brawl all I can say is...... lolol unpredictable snake >=D
Attila: <3 I didn't get to play you in melee =/ but it was great seeing you again =)
Tibs: I want to play you again bro, apparently your fox has improved heaps and I want to see =)
Plasia: I think if you applied more patience to your games, learnt how to both deal with shield pressure and used safer moves (aka no random f-smashes) you could get heaps better hey.
Earl: One of the only players where I really have to work at getting in, your spacing is great and you are extremely patient. The only problem is that you became easy to read with spacing because it's the same thing over and over after a while, learning to mixup your style would help I think (I'm trying to help, no hate =))
Timic: My 100% win ratio is still intact for tourneys =P, stop doing random **** man. Your grabs are good now though and it really does hurt when they aren't split up
New people: The only advice I have for you is stick to the one character, two max. Also try watch matches on youtube to see what moves you should be using and what ones are no good, when you pick on come up and ask if you see one of us using them and we'll be glad to give you advice =)